Man's World Issue 1

The inaugural issue of the newly refounded Man's World (and Raw Egg Journal). Original writing from Orwell N Goode, Dr Ben Braddock and of course yours truly. Timeless encounters with the great Yukio Mishima and Ernst Jünger. Vintage centrefolds. New literature, including a terrifying journey into corporate HR with Zero Hp Lovecraft. In-depth articles on health and fitness, and an exclusive interview with Sol Brah. Politics, history, fitness, sex, literature - Man's World Issue 1 has it all.

The inaugural issue of the newly refounded Man's World (and Raw Egg Journal).

Original writing from Orwell N Goode, Dr Ben Braddock and of course yours truly. Timeless encounters with the great Yukio Mishima and Ernst Jünger. Vintage centrefolds. New literature, including a terrifying journey into corporate HR with Zero Hp Lovecraft. In-depth articles on health and fitness, and an exclusive interview with Sol Brah.

Politics, history, fitness, sex, literature - Man's World Issue 1 has it all.


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Changing the subject, today’s literary world is awash with novels about adultery and sex. For the conscience of

every writer, sex seems to be seen as a destructive element of the family order or, rather, as an antagonistic

element. You have also written some work in this direction. I am thinking, for example, of The Misstepping of

Virtue [Bitoku no Yoromeki], although it is rather an investigation of aesthetics and immortality and not of

sexual life. Also Thirst for Love, a novel simply about a passion that ends in murder. However, the topic of

crime is still marginal and I am sure that it is not your central interest as a novelist either. I cannot deny that I

do not agree with this current fashion of identifying sex and crime as expressions of opposition to the system,

although I do admit that, at least, they cannot be defined as a defense of it. It seems strange that you, who

denounce the degeneration of the current system and contemplate the establishment of a new social justice, have

not shown interest in this literary trend.

The beauty-eroticism-death diagram, to which I referred a little while ago, is a concept that

demands that the second element, eroticism, cannot exist except in the realm of the

absolute. As for Europe, eroticism is only found in the world of Catholicism. This religion has

severe commandments whose violation constitutes sin. And the sinner, whether he likes it

or not, must appear before God. Well, eroticism is the method of establishing contact with

divinity through sin. It is the subject of one of my plays, Madame de Sade. In the eighteenth

century, the Marquis de Sade put this method into practice and did not do it just to oppose

the system, that is, for a matter of banal dimensions such as the political one. If the French




days before his death by ritual

seppuku after a failed coup, Yukio Mishima

sat down for an interview with the literary

critic Takashi Furubayashi. This is an

excerpt from that interview.

Translation: Semmelweis (@semmelweis7)

Revolution had not been compensated by Sade’s thought, it would not have become a true

revolution. In other words, if there is no pessimism capable of completely denying the

optimism of a revolution, it does not work. Just as it does not work in the absence of a

mysticism that denies its own rationalism. In short, every revolution, if it wants to be

complete, must bring together both aspects. However, the postwar Japanese revolution

has ended up leaning on the side of rationalism, towards humanism, leaving eroticism

aside. In a sense, the writer Hiroshi Noma has walked on the right track, but halfway he

got lost. And from his straying he came to the stupid conclusion that eroticism is opposed to

the system. In the relativism of today’s world, however, eroticism is no more than a kind of

free sex. It’s not opposed to anything. It is sex without any relation to the absolute. In my

opinion, nothing could be further from true eroticism.

Not long ago I wrote a pretty harsh review of your short story Patriotism. But if we take into account that this

work is in line with the idea formulated by you just now, then my criticism does not agree at all with your logic.

Our positions are totally separate. In my opinion, one should only speak of eroticism when

the human being risks his life and seeks pleasure until death, which is as if he arrived at the

absolute from the reverse. If the gods did not exist, they would have to be reborn. And

without God there is no eroticism. And because of this way of thinking of mine, I have done

the impossible to make the absolute reborn. That is when eroticism arises. What does all

this have to do with everyday sex? Well, nothing. Let’s say it is a kind of 'paneroticism'.

That’s it. This search is the main objective of my literature.



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