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WEEK 6, 27.03.18


Aarseth, Espen. “Allegories of Space”, in Borries, Friedrich von, Steffen P.

Walz, and Matthias Böttger. Space Time Play: Computer Games, Architecture

and Urbanism: The Next Level . Springer Science & Business Media, 2007,

pp. 44 - 47.

Boyer, Christine. “Imaging the City in the Age of Electronic

Communication”, in Cybercities , New York: Princeton Architectural

Press, 1996, pp. 137 - 182.


Christine Boyer, in her essay Imaging the City in the Age of Electronic

Communication, sets out conditions which she sees coming into

conflict in the contemporary city, that of the physical city and the

image and imageability of the city:


1. Christine Boyer. “Imaging the City in the Age of Electronic Communication”, in Cybercities,

(New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1996), p.151

2. “The City, Space and Technology”, Discussion from Seminar, led by Dr. Hanna Cannon

(Edinburgh, 30.01.2018)


In the end, this flood of images of the city fails to offer the

spectator a stable sense of physical reality, because public space

appears impermeant and nondescript within the persistent flow of

information. Thus perception of the physical city begins to shift. We

divert our eyes to protect ourselves from the tyranny of constant

visualisation. Our sense of sight is dulled by this hyper-imageability

that makes everything appear familiar and already known. And

the reliance on stereotypical images erases the complexity and

nuances of the physical form of the lived city. Escape into the visual

excess that images can provide also distorts or disguises traumatic

material that the public may wish to deny. 1

Boyer points out the peculiar situation which is created when the image

eclipses our reading of physical space of the city. 2 She notes that we rely

on fixed way-markers in space in order to orientate and navigate space

in the city . Our familiarity with the way-markers of the city is

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