Teaching Evaluations

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Professor Pilarski did an incredible job with his remote teaching. We were all still able to have group "discussions" and feedback from our peers through the use of slack and

zoom. I thought he did an incredible job structuring this class so well last minute!

2 I liked livestreaming classes.

3 I enjoyed the difference in the platform used. Having class on Twitch made it feel more fun than the common Zoom meetings. It was a nice change of interface.


After using it in other classes, I think it would have been more effective to have used Zoom or some similar application for this class instead of Twitch. I say this because, on

Twitch, the student's comments are regulated to just messaging, which can make natural conversation and discussion difficult. Plus, I would have liked to hear my

classmates' voices, sappy as that sounds. I liked using Slack for assignment submissions and discussions outside of class though - I think it was easy enough to learn.

Core Instructor Questions:

Nicholas Pilarski --- Period Comparisons ---

Responses Individual CDM All

SA A N D SD N Mean N Mean -=+ ¹ N Mean -=+ ¹

Q13 The instructor presented the course material clearly. 5 0 0 0 0 5 5.0 159 4.5 ++ 4.1K 4.4 ++

Q14 The instructor used class time in a way that contributed to my learning. 4 1 0 0 0 5 4.8 159 4.4 ++ 4.1K 4.4 ++

Q15 The instructor was enthusiastic about this course. 5 0 0 0 0 5 5.0 159 4.7 ++ 4.1K 4.7 ++

Q16 The instructor respected student comments and questions in class. 5 0 0 0 0 5 5.0 159 4.6 ++ 4.1K 4.6 ++

Q17 The instructor was willing to help students outside the classroom. 5 0 0 0 0 5 5.0 159 4.6 ++ 4.1K 4.5 ++

Core Instructor Questions:

Responses: [SA] Strongly Agree=5 [A] Agree=4 [N] Neutral=3 [D] Disagree=2 [SD] Strongly Disagree=1

¹ This Individual compared with others: [--] Much Lower, [-] Lower, [=] Similar, [+] Higher, [++] Much Higher

Nicholas Pilarski --- Period Comparisons ---

Responses Individual CDM All

E G N F P N Mean N Mean -=+ ¹ N Mean -=+ ¹

Q18 Overall, I would rate the quality of the instruction in this course as: 5 0 0 0 0 5 5.0 159 4.5 ++ 4.1K 4.5 ++

Responses: [E] Excellent=5 [G] Good=4 [N] Neutral=3 [F] Fair=2 [P] Poor=1

¹ This Individual compared with others: [--] Much Lower, [-] Lower, [=] Similar, [+] Higher, [++] Much Higher

Q19 - Please comment on the instructor. Your comments may address the instructor's preparation, knowledge, organization, usefulness of feedback, and methods of evaluation.

Faculty: Nicholas Pilarski

Response Rate: 80.00% (4 of 5)




Professor Pilarski is a wonderful instructor. He was understanding and respectful to all of his students since the beginning of the semester. His ability to adapt to online

teaching was phenomenal. He did a fantastic job at molding the class to be better suited for remote learning. And his accommodations for struggling students during this

time is also praiseworthy. Overall I had a positive experience in his class and I was able to learn so many new skills that I did not know before. This was all thanks to his

clear passion for the industry and for teaching.

Professor Pilarski is obviously very enthusiastic about screenwriting; he really knows his stuff, to boot. I think he was a great professor, probably my favorite of the semester.

He was just so helpful. I would say that, for most of my classes, my professors never discuss how we can use the things we are learning to get a job, which -- you know --

should be the point of college. But Professor Pilarski actually took the time to be like, "here's how you can break out into the industry, here's steps you can take after this

course to better your chances, etc." I think, without that, I would've been like, "I'm happy to have these skills, but I still have no idea how I can use them to pursue a career in

entertainment, so I won't try."

Professor Pilarski has been one of my favorite professors at Carthage. He helped to open my eyes to an entirely other field and I am so glad to have taken his class. He really

helped me improve my creative writing ability and I cannot thank him enough. I am taking two more classes with him next semester. One of the coolest people, best teacher,

and mentor you will ever have. He will help you realize the amount you have available to you in your life.

4 He's a great professor and you can tell he really cares about his students.

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