LMR September 2020

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flowing again by opening up the economy as quickly

and as safely as possible. In the meantime, Congress

is currently debating further assistance to state and

local governments, but we must ensure that any future

funding is targeted so that taxpayer dollars are not used

to bail out certain states for their decades of poor fiscal


Congressman Garret Graves (R) District 6

“When things are working the way they’re supposed

to, local government survives and thrives in proportion

to the surviving and thriving of the people it serves.

If anything is clear six months into a pandemic, it’s

this: things are not working the way they’re supposed

to. From the federal perspective, the most effective,

long-term support the federal government can deliver

to municipalities is policies that encourage safe and

productive economic activity. With that as the primary

objective of federal policymaking, circumstances

may also require the federal government to step in in

more substantial ways. And Congress has been doing

that, passing multiple pieces of legislation providing

direct, boots-on-the-ground assistance. Passage of the

CARES Act in March, for example, delivered federal

relief and recovery to health care workers, individuals

and families, and job creators in Louisiana and helped

stabilize our local economies and communities.”

“This crisis has dragged on much longer than any

of us anticipated, and the federal response must

continue to be multi-faceted and dynamic. Yet, even in

Dual Officeholding

these unprecedented times, local figures remain best

suited to determine the pandemic’s impact in their

communities and to put the appropriate mitigation

and other strategies in place to protect the health and

well-being of its people and its future. I’ll continue to

push for policies that help make that happen. That’s

why I recently introduced bipartisan legislation in the

House of Representatives that would empower local

business owners to safely reopen without having to

fear a frivolous COVID-19 lawsuit. Our bill protects job

creators who take follow safety and other guidelines

to prevent the spread of the virus so that they can

re-open and help restart local economies. Most

importantly, our legislation is the result of ongoing

dialogue we’ve had with local officials and small

business owners like you and is just one example of the

kind of policies needed as we move forward – but it’s

not enough. More needs to be done, and I look forward

to continuing to hear from you.”

We encourage our members to stay engaged on

federal issues that impact Louisiana, and your local

community. Please reach out to your congressman and

senators and let them know the needs of the locals are

important to Louisiana’s success. A strong partnership

between local and federal leaders is what is needed to

move us forward. We greatly appreciated the time each

congressional member has given to this association

and their continued support of local government.

Attorney General’s Opinions


Prohibited Donations

Opinion: 20-0084 The Abbeville Housing

Authority may pay its general counsel

a monthly flat-fee retainer if such fee

does not violate La. Const. art. VII, § 14.

Released: 8/3/2020

Opinion: 20-0040 The provisions of the Dual Officeholding and

Dual Employment Law do not prohibit a full-time employee of

the Iberville Parish Department of Public Works from serving as

a contract employee of the Iberville Parish Parks and Recreation

District. Released: 8/4/2020

Local Government Budget Act

Opinion: 20-0004 A mayor and board of aldermen of a Lawrason

Act municipality may not alter the amount appropriated

to the police department in a previously adopted municipal

budget except by amending the budget in accordance with

the provisions of the Local Government Budget Act. Released:


Open Meetings

Opinion: 20-0098 The Open Meetings Law does not prohibit

members of a public body from attending open public meetings

as citizens. Released: 8/19/2020

Civil Liability

Opinion: 20-0108 La. R.S. 17:439.1 and La. R.S. 9:2800.25 provide

immunity from civil liability for COVID-19 claims under certain

circumstances. Released: 9/4/2020


Opinion: 20-0104 A voter who is diagnosed with COVID-19 or

is subject to a quarantine order while awaiting a COVID-19

diagnosis would qualify to vote absentee so long as a medical

professional certifies that the voter is disabled. Released:


LMR | SEPTEMBER 2020 Page 11

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