[Cortar & Editat] Artigo - BOXER, C.R - Portuguese Roteiros, 1500-1700_removed

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extended from the original, and with extracts taken from a

Dutch Roteiro 1 in the part describing the island of Mauritius,

and some brief extracts from some of the Roteiros of Japan,

China, Siam and the Philippines which had already been reproduced

(and in full) by Linschoten in I 596. This version was

issued without a frontispiece, and is found bound up with

either the edition of I 6 I 4 or, more often, with that of I 62 5.

It should further be noted that all of these editions-save that

of I 609 and the second edition of Rodriguez's Roteiro-are

prefaced by an Arte de Navegar of about 30 pages, divided into

a number of chapters in which are explained the rules of elementary

mathematics, geometry, and astronomy together with

illustrations of the use of navigational instruments, sufficient,

as the author states rather naively, to make a good pilot of

anyone who studies them. Another point worth noting is that

the first edition of this Arte de Navegar of I 6o8 is very different

from the subsequent issues of I 6 I 4-3 2, as in these latter

editions it appears in a much altered and expanded form.

Stockier, in his work on the history of Mathematical studies in

Portugal, accuses Manoel de Figueiredo of arrant plagiarism

and states that all of value in his work has been taken wholesale,

and without acknowledgment, from the works of his sixteenthcentury

predecessor, Andre de Avellar. This may be true as

regards the purely theoretical and mathematical part of his

work; but Portugal at least owes him a debt of gratitude for

collecting, editing and publishing all the Roteiros of the East and

West Indies which his various editions contain, and which

would otherwise have been lost for ever. The works of Figueiredo

(who served as Cosmographer-Major of Portugal from

I 6o7 until his death in I 62 2 ), or rather these Roteiros as published

by him, became the basis of all future publications of a

similar kind in Portugal, and continued to be reprinted, with

little or no alteration, under differing titles throughout the

next two centuries. Actually, however, of more value and


I At least I presume these additions were copied from a Dutch source. The

chapter in question starts by saying that the Hollanders frequent the island; and

as the Portuguese seldom or never went there, it seems probable that the account

was taken from the Hollanders. I know of no Portuguese version.


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