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“So I planned to kill her. I told no one. Not even Amren. I’d let Amarantha think I was

interested in trade, in alliance. I decided I’d go to the party thrown Under the Mountain for

all the courts to celebrate our trade agreement with Hybern … And when she was drunk,

I’d slip into her mind, make her reveal every lie and crime she’d committed, and then I’d

turn her brain to liquid before anyone could react. I was prepared to go to war for it.”

I turned, leaning against the counter. Rhys was looking at his hands, as if the story were

a book he could read between them.

“But she thought faster—acted faster. She had been trained against my particular skill

set, and had extensive mental shields. I was so busy working to tunnel through them that I

didn’t think about the drink in my hand. I hadn’t wanted Cassian or Azriel or anyone else

there that night to witness what I was to do—so no one bothered to sniff my drink.

“And as I felt my powers being ripped away by that spell she’d put on it at the toast, I

flung them out one last time, wiping Velaris, the wards, all that was good, from the minds

of the Court of Nightmares—the only ones I’d allowed to come with me. I threw the

shield around Velaris, binding it to my friends so that they had to remain or risk that

protection collapsing, and used the last dregs to tell them mind to mind what was

happening, and to stay away. Within a few seconds, my power belonged wholly to


His eyes lifted to mine. Haunted, bleak.

“She slaughtered half the Court of Nightmares right then and there. To prove to me that

she could. As vengeance for Tamlin’s father. And I knew … I knew in that moment there

was nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her from looking at my court again. From looking too

long at who I was and what I loved. So I told myself that it was a new war, a different sort

of battle. And that night, when she kept turning her attention to me, I knew what she

wanted. I knew it wasn’t about fucking me so much as it was about getting revenge at my

father’s ghost. But if that was what she wanted, then that was what she would get. I made

her beg, and scream, and used my lingering powers to make it so good for her that she

wanted more. Craved more.”

I gripped the counter to keep from sliding to the ground.

“Then she cursed Tamlin. And my other great enemy became the one loophole that

might free us all. Every night that I spent with Amarantha, I knew that she was half

wondering if I’d try to kill her. I couldn’t use my powers to harm her, and she had shielded

herself against physical attacks. But for fifty years—whenever I was inside her, I’d think

about killing her. She had no idea. None. Because I was so good at my job that she thought

I enjoyed it, too. So she began to trust me—more than the others. Especially when I

proved what I could do to her enemies. But I was glad to do it. I hated myself, but I was

glad to do it. After a decade, I stopped expecting to see my friends or my people again. I

forgot what their faces looked like. And I stopped hoping.”

Silver gleamed in his eyes, and he blinked it away. “Three years ago,” he said quietly, “I

began to have these … dreams. At first, they were glimpses, as if I were staring through

someone else’s eyes. A crackling hearth in a dark home. A bale of hay in a barn. A warren

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