The Owl 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020


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The Owl 2020

School Societies

November. As part of her new role,

Lucy led the Staff Briefing, visited a

number of classrooms and also

implemented the following rules:

1. All teachers were expected to

play their favourite song at the

start of each lesson (dancing

was optional).

2. When homework was set this

had to be sung by the class

teacher, or by performing

charades. Failure to do so

resulted in the pupils being

exempt from completing the


3. Form I pupils were allowed out

10 minutes early at lunch.

Mrs Woods became Lucy for the day,

donned her school uniform and

participated in Lucy’s Music and

Chemistry classes.

The School Council also decided to

recognise Anti-Bullying week in

November by organising a number of

whole-school activities and various

Assembly representations.

Other issues discussed by the Pupil and

School Councils throughout the year

included the food provision in the

canteen; ways to reduce litter

throughout the school site; recycling

facilities; and the possibility of the

installation of more water fountains

around school.

The Head Boy and Head Girl addressed

whole-school assemblies regarding

these various issues in December.




Last year, the pupils most involved with

the society were drawn from MVI

which meant that this year we had to

find a new crop of young people

interested in debating. Those

volunteering to speak were mostly

drawn from forms IV and MVI.

As usual, pupils were involved in

selecting motions in which they had a

personal interest. We started the year

with a debate on the desirability of

pupils missing school to participate in

climate change protests, a topic on

which there were strongly held

opinions. A debate on the merits of

banning smacking also produced some

strong views.

Towards the end of the first term,

attention switched to the inter-school

debating competition, with Ellie Byrne

and Amy McDowell selected to

represent the school. We were fortunate

that the competition organisers selected

the topic of pupil involvement in

climate change protests as that topic had

been debated earlier in the term. Our

team defeated Portadown College in the

first round of the competition held at

Bangor Grammar School.

Unfortunately, we were knocked out in

the second round of the competition by

Campbell College as we were

unexpectedly required to replace one

team member, with her substitute

having little time to repair.

Before the school shut down in March

due to the coronavirus outbreak, we had

the opportunity for more lunchtime

debates, the most popular of which was

on the motion, “This House believes

that Harry and Meghan are national


As ever, we hope that pupils not only

found the experience of debating

enjoyable, but that they learned

valuable skills for life beyond school.




As it was my last year at BRA and

therefore my last year on the

Scripture Union Committee, I knew

I had to make SU 2019-2020

memorable and unforgettable. Little

did I know what was in store for us!

This year, I decided to be on the

Senior Committee and so I was part

of a group of BRA pupils in charge

of the weekly Senior School

meetings every Friday, under the

guidance of Dr McComb who is

always there to help us out when the

talk unexpectedly finishes earlier

than anticipated.

We collectively decided to choose

the theme, “Who Is God?” tackling

a wide range of topics from the Holy

Trinity to who God was, and still is,

in the Bible.

I would, personally, say that every

Friday lunch was the highlight of my

week. Being able to hear and spread

the word of God weekly,

encouraging others at SU to become

more comfortable in their faith and

that’s not to forget the donuts Mrs

Graydon provided for us (which

were also a highlight). On behalf of

everyone from SU, thank you!

One of the many achievements of

SU this year was being able to work

with SHINE Northern Ireland,

which is an organisation that focuses

on the Christian faith among the

youth. They gave the SU committee

a variety of topics like Fear and

Trust to tackle through videos which

definitely made SU a lot more

interactive and engaging.

We went on our annual Senior SU

trip, but this year was quite different

with a change of venue. We stayed

at the Portadown Faith Mission

Centre. A big thank you to Andy

Thompson who went through the

Book of Revelation with us. As per

usual, the weekend was a huge

success in terms of spreading God's

word and learning more about Him.

But the weekend never fails to make

memorable moments: from beating

Mr Morrison at football, to Dr Bell

destroying everybody at every game

of pool, Mrs Morrison being an

absolute legend at mini golf, Mrs

Graydon for staying up late-night

with us to chat and then waking up

really early to make the hockey girls

breakfast and, of course, trying to

teach Mr Wilson a couple of tik tok

dances. A big thank you to all these

teachers that never fail to make

every weekend a success, not only

keeping us safe but also

encouraging us in our faith.

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