AWC Going Dutch Jan Feb 2021

American Women's Club bi-monthly magazine for Jan/Feb 2021

American Women's Club bi-monthly magazine for Jan/Feb 2021


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FAWCO (cont.)

Continued from page 23

of 12 and nearly bled to death at her cutting

ceremony. Even before working with TDT,

Rhobi played a tremendous role in sparking

local change. She spent years courageously

leading a team of actors, singers and dancers

to educate and change attitudes towards FGM

in villages. It must be emphasized how much

personal courage and strong will it takes to

approach local communities where FGM is

considered a norm and encouraged, especially

by men. Rhobi has organized roadshows

in high risk areas during the cutting season to

demonstrate the health risks that accompany

cutting to crowds of the men enforcing this

tradition. This has put her at risk, exposing

her to a hostile response, as she is challenging

a tradition that is systematically ingrained

in these communities. Additionally, Rhobi

has established a team protected by the local

police that help at-risk girls escape from

their cutting ceremonies, taking them to a

safe house where they are cared for until the

cutting season is over. The first safe house,

established in Mugumu in the Mara region,

received roughly £165,000 in donations allowing

Rhobi and her team to protect 329

girls within three years.

In order to put an end to FGM once and for

all, it is crucial that the inherent patriarchal

mindset from which this tradition stems is

eliminated. The only way to do this is to educate

boys and men of the negative effects of

FGM from an early age instead of teaching

girls to fit society’s standards. With the help

of the government and financial aid from

TDT, the re-education of boys and men in

pro-FGM communities has sparked into action.

This is significant in the fight against

FGM because of the prominent role men

have played in controlling the female body.

This re-education campaign also paves the

path for future generations of men and women

because they are less likely to impose FGM

on their children after having been educated

about its negative consequences. Provided

this re-education campaign continues, this

tradition will be extinguished over time. To

speed up the

process, however,

it is important

to actively


this issue and

fund organizations

like TDT

to help change

attitudes towards


Most importantly,


surrounding Gender Based Violence (GBV)

should be addressed directly rather than euphemized

or worse, ignored.

FGM isn’t just prevalent in Tanzania.

Classified as an act of GBV, FGM is practiced

around the world. Studies have revealed

that an estimated 200 million women

and girls that are alive today have undergone

FGM, most before the age of 15. Due to increased

migration, increased numbers of girls

and women who live away from their home

countries have reportedly undergone (or are

at risk of) FGM in Europe, Australia and

North America. In order to promote the UN’s

Sustainable Development Goal #5: Gender

Equality and Women’s Empowerment, we

must ensure that FGM is a practice that is outlawed

and stopped. With our Target Project

S.A.F.E, we hope to maximize our impact in

ending this demeaning and unjust practice.

The seeds of the African violet need to be

planted in its heartland. It cannot survive

wholly without its parts. In order to flourish

and blossom, the Saintpaulia needs to be

taken care of with love and support, without

which it won’t have the necessary nutrients

to survive, even when grown in its heartland.

Likewise, the parts of millions of women that

are being taken away from them leave them

broken. In order to prosper as women, they

need to be granted the basic human right,

their seeds, in order to have happy and fulfilling

lives. Let’s plant their seeds back where

they belong.



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