Teaching Evaluations

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5/30/2018 Coursework (eLearning) - Course Evaluations | My Carthage

other in-class activities (e.g., use of

technology, lectures, discussions,

group activities, etc.).

Please comment on the instructor.

Your comments may address the

instructor's preparation, knowledge,

organization, usefulness of feedback,

and methods of evaluation.

Please comment on the instructor.

Your comments may address the

instructor's preparation, knowledge,

organization, usefulness of feedback,

and methods of evaluation.

Please comment on the course. Your

comments may address the

usefulness of course materials (e.g.,

books, articles, and movies),

assignments (e.g., papers, tests,

projects and presentations) and

other in-class activities (e.g., use of

technology, lectures, discussions,

group activities, etc.).

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Prof. Pilarski is very knowledgeable and passionate about the class and

about lm in general! Loved having him this semester and look forward to

further interaction with him around campus and in the CDM department!

Nick is a great professor. Although he leaves something to be desired

organizationally, his passion and interest for the subject of lmmaking was

ever-present in the course. He clearly made himself available to all four of

the students in the class, and I'm sure we'll be in contact with each other for

years to come.

The course was very interesting. The material was good, and our semester

goals were set for us on the rst day. I learned a lot and have improved.


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