[Cortar & Editat] Artigo - BOXER, C.R - Portuguese Roteiros, 1500-1700_removed

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these Roteiros survive in Portugal to-day, and had it not been

for the diligent Fleming, no record of them would have been

preserved. Reverting to Vicente Rodriguez, we may add that

his Roteiro, with slight alterations, was first printed in Portuguese

by Manoel de Figueiredo in I 6o8-more than ten years

after its appearance in translation in the Itinerario. The remaining

Roteiros of the sixteenth century need not detain us, as they

are of small importance except perhaps the-

XI. Roteiro of Manuel Gaspar, written in I 594, which

deserves a passing mention as containing one of the earliest

Roteiros of the West Indies. This work and that of Linschoten

bring us to the end of the sixteenth century, and to the next and

final section of our classification.

(C) Portuguese Roteiros of the seventeenth century.

XII. The earliest of these is due to the hand of the versatile

Joao Baptista Lavanha, who, in despite of his Jewish origin,

rose to be Engineer, Cosmographer and Chronicler-in-chief of

Portugal, and was the author of numerous scientific, historical

and literary works. It was a copy of the Roteiro da India of

Vicente Rodriguez, but with numerous additions and corrections.

Unfortunately neither the original nor any copy has

survived; but that it existed is certain, as the India fleet of I 6o8

were ordered to take copies with them, and to correct or annotate

the same during the voyage when necessary. In this connection

the King's instructions dated March I 3th, I 6o8, to Gaspar

Jorge do Couto read:

For the voyage you will use the Roteiro da India which was compiled by Joao

Baptista Lavanha, and of which you will take a copy; and should you find it to

differ in any part from what your actual experience teaches you, you will note the

same, so that it may be corrected where necessary.

The actual title of the work was-Roteiro da navegarao da

India, & de Rotas com ha .Agulha ferrada debaixo da flor de Lis, e

di.fferenras della, & signaes correntes de .Agoa, he Fentos q em

diversas parages se acha'O: Este derroteiro foi, ho que emmendon

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