The Owl 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020

Belfast Royal Academy - The Owl Magazine - Christmas 2020


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The Owl 2020

Literary Contributions

Dear Future Self,

Literary Contributions

I am writing to you to remind you of a time

when you were removed from every-day

life and school education, this was called

lockdown. This may all seem like a distant

memory, but I shall refresh it. In the past

few weeks I have been learning how to

work independently and handle my free

time. Between balancing online piano

classes, drama lessons and a lot of school

work, it has taken quite a while to get used

to this new regime but as time progresses

I’m sure I will eventually find lockdown as

a new sense of normality.

Some of the skills you learnt during this

time might surprise you now as you may

think you always possessed them, but you

didn’t. Prior to the corona virus quarantine,

I had a routine that largely depended on my

mum and teachers organising me. All your

classes were set times, drama and piano

were done in big groups and getting

together with friends was a simple part of

everyday life.

I learnt that I could adapt to different

situations, that staying connected with

family and friends were really important for

my mental health and in order to continue

these relationships I had to seek out the help

of technology and devices. Another thing

that I realised at this time was that in daily

life my busy tasks kept me exercised and I

now realise that lockdown has taught me

how I have to replace these parts of my

schedule with focused fitness like running,

cycling, trampolining, skipping and sit ups.

You took for granted how close you were to

your brother and how all the family

depended on each other but let me tell you

how strong and important that connection

is. You realised you were the lucky one as

you had such a loving and supportive

family through these foggy times. I didn’t

appreciate that school was such a carefully

thought out and organised system and how

much I needed it, but also how my teachers

can make your learning experience fun

because sitting at a laptop is incredibly


To conclude this letter, appreciate the

resilience you built up and the people in

your life that make it special because it can

be taken away so easily. I thought everyone

was appreciated at this current time but I

never would have known how important all

the shopkeepers, bin collectors, doctors,

nurses, teachers, cleaners, care workers and

many more amazing people risk their lives

every day for us.

Best wishes

Your younger self.

Theo Purcell (I)

The Amazing Piglet

Aoife Akmad (II)

There once was a pig called Piglet,

As happy as could be, he lived with his


Pooh, Eeyore and Tiger, they were his


They live in a 100-acre wood,

Which I wish I could!

He loves eating food just like me,

I wish he could be part of the family!

Piglet likes to fidget, he also falls asleep –

So when he drifts off, we all weep!

Piglet is tiny but he has a big heart,

We love you Piglet as we said at the start.

Piglet represents a model pig,

Who stands up for what he believes in,

And season, any year,

Piglet always has a helping ear,

To listen to your problems and know what

way to steer.

Piglet is a childhood friend of mine and

with his little pink face and curly tail,

Him and Pooh never fail.

So as Piglet said,

If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100

minus 1 day,

So I never have to live without you.

To all the pigs in the world like Piglet.

Eve McKeown (I)

The Pig of Pigs

Jessica Lane (II)

The Pig of pigs,

The King of the farm.

They don’t like wearing wigs,

But they love living in Larne.

We love their tail,

We love their snout.

When we see them about,

We run and shout.

Dear Pigs we do love you, more than a zoo.

We love you more than ducks,

We love you more than cows.

And when we see you around, everyone

stops and bows.

Pigs like apples,

And so do we.

They go well with breakfast,

And with tea.

You are the king, as we said before.

And you’re way better than any wild boar.

You rule the farm,

So it will come to no harm.

The Pig of pigs,

The king of the farm.

You are the best,

And the world is blessed.

Emily Warnock and Anna Curran (II)

Grace McIlroy (V)

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