Tomra Culture Book 2021 FINAL

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I often say, TOMRA is the best company I

have worked for (and I have worked for a

few) because of the following 3 things:

1. I get to work in a company purely focussed on

recycling! I have worked in many aspects of

the waste and recycling industry and being in

involved in container deposit scheme is fantastic.

TOMRA has a real and meritorious purpose

(saving the planet), which I get to be part of.

2. I love technology and to be able to genuinely

say I work for a world leader in its field is a

bonus, plus as I say we have a cool app too

and I love a good app!

3. Finally and most importantly, TOMRA cares

about and is genuinely focussed on it’s people.

This is very important to me given as a Manager

who knows the importance of people and

having a positive and vibrant culture, I am well

supported by the company in driving a great

place to work for my team members.

On top if this, TOMRA recognises we must

continually improve and strive to be better.

We don’t have it 100% right yet, however, we

recognise this and are looking to improve.

- Laurie Minto

Director of Operations – QLD, NT & WA

Time with TOMRA at the time of writing this, 3.25 years





The TOMRA culture for me is about

teamwork, commitment and safety.

We have many cross functional teams

but what sets TOMRA apart from other

companies is that Loopers from across

the organisation are always willing

to help out other teams even when

it is not part of their responsibilities.

Loopers are committed to the TOMRA

mission, willing to do whatever is

necessary to complete a task or a

project, and enjoy the successes we

achieve. Loopers have embraced the

TOMRA Safe culture, making sure we

all look out for each other. What I like

about the TOMRA culture is the team

spirit and drive to continually

be better tomorrow!

- Phil Parbury

For me the TCA culture revolves around a

place I can enjoy working with others who

share a commitment to a higher purpose.

The shared purpose makes it fulfilling work,

and the enjoyment comes from the fact we

have a collegiate, approachable culture.

There is an openness and honesty and a

willingness to accept mistakes with good

humour. In addition we are made up of

teams of smart, professional people who are

committed and willing to take responsibility

and help each other. People’s input is valued

and differences of opinion are listened to,

respected and worked through.

- Markus Fraval

Tomra culture is about rolling up our sleeves

for our community. Whether that be friends

and family, colleagues and co-workers or

the wider community. We care about our

work, because it benefits the community.

What we do is making a difference in our

surroundings. Our work is educating the

world on the importance of closed-loop

recycling. Changing the physical landscape

as well as the mental. We come from varied

backgrounds, but are unified by our pride

in our work. We show our pride through

our passion. We strive to be the best so our

world can be a better place to live in.

- Jack Graham

What I love most about working at TOMRA is being able

to work amongst passionate and supportive people.

We are a team brought together by a shared sense of

responsibility to protect the environment and better the

communities that we serve. It isn’t just our mission that

inspires me. It is Loopers’ dedication to TOMRA’s mission

that, I believe, underpins our culture and how we work.

TOMRA is a place where you can seize an opportunity, grow,

and develop. Looper’s are entrusted and empowered to

shape their roles and build a TOMRA they would like to be a

part of. We are heard, and we are seen. Not only for what we

contribute but for how we contribute and support each other.

We work together, trusting that even our disagreements are

positive because they will ultimately lead to better outcomes

for both the environment and our customers.

To be a Looper is to be passionate, driven, and unafraid of

the unconventional.

- Georgette Armstrong

I am supervisor at Joondalup Depot.

I was in construction for 35yrs, I joined

TOMRA in September and have loved

it. The family feeling I feel here [is]

nothing like that on building sites.

- Shaun

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