The Owl 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020


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The Owl 2020

School Games

Olympics Regional Swimming Event. Pupils

spent the day at Lagan Valley LeisurePlex in

Lisburn assisting with marshalling,

timekeeping, and cheering on the competitors

in a day of fun competition.


On Saturday 16th November, the Show

Jumping team took part in the penultimate

round of the TRI Inter Schools ’Show Jumping

League at the Meadows Equestrian Centre,

Lurgan. They put up a great performance to

finish on a zero score and pick up 4th place.

Erin McCrea also finished 4th in the 1m

Individual Class.

On Saturday 30th November, the Show

Jumping team took part in the final round of

the TRI Inter Schools ’Show Jumping League

at the Meadows Equestrian Centre, Lurgan.

They put up a great performance to finish in

5th place. The team finished 6th overall in the

League. We would like to express our thanks

to the team, and for the support of their parents

throughout the duration of the League. Team

consisted of: Olivia Quinn, Victoria Jewiss and

Erin McCrea.

The Intermediate boys relay team (Jericho

Balgos (4), Luke Calwell (4), James Strutt (5),

Cal Young-McClinton (4)) won double gold in

the freestyle and medley relays, and pupils

Erin Gray (1), Eve McKeown (1), Ines Scott

(1), Bryn Mawhinney (1) and Oliver

Staworzynski (1) qualified individually for the

Irish Minor Schools ’Championships.

They were joined at the competition by Sarah

Teague (1), Robbie Tosh (1) and Samuel

Hipolito (1) to form relay teams. The form I

girls team went on to achieve a gold medal in

the Irish Minor Schools medley relay and

placed 4th in the freestyle relay.

The Junior and Intermediate Cup was held in

January, and again the school saw lots of

success, winning both individual and relay

medals. The intermediate girls relay team

(Sophie Doran (4), Lara Lennon (4), Rachael

McGrath (5), Giulia Allen (5), Siobhan Baine

(5)) were third in the medley and freestyle

relays, while the intermediate boys team

continued their domination with two first place

relay placings.

In February, members of the school’s

swimming and water polo teams volunteered

to assist with the running of the Ulster Special


The boy’s Senior water polo squad stepped up

their training this year, coming off the back of

three consecutive Ulster Provincial Trophy

wins. The team led by captain Ewan Purdy

(MVI) and vice-captain Adam Mahood (LVI)

committed to early morning training and extra

swim sessions. The season started strongly

with back to back friendly wins against

R.B.A.I. in December and January. The

Canada Trophy, held from January through

February, saw the team up against strong

opposition. They finished in fourth place

overall, after several rounds of matches held at

RBAI Pool.



While the most prestigious competition of the

school’s lifesaving calendar was cancelled this

year, the lifesaving club saw a surge in

membership from both the Junior and Senior

school. The lifesaving club ran from

September, with lunchtime sessions available

to all competent swimmers. The club members

improved their fitness and learned valuable life

skills, including personal survival, first aid and

practical water rescue technique.




The school swim club had a shortened season

this year but performed to an extremely high

standard in all the competitions entered. There

was a strong showing from the Junior and

Intermediate school in the Swim Ulster

Schools ’Competition held at the Bangor

Aurora pool in October.

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