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power. What about shape-shifting?”

I glared at him. “Fire, water, and air it is.” Bastard—insufferable bastard.

He didn’t push the matter, thankfully—didn’t ask why shape-shifting might be the one

power I’d never bother to pull apart and master. Perhaps for the same reason I didn’t

particularly want to ask about one key piece of his history, didn’t want to know if Azriel

and Cassian had helped when the Spring Court’s ruling family had been killed.

I looked Rhys over from head to toe: the Illyrian warrior garb, the sword over his

shoulder, the wings, and that general sense of overwhelming power that always radiated

from him. “Maybe you should … go.”

“Why? You seemed so insistent that I train you.”

“I can’t concentrate with you around,” I admitted. “And go … far. I can feel you from a

room away.”

A suggestive curve shaped his lips.

I rolled my eyes. “Why don’t you just hide in one of those pocket-realms for a bit?”

“It doesn’t work like that. There’s no air there.” I gave him a look to say he should

definitely do it then, and he laughed. “Fine. Practice all you want in privacy.” He jerked

his chin at my tattoo. “Give a shout down the bond if you get anything accomplished

before breakfast.”

I frowned at the eye in my palm. “What—literally shout at the tattoo?”

“You could try rubbing it on certain body parts and I might come faster.”

He vanished into nothing before I could hurl the candle at him.

Alone in the frost-gilded forest, I replayed his words and a quiet chuckle rasped out of


I wondered if I should have tested out the bow and arrows I’d been given before asking

him to leave. I hadn’t yet tried out the Illyrian bow—hadn’t shot anything in months,


I stared at the candle. Nothing happened.

An hour passed.

I thought of everything that enraged me, sickened me; thought of Ianthe and her

entitlement, her demands. Not even a wisp of smoke emerged.

When my eyes were on the verge of bleeding, I took a break to scrounge through the

pack I’d brought. I found fresh bread, a magically warmed canister of stew, and a note

from Rhysand that said:

I’m bored. Any sparks yet?

Not surprisingly, a pen clattered in the bottom of the bag.

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