Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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great majority of humanity.

A very tiny percentage of people will find themselves at either extreme of the

scale, feeling not just more comfortable there, but profoundly uncomfortable

with the mere thought of being anywhere else. That isn’t to say that they can’t

function in roles outside of their core D/s orientation; just that doing so brings

them no sense of joy or fulfillment. For some, working or living counter to their

core D/s orientation brings them a great deal of emotional stress and makes them

want to escape to their inner happy place all the more. So, how does one spot

the “true Dominant” in a world where people often change their roles the way

we change our socks? The answer lies in that emotional stress and happy place.

Everyone experiences stress. It’s an integral part of life, and completely

unavoidable. In many ways, we are defined by how we handle that stress and by

how we process it. Imagine the difference between how you might expect an

optimist to handle stress, versus how you might expect a pessimist to handle the

same stressful situation. Imagine further how surprised you might be if a good

friend, who always seemed cheerful and optimistic on the surface, inexplicably

shifts into “doom and gloom” mode whenever the crapola hits the fan. Does

that sound like anyone you know? If so, then you’ve experienced first-hand the

phenomenon we’re talking about.

Your friend operates one way on the surface, when things are going the way they

should, and another way below the surface, when things aren’t going quite so

well. While we may sometimes refer to this as seeing someone “freak out,” in

reality, what you’re seeing is simply a case of someone reverting to type. At a

certain point, under extreme duress, a person no longer cares what anyone thinks

and they abandon their carefully crafted façade and fall back upon their core

coping strategy. Sometimes that core personality characteristic is in sync with

their public persona and sometimes it isn’t. Frankly, being in sync isn’t really all

that important to our purposes. My sole purpose in calling your attention to it is

so you can apply what we’ll call the First Commandment of D/s Relationships:

Know Thyself.

Knowing yourself is the singularly most important thing you must accomplish

before even considering entering into a D/s relationship or adopting a BDSM

lifestyle. Again, let me be clear about this. There is a huge difference between

the BDSM activities that are a casual part of the Saturday night kink that spices

up your sex life, versus entering into a D/s relationship or adopting it as a way of

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