Food Labels 101 Masterguide

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We’re working for a world where the ability to access ethically

and transparently-produced food isn’t a privilege—it’s a right.

But right now, we know that many food products with labels

that convey ethical and sustainable production cost more.

And costlier food isn’t accessible for everyone, especially for

historically marginalized and underinvested communities,

particularly communities of color.

We’re clear on why this is the case: centuries of exploitation,

land theft, slavery, and racist policies in our food system and

beyond that create wealth inequities for people of color.

If you can afford to vote with your fork, we hope this label

guide helps you make better decisions. Regardless, join us in

our mission to create a just food system rooted in humane,

sustainable local agriculture. How?

• Join our email list where we send out opportunities to take action on

food policy issues.

• Explore other free resources like 8 Tips for Eating Ethically on a Budget.

• Check out our website for more ideas on healthy, ethical, sustainable

eating that won’t break the bank.

We won’t stop until we have a humane, sustainable food system

that works for everyone, especially those experiencing the

greatest disparities.

-The Greener Pastures team


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