The Owl 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020


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The Owl 2020

Drama in School

Drama in School

Oisin was required at every rehearsal for two

and a half months before the curtain went up

mid-November: his enthusiasm and

dedication was inspiring and it was a joy to

watch him flourish in the role.


The Autumn term saw the Senior Dramatic

Society tackle the Commedia Dell’Arte

classic A Servant to Two Masters. Written by

Italian playwright Carlo Goldoni in 1746 and

adapted for modern audiences by British

writer Lee Hall in 1999, A Servant to Two

Masters was the first scripted version of

Commedia dell’arte, the improvised physical

tradition of comedy, popular in Europe

between the 16 th and 18 th centuries. Set in

Venice, the play follows the fortunes of

Truffaldino Battachio, a mostly wellmeaning

and somewhat underfed servant

who, on a mission to earn a little extra cash,

takes on two masters at the same time!

Complications arise as he endeavours to keep

the knowledge of each master a secret from

the other with some hilarious results. As a set

text for A Level Drama and Theatre, I knew

the potential this fast-paced show would have

on creating a magical theatrical experience.

After two days of auditions, our cast of thirty

four were ready to breathe fresh life into these

classic characters.

The principal cast was led by Oisin Gaffey

(MVI) who played the role of Truffaldino.

Starring in nearly every single scene meant

Able support was provided by veterans of the

Academy stage, Lorcan Convery (MVI) and

Aoife Bennett (MVI) who starred as

Truffaldino’s masters Florindo and Beatrice,

who in a plot twist are lost lovers in desperate

search of one another! Others making a return

to the stage included Niamh Rogan (LVI) as

feisty servant Smeraldina; Eve Henderson

(LVI) as pompous know-it-all Dr Lombardi;

Anna Midgley (MVI) as local innkeeper

Brighella; and Stuart Rea (LVI) as one half of

the self-absorbed lovers, Silvio.

Rounding out the cast were newcomers Ross

Johnston (LVI) as Pantaloon, the miserly

head of an aristocratic family, and Jayne

Kennedy (V) as his spoilt daughter and the

object of Silvio’s affections, Clarice.

The spirit of the original production was kept

alive as in true commedia style, some scenes

were rewritten so as many talented actors

could be cast as possible. This was no more

evident than in Act One’s climactic dinner

party scene where Truffaldino attempts to

serve both masters food at the same time.

This extract is notoriously difficult to stage,

but our exceptional cast of waiters made it

look easy through their flawless

choreography and teamwork.

A special mention must go to Cuann

McAuley (LVI) who, in his scene stealing

turn as elderly waiter Caecilius, paid homage

to traditional commedia by using his

acrobatic skills to hilarious and surprising

effect! Whether a major character or a

member of the ensemble, all cast members

worked tirelessly during rehearsals and were

integral to the success of the production.

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