LMR September 2020

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LMA’s Strong Congressional Partnership


The Louisiana Municipal Association

prides itself on well-built

relationships with our congressional

delegation. Throughout the

year, LMA stays in constant contact

with the members and their staff

ensuring ways we can support

each other as it pertains to

local issues. The senators and

congressmen show continuous

support of our association by attending and addressing

our membership at the LMA Annual Mid-Winter

Conference and the LMA Annual Convention. This gives

LMA members a great advantage by hearing updates

directly from the federal level as well as building

relationships in person.

Each year, the congressional delegation welcomes LMA

members with open arms as we attend meetings and

receptions in Washington D.C. in conjunction with

the NLC Congressional City Conference. During these

visits, we engage the delegation and their staff about

the needs of our members as it relates to the success

of our communities. The ability to have face time with

the senators, congressmen, and the congressional

staff reinforces LMA’s relations on the federal level as

well as our members. Successful relationships bring

additional benefits to our membership. This past year,

U.S. Congressman Garret Graves took LMA members

on a private night tour to see iconic and historic rooms

of the United States Capitol including the Statuary Hall,

Rotunda, and House Chamber. A highlight of the evening

was standing out on the Speaker’s Balcony overseeing

Capitol Hill. The same balcony where Presidents, Popes

and other monumental leaders have stood. Over the last

several months, LMA’s close partnership in Washington

has proven to be a huge asset for our members.

2020 has already shaped up to be a challenging year for

local government. Louisiana’s cities, towns, and villages

have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. During

this crucial time, our congressional delegation has been

fighting to secure funds for local government and our

communities from lost revenues. Congress passed

a key piece of legislation regarding the pandemic.

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security

(CARES) Act provided payments to state and local

governments and to help them navigate the impact of

the COVID-19 outbreak on their communities. Senator

Bill Cassidy helped introduce the State and Municipal

Aid for Recovery and Transition Act (SMART), which

has not passed in the Senate as of now. Protecting

essential municipal employees from being laid off is

a key component of the SMART Act. Police officers,

firefighters, teachers, sanitation workers and other

municipal personnel are essential to our communities.

Senator John Kennedy’s Coronavirus Relief Fund

Flexibility for State and Local Government Act has been

included in the Senate’s coronavirus relief package.

The bill would give state and local governments more

flexibility as they use funds provided by the Coronavirus

Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

The Coronavirus Relief Fund Flexibility for State and

Local Government Act would allow states and local

governments to use CARES Act funding for operating

expenses unrelated to the coronavirus. This bill does

not allow officials to spend this CARES Act money

on shoring up their pension funds. The CARES Act

established the $150 billion Coronavirus Relief Fund,

which has provided payments to state, local and tribal

governments to help them respond to the coronavirus

pandemic. Every state received at least $1.25 billion from

this allocation.

Municipal budgets are being depleted and this funding

is vital to sustain local government. The Louisiana

delegation played a crucial role and took the lead back

home to ensure that local government’s needs are a top

priority. LMA is continuing to assist the congressional

delegation to alleviate the hardships felt by our members

during this pandemic. LMA and our members are urging

Congress for direct funding to help offset diminished tax


Negotiations are currently at a standstill between the

House and Senate leadership over the HEROES Act

passed by the House of Representatives in the House

and the recently introduced Senate HEALS Act. A key

disagreement is whether to provide direct funding to

states and local governments to help offset diminished

revenues to address continued COVID-19 efforts. Efforts

to use flexibility in the use of CARES Act funds similar

to the Kennedy bill have been floated by the Senate

leadership as a compromise, however it likely will not

benefit Louisiana municipalities, as the $525 million in

CARES Act funds appropriated to local governments will

likely be used. The LMA and National League of Cities

held a virtual press conference August 19 featuring four

Louisiana Mayors: Ronny Walker of Ruston, David C.

Butler of Woodworth, Nic Hunter of Lake Charles and

Ben Zahn of Kenner. The mayors discussed employment,

small business, and infrastructure challenges their

LMR | SEPTEMBER 2020 Page 9

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