Mural Booklet

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The goal St. Norbert had in mind in instituting his order was to unite

to the practices of piety and penance with the duties of the care of

souls. Of both forms of religious life, the contemplative and the

active, Norbert was an exemplary model. He spent hours in prayer and

a considerable amount of time ministering to the needs of others. His

practice of penance was severe beyond expression. To these acts of

personal sanctification he joined the work of an apostolic life.

Norbert’s mode of life at Prémontré gave the impression that he was

less the founder of an order than one wishful to bring the canonical

order of life back to its primitive fervor. He urged that the shepherds

of souls should labor at their personal sanctification, thus securing for

themselves the esteem so necessary for the success of their labors, as

well as the fulfillment of the duties of their sacred ministry. He felt

that these goals could best be fulfilled by clerics living together in

common, under a common rule, and according to the evangelical vows

of poverty, chastity, and obedience.

The rule of St. Augustine

answered admirably to Norbert’s

requirements. In answer to the

prayers of his brethren, St. Augustine

appeared to him. Extending

his right hand, he offered a

copy of his rule and said:

“I am Augustine, Bishop of

Hippo, this is the rule I have

written. If your brethren fight

the good fight under its guidance,

they will be able to appear

without fear at the tribunal of

divine justice on the last day.”

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