Life December 2020

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like no other

• Did Jesus social distance?

• Our Christmas Events

• Wake up and smell the Coffee!

• Fit-Out Update

Did Jesus social distance ?

When Jesus was entertained in the home of a tax

collector, when he touched the leper, when he

asked the Samaritan woman for a drink, he broke

the conventions of his day.

He bridged all divides, crossed all boundaries and

smashed all taboos.

If that’s the case, what would Jesus do today in

a world of Covid 19? Would he socially distance?

Would he wear a mask? Would he visit a Care

Home? Would he use hand sanitiser? Would he

keep two metres apart? I think the answer to all

those questions, strange though it sounds, is

probably, yes, he would.

For each of them is an expression of the primary

motivation of Christ’s life - to reveal the love of

God to a broken world. So it’s love that both wears

a mask, washes hands, visits the vulnerable and

yet remains at a safe distance.

In this extraordinary time of pandemic, as

disciples of Jesus, we are called to practice

the meaning of sacrificial, selfless love. And

Christmas is an especially relevant time for that.

For there is a bigger picture. The one drawn by the

truth of the incarnation which we celebrate over

the coming weeks. In order to save the world from

its brokenness, Jesus left the glory of heaven. By

entering His creation, the divine Son spanned the

greatest distance of them all.

More than that. Jesus, the morally perfect Son

of God went to the cross to bear the sin-virus

of humanity. By his cross and resurrection he

produced a once -for- all vaccine over death.

So as we find creative, compassionate ways to

celebrate this socially distanced Christmas like no

other, there is good news of great joy for all the


Peter Baker | Senior Minister


like no other

3 December 8pm - Advent Prayer Central – Zoom

13 December 10:30am - Christmas Service with a feature from

Lansdowne Kids and Lansdowne Youth

20 December 10:30am - Carol Service

25 December 8:00am Christmas day devotional on YouTube

10:30am - Christmas Day Celebration - Zoom

27 December 10:30am -‘An Unexpected Year!’ - 2020 Reflections - Zoom

31 December 8pm – New Year’s Eve Prayer, including Communion - Zoom

3 January 10:30am - Motto Sunday

As we approach the Christmas Season,

uncertainty still surrounds the way

in which we will be able to spend this

special occasion. But perhaps a change

in our normal festive routines will

be helpful in driving home that this

celebration is not based on turkey,

tinsel and Christmas trees, but on the

birth of a Saviour who was to radically

change the course of history, as well as

the lives of all who follow Him.

We will be running a series of

devotions during Advent, including

Christmas Day, so be assured that

there will still be something for you

online if you are not part of our Zoom

celebration on Christmas morning.

Any of our Zoom events can be joined

by telephone and details will be given

shortly, so do pass this message


At a time when our world is searching

for hope and people are struggling to

come to terms with a year that has

brought so much suffering, challenge

and upheaval, do look for ways to

share the good news of Jesus. Even

if we are unable to get together with

others in the same way, there will be

opportunities to creatively connect

with friends and neighbours, as well as

inviting them to watch one of our carol

services in the comfort of their own

home. We will be sending out a PDF of

our key events so that you can either

print off and pop in a Christmas card,

or send to someone via email.

2020 will go down as a year not to be

forgotten, let’s make it count for the


Sian Baker | Ministry Assistant

Wake up and smell the Coffee!

The times of lockdown have been hard for everyone,

but much harder for some than others. Imagine being

a single mum, with your own health difficulties, with

lively young children who need 24/7 attention and help

with schoolwork that you don’t understand. That’s hard

enough for most of us to imagine right? Now imagine

all that while stuck in a poky damp 3 rd floor flat, on

wet autumn day after wet autumn day. There are many

across Townsend, our town, who are struggling in

similar ways.

As a group of Christians with a heart for the people

of our estate, we wanted to try and find something

we could do to help people struggling in this kind of

situation, even in a small way. And Lockdown Coffee

was born!

For two mornings a week we’ve been serving take away

Coffee and hot Chocolates (with cream obviously!)

during the morning school run on Townsend. Offering

outside take away service means we’re COVID safe and

hot chocolate with cream brings smiles to faces who are

struggling to find a reason to smile.

