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away from the shore.

“You looked at me,” Rhys said, “and I knew you had no idea who I was. That I might

have seen your dreams, but you hadn’t seen mine. And you were just … human. You were

so young, and breakable, and had no interest in me whatsoever, and I knew that if I stayed

too long, someone would see and report back, and she’d find you. So I started walking

away, thinking you’d be glad to get rid of me. But then you called after me, like you

couldn’t let go of me just yet, whether you knew it or not. And I knew … I knew we were

on dangerous ground, somehow. I knew that I could never speak to you, or see you, or

think of you again.

“I didn’t want to know why you were in Prythian; I didn’t even want to know your

name. Because seeing you in my dreams had been one thing, but in person … Right then,

deep down, I think I knew what you were. And I didn’t let myself admit it, because if

there was the slightest chance that you were my mate … They would have done such

unspeakable things to you, Feyre.

“So I let you walk away. I told myself after you were gone that maybe … maybe the

Cauldron had been kind, and not cruel, for letting me see you. Just once. A gift for what I

was enduring. And when you were gone, I found those three picts. I broke into their

minds, reshaping their lives, their histories, and dragged them before Amarantha. I made

them confess to conspiring to find other rebels that night. I made them lie and claim that

they hated her. I watched her carve them up while they were still alive, protesting their

innocence. I enjoyed it—because I knew what they had wanted to do to you. And knew

that it would have paled in comparison to what Amarantha would have done if she’d

found you.”

I wrapped a hand around my throat. I had my reasons to be out then, he’d once said to

me Under the Mountain. Do not think, Feyre, that it did not cost me.

Rhys kept staring at the table as he said, “I didn’t know. That you were with Tamlin.

That you were staying at the Spring Court. Amarantha sent me that day after the Summer

Solstice because I’d been so successful on Calanmai. I was prepared to mock him, maybe

pick a fight. But then I got into that room, and the scent was familiar, but hidden … And

then I saw the plate, and felt the glamour, and … There you were. Living in my secondmost

enemy’s house. Dining with him. Reeking of his scent. Looking at him like … Like

you loved him.”

The whites of his knuckles showed.

“And I decided that I had to scare Tamlin. I had to scare you, and Lucien, but mostly

Tamlin. Because I saw how he looked at you, too. So what I did that day … ” His lips

were pale, tight. “I broke into your mind and held it enough that you felt it, that it terrified

you, hurt you. I made Tamlin beg—as Amarantha had made me beg, to show him how

powerless he was to save you. And I prayed my performance was enough to get him to

send you away. Back to the human realm, away from Amarantha. Because she was going

to find you. If you broke that curse, she was going to find you and kill you.

“But I was so selfish—I was so stupidly selfish that I couldn’t walk away without

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