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I awoke, warm and rested and calm.




Sunlight streamed through the filthy window, illuminating the reds and golds in the wall

of wing before me—where it had been all night, shielding me from the cold.

Rhysand’s arms were banded around me, his breathing deep and even. And I knew it

was just as rare for him to sleep that soundly, peacefully.

What we’d done last night …

Carefully, I twisted to face him, his arms tightening slightly, as if to keep me from

vanishing with the morning mist.

His eyes were open when I nestled my head against his arm. Within the shelter of his

wing, we watched each other.

And I realized I might very well be content to do exactly that forever.

I said quietly, “Why did you make that bargain with me? Why demand a week from me

every month?”

His violet eyes shuttered.

And I didn’t dare admit what I expected, but it was not, “Because I wanted to make a

statement to Amarantha; because I wanted to piss off Tamlin, and I needed to keep you

alive in a way that wouldn’t be seen as merciful.”


His mouth tightened. “You know—you know there is nothing I wouldn’t do for my

people, for my family.”

And I’d been a pawn in that game.

His wing folded back, and I blinked at the watery light. “Bath or no bath?” he said.

I cringed at the memory of the grimy, reeking bathing room a level below. Using it to

see to my needs would be bad enough. “I’d rather bathe in a stream,” I said, pushing past

the sinking in my gut.

Rhys let out a low laugh and rolled out of bed. “Then let’s get out of here.”

For a heartbeat, I wondered if I’d dreamed up everything that had happened the night

before. From the slight, pleasant soreness between my legs, I knew I hadn’t, but …

Maybe it’d be easier to pretend that nothing had happened.

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