Teaching Evaluations

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2 Twitch TV, Youtube Live, and Google Meets all worked extremely well. We also used Slack, which was a great and very organized platform to do group work on.


Nick is the BEST professor to have for virtual learning. Nick is the ONLY professor where I feel like not much changed from the transition from normal class to online class.

He was so good with communicating with us and he knew what he was doing with the online applications. He also didn't put more work on us during this time and stayed

flexible with his class. I can't say this about all the professors but Nick is a 10/10 professor that Carthage doesn't deserve. He really pours his heart into his teaching and

wants everyone to care about the subjects like he does.

4 Livestreaming lectures worked really well.

Core Instructor Questions:

Nicholas Pilarski --- Period Comparisons ---

Responses Individual CDM All

SA A N D SD N Mean N Mean -=+ ¹ N Mean -=+ ¹

Q13 The instructor presented the course material clearly. 5 1 0 0 0 6 4.8 159 4.5 ++ 4.1K 4.4 ++

Q14 The instructor used class time in a way that contributed to my learning. 6 0 0 0 0 6 5.0 159 4.4 ++ 4.1K 4.4 ++

Q15 The instructor was enthusiastic about this course. 6 0 0 0 0 6 5.0 159 4.7 ++ 4.1K 4.7 ++

Q16 The instructor respected student comments and questions in class. 6 0 0 0 0 6 5.0 159 4.6 ++ 4.1K 4.6 ++

Q17 The instructor was willing to help students outside the classroom. 6 0 0 0 0 6 5.0 159 4.6 ++ 4.1K 4.5 ++

Core Instructor Questions:

Responses: [SA] Strongly Agree=5 [A] Agree=4 [N] Neutral=3 [D] Disagree=2 [SD] Strongly Disagree=1

¹ This Individual compared with others: [--] Much Lower, [-] Lower, [=] Similar, [+] Higher, [++] Much Higher

Nicholas Pilarski --- Period Comparisons ---

Responses Individual CDM All

E G N F P N Mean N Mean -=+ ¹ N Mean -=+ ¹

Q18 Overall, I would rate the quality of the instruction in this course as: 5 0 0 1 0 6 4.5 159 4.5 = 4.1K 4.5 ++

Responses: [E] Excellent=5 [G] Good=4 [N] Neutral=3 [F] Fair=2 [P] Poor=1

¹ This Individual compared with others: [--] Much Lower, [-] Lower, [=] Similar, [+] Higher, [++] Much Higher

Q19 - Please comment on the instructor. Your comments may address the instructor's preparation, knowledge, organization, usefulness of feedback, and methods of evaluation.

Faculty: Nicholas Pilarski

Response Rate: 83.33% (5 of 6)

1 You can tell he really cares about his students and is very passionate about the material he is teaching.


Nick felt like the only professor who was prepared for online learning. He knew what he was doing when it came to running the virtual applications. He is super

knowledgeable about the subjects he teaches and he is just such a great guy. He deserves a pay raise compared to the other professors who just muddied there way through

online learning. He cares so much about his students and would set aside a ton of time for us if we needed it. Great professor 10/10.

3 Nick Pilarski is one of the greatest professors I have ever had. He genuinely cares so much about each student's success, and he is so knowledgeable on the topics at hand.


His wife has cancer and he still managed to be incredibly detailed in his teaching. He knows tech and how to present better than anyone I have ever seen and his course

remained very stimulating. He responded to emails quickly, kept us prepared, and kept us close knit despite the distance. Give him a raise, in all seriousness. He knows what

he's doing.

5 He is extremely knowledgeable and organized. His communication skills are unmatched.

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