The Owl 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020


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The Owl 2020

School Societies

have arranged to chat on video calls

with their Assessors or share fitness

tracker app screenshots to verify their


We wish all our participants the best of

luck as they progress with their


We are indebted to the many people

who were willing to give of their free

time to make possible the huge

undertaking of the Expedition section.

We sincerely thank the following

teachers, past pupils and adult helpers

who generously gave their time and

assistance in the early stages of this

school year:

Matthew Blair

Rebecca Burns

Holly Grant

Emma McAllister

Dennis McArthur

Peter McArthur

Maurice Miller

Gabbie Moore

Catherine Nelson

Gary Nelson

Abby Reid

Martin Scott

Shelley Wilson

Very special thanks must also go to the

following people: Maurice Miller,

Holly Grant and Shelley Wilson for

their outstanding contribution in

overseeing all aspects of the Expedition

section; Billy Dunn, Fergal McCluskey

and Ian Stinson for driving the school

bus on many weekends and for their

valued assistance; Shelley Wilson and

Holly Grant for Award administration;

Joanna Clarke and Niall Mowbray from

the Education Authority for very

valuable assistance with administration

work; and the Gold Award Leaders of

2019-2020 for assistance with the

running of the D of E in the school.

Many thanks also to the Tent Team for

their efforts in the early part of the

school year for helping to manage and

maintain our large stock of camping

equipment prior to lockdown.

Although the Volunteering, Physical,

Skill and Residential Sections are

primarily co-ordinated and supported

by the DofE staff, we still have school

staff members who run various

activities enabling the participants to

complete their sections. We would like

to thank the staff of the P.E. and Music

Departments for all their much

appreciated help throughout the past

year. We thank Brian McLaughlin and

Robert Armstrong for all their work in

training the kayak canoeists on Friday

afternoons. Many thanks are due to the

numerous members of staff who gave

up their time to act as Skills section


Within the Skills section, 38 pupils took

part in the Bronze Award Fire Service

Courses held at Whitla Street Fire

Station. We warmly thank the Northern

Ireland Fire and Rescue Service for the

provision of the courses and Maurice

Miller for supervising the classes.

Thanks must go to Maurice Miller for

his help in looking after our finances.

We would like to say a huge thank you

to the school office staff who have been

a wonderful help this year collecting

forms etc. and distributing participants’

logs, projects and other important


The Academy’s Open Nights in January

2020 were a great success and all

aspects of school life were on show to

prospective pupils and their parents.

Many thanks to all of those who helped

to make the impressive DofE in the

Lower Sixth Form Common Room so


In conclusion, 2019-2020 was a highly

unusual year for everyone, but one in

which our participants have shown an

even greater resilience, determination,

initiative, drive, commitment and sense

of responsibility to others than what we

would normally expect. We are

incredibly proud of those who are

pursuing their Certificate of

Achievement and remind them to keep

in touch.

Finally, pride of place and

congratulations must go to the

following pupils and past pupils who

gained awards during the past year:


Jessica Boyd (IV)

Aoife Caldwell (IV)

Erin Cunningham (MVI)

Nathan Davidson (LVI)

Cameron Devlin (IV)

Benjamin Dewhurst (IV)

Faith Drummond (V)

Jack Gillespie (V)

Eleanor Green (IV)

Theo Hayward (IV)

Lauren Hetherington (LVI)

Ebony Hoogelander (LVI)

Aleena Jain (IV)

Kian Jan-Dickens (IV)

Alby Joseph (IV)

Lara Lennon (IV)

Helen Marshall (IV)

Shanti Mawhinney (IV)

Shannon McBride (V)

Sarah McCarney (IV)

Cara McGrath (IV)

Daniel McIlroy (LVI)

Grace McIlroy (-)

Lucy McMahon-Beattie (LVI)

Natasha Newton (IV)

Jamie O’Brien (IV)

Daisy Purvis (IV)

Ross Pyper (-)

Riya Raghuram (IV)

Rachel Ramsey (V)

Christopher Reid (LVI)

Peter Richardson (IV)

Isabella Scott (IV)

Oliver Scott (IV)

Ryan Simpson (LVI)

Olivia Snoddy (LVI)

Kate Sturgess (IV)

Emily Swann (IV)

Eve Taylor (IV)

Jaana Tharun (IV)

Hannah Thompson (IV)

Ellie Watson (LVI)

Lucy-Beth Watson (IV)

Emma Watt (-)

Callum Whiteside (IV)

Jamie Whitla (LVI)

Ethan Willey (IV)

Anna Wilson (IV)

Archie Wylie (LVI)

Emilla Zboralska (IV)


Kerry Uprichard (LVI)


Fabienne Cochrane (MVI)

Ryan Creaney (LVI)

Erin Cunningham (MVI)

Sivannah Delos Reyes (-)

Sabriel Gergett (LVI)

Maia Hamilton (MVI)

Lucy Handcock (V)

Ella Harvey (LVI)

Roan Kershaw (-)

Hannah Marshall (-)

Adam Martin (LVI)

Leah McCarter (LVI)

Nicole McClean (LVI)

Naoise McCormick (MVI)

Jennifer McCorry (-)

Adam McCready (LVI)


Philip Simon (-)

Richard Simon (-)


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