Please pray for us as we continue serving the

community in this small way, that we’ll share the love

of Christ as we serve and speak to the people we meet.

Tom Davenport | Community Worker

Christmas Offering

This year’s Christmas offerings

will be divided equally between…

Teen Challenge UK

Teen Challenge Dorset helps people

from 18-50 with life controlling

problems, especially drug and

alcohol addictions, and also to offer

preventative help to those who may

be in danger of doing so.

Their goal is to help people become

mentally sound, physically well,

emotionally balanced, socially

adjusted & spiritually alive.

For more information contact

Gavin Sant and the local team at


(01202 805505) or the national

office at


You can donate to our 2020 Christmas

Offering online at our giving page

on the church website. https://


donate/ - and choose “2020 Christmas

Offering”. Alternatively, you can send

a cheque to the Church Office, payable

to “Lansdowne Church”, marked

“Christmas Offering”.

Bibles for Chinese Christians

– The Bible Society

The Church in China is still printing

and distributing Bibles, despite strict

regulation from the authorities on

non-church and online bookstores.

In recent years, funding has declined,

affecting the ability of the Church to

print more Bibles for the millions of

Chinese Christians, many of whom still

cannot easily obtain a Bible of their

own. A gift of £10 could provide Bibles

for twelve new Chinese Christians.

Hear Xinnian’s story – ‘I’m so happy to

get a Bible! I haven’t had one for 14 years.’

This farmer and mother-of-two, is

just one of millions of Christians in

China to have lived life without a copy

of Scripture. Last year she heard that

a Bible Society team were visiting a

village near her home to hand out

Bibles. She walked two hours across the

countryside to the village to be there!

Times are tight but the need remains

great. May the generosity of the Lord

Jesus be felt through us again this year.

Mike Smailes | Associate Minister

Fit - Out Update

The work on the new building in Lansdowne Road

has made significant progress during the last six

months. We need to raise £360k (inclusive of VAT)

for the Fit-Out and finish costs and to date over

£70K has already been given.

This has made possible the first fix of the audio

visual and kitchen installation. It is also good to

know that as a result, the construction schedule

remains on time and on budget.

Nevertheless, we still have some way to go before

we hit that larger fit out target and the new

Lansdowne Centre can be opened in mid 2021 to its

full potential.

Therefore in order to inspire us to see how this

large, multi- purpose space can be used for the

glory of God and the advance of the gospel and how

we can finish the job financially, we are intending to

have a Guided Tour Day of the premises (Saturday

Jan 23 rd ) and a Gift Day (Sunday January 31 st ).

Put those dates in your diary.

For those unable to attend the Guided Tour, there

will be a Virtual Tour available soon afterwards.

We had hoped that all of this could have happened

in December. But given the uncertainties around

the current Covid lockdown, we believe it better to

wait until the New Year, when we hope to have more

clarity on what is possible with in -person events.

However, if during the time between now and then

you would still like to give , as others already have,

then please use the existing methods.- either Online

or by setting up a Standing Order / Direct Debit.

Contact the Church Office for advice on that and go

to the Church website to find the latest information

and videos on the Regeneration Building project,

click the Let’s Finish the Job!

Here’s an indication of some of the items which are

part of the Fit-Out costs.

• £47 per stackable chair. We need 500.

• £84 for a balcony chair. We need 200

• £290 microwave

•£382 fridge

• £807 freezer

• £3,850 electric induction range

• £6,256 electric combi oven.

• £39 wireless microphone

• £1,450 LED screen

• £4,350 sound desk

• £25,500 auditoria speaker system

We continue to be grateful to God for the generous giving of His people, far and

near, to the Project. We look to Him to complete the good work He began.

Peter Baker | Senior Minister

Keep In Contact

Join us each Sunday for our 10:30am online service at


Website: lansdownechurch.uk

Church Online: lansdowne.churchonline.org

You Tube: lansdownebaptist

Instagram: lansdownechurch

Facebook: lansdownechurchbournemouth

Twitter: lbconline

Soundcloud: user-219596282

Lansdowne Church

Woodbury Avenue



01202 297977



Registered Charity No 1158579

Lansdowne Church is a name of Lansdowne Baptist Church Bournemouth. CIO. Charity No. 1158579.

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