The Synergy Project Magazine - October 2020

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pheromones affect the behavior

of all the other bees in the hive. It

certainly is not an overstatement

to say that a queen bee is a strong


Step back for a moment and

take a wider view of the beehive.

There are tens of thousands of

worker bees, guard bees, and

nurse bees making sure the hive

can run as usual. Without worker

bees, the hive would starve.

Without nurses, there would be no

young to keep the beehive thriving

for years. If none of the workers

would guard the hive, wasps

or ants would ravage the hive’s

honey stores. The queen bee is not

running the beehive alone.

While she is called a queen, all

parts of a beehive must function

together for the hive to survive. She

might be the most powerful bee in

the hive, but that does not mean

she is the only bee in the hive, or

even that she does everything by

herself. The entire beehive forms a

community that works together for

the good of all.

Insects such as bees do survive

by instinct. They are not making

a conscious decision to help each

other out. Even so, there is a

stark contrast between the idea

of independence in U.S. culture

and in a beehive. People do have

the ability to be independent and

survive, but sometimes cultural

emphasis may take this idea a little

too far.

Reliance on a community does

not have to mean that somebody is

not powerful or insufficient. Rather,

a secure support network can be a

tool to help every member of the

community survive. A powerful

person does not have to push away

their community. One can be both

unconstrained and communityoriented,

much like a queen bee.

The beauty of culture is that it

is, to some degree, fluid. Culture is

not set in one spot with traditions

that may never be changed.

People have the power to mold

and change culture through the

decisions they make and actions

they take. Independence can be a

wonderful thing, but forgetting the

importance of community is not.

In this season of COVID-19,

it is more relevant than ever

to recognize the importance of

a community network. While

cultural emphasis may portray

independence as the ideal, there is

nothing wrong with finding support

from others. Be there for others

and let them be there for you - it’s a

lesson from the beehive.

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