Teaching Evaluations

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1 the switch over to Twitch was effortless and effective for his style of teaching


Schoology- for assignments and updates

Twitch- for class livestreams

Slack- for interactive group discussion

3 Loved that it was a live stream and not a conference call. Thought that was much more helpful to keep me focused.

4 I think both YTLive and Twitch worked well

5 I liked the use of Slack for group work, and the live streams worked well.

6 Frequent communication via email and Schoology. A combination of synchronous class and asynchronous aspects (video-watching, assignments, etc) was especially helpful.

Core Instructor Questions:

Nicholas Pilarski --- Period Comparisons ---

Responses Individual CDM All

SA A N D SD N Mean N Mean -=+ ¹ N Mean -=+ ¹

Q13 The instructor presented the course material clearly. 6 1 0 0 0 7 4.9 159 4.5 ++ 4.1K 4.4 ++

Q14 The instructor used class time in a way that contributed to my learning. 5 2 0 0 0 7 4.7 159 4.4 ++ 4.1K 4.4 ++

Q15 The instructor was enthusiastic about this course. 7 0 0 0 0 7 5.0 159 4.7 ++ 4.1K 4.7 ++

Q16 The instructor respected student comments and questions in class. 4 3 0 0 0 7 4.6 159 4.6 = 4.1K 4.6 --

Q17 The instructor was willing to help students outside the classroom. 5 2 0 0 0 7 4.7 159 4.6 ++ 4.1K 4.5 ++

Core Instructor Questions:

Responses: [SA] Strongly Agree=5 [A] Agree=4 [N] Neutral=3 [D] Disagree=2 [SD] Strongly Disagree=1

¹ This Individual compared with others: [--] Much Lower, [-] Lower, [=] Similar, [+] Higher, [++] Much Higher

Nicholas Pilarski --- Period Comparisons ---

Responses Individual CDM All

E G N F P N Mean N Mean -=+ ¹ N Mean -=+ ¹

Q18 Overall, I would rate the quality of the instruction in this course as: 5 2 0 0 0 7 4.7 159 4.5 ++ 4.1K 4.5 ++

Responses: [E] Excellent=5 [G] Good=4 [N] Neutral=3 [F] Fair=2 [P] Poor=1

¹ This Individual compared with others: [--] Much Lower, [-] Lower, [=] Similar, [+] Higher, [++] Much Higher

Q19 - Please comment on the instructor. Your comments may address the instructor's preparation, knowledge, organization, usefulness of feedback, and methods of evaluation.

Faculty: Nicholas Pilarski

Response Rate: 71.43% (5 of 7)





very passionate about the work he does in and out of the classroom! makes amazing connections of the topics to the real world and is overall very engaged in the class and

how each person is doing

Professor Pilarski put so much effort into making this class a success, despite the transition to remote learning. He is incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about his

area of expertise and I always enjoy his classes immensely!

Professor Pilarski is extremely knowledgeable and enthusiastic about different forms of media and technology. He taught class in a fun, interactive way, encouraged student

feedback and discussion, and sincerely loves teaching.

Nick is an amazing professor! Such an intelligent man that brings his big ideas into the classroom. I have so many classes that are black and white, and don't focus on

issues that I find important like feminism, race, and other hot topic issues. Nick was able to successfully tie New Media into all of these topics, and taught me to think

bigger picture, more philosophical. Amazingly talented.

5 He was very enthusiastic to teach us and to help us learn and understand.

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