[Cortar & Editat] Artigo - BOXER, C.R - Portuguese Roteiros, 1500-1700_removed

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proved reprint of the I 68 I edition together with the Arte de

Na'Vegar which was included therein. This last edition was

frequently reprinted throughout the eighteenth century and

even into the nineteenth, but these later versions fall outside

the scope of our article.

It is not worth while to quote extensive passages from these

old Portuguese Roteiros, for many of the best amongst them are

readily accessible in the inimitable contemporary translations of

Jan Huyghen van Linschoten; readers of that work will agree

that they are models in their descriptions of the coasts visited

and of their geographical situation; in their records of the

different compass readings obtained, and of the magnetic variation;

of the physical and natural features of the lands, bays,

ports and anchorages visited; in their observations of meteorological

and oceanographic phenomena, as well as of the prevailing

winds and currents, and consequently of the various

courses recommended for different seasons of the year 1 • Small

wonder that Richard Hawkins-a contemporary Englishman

and a competent judge-noted in his Observations 2 of r622


In this poynt of Steeridge, the Spaniards and Portingalls doe exceede all that

I have seene, I meane for their care, which is chiefest in Navigation. And I wish

in this, and in all their workes of Discipline and reformation, we should follow

their examples .... In every Ship of moment, vpon the halfe decke, or quarter

decke, they haue a chayre, or seat; out of which whilst they Navigate, the Pilot, or

his Adiutants (which are the same officers which in our Shippes we terme, the

Master and his Mates) never depart, day nor night, from the sight of the Compasse;

and haue another before them; whereby they see what they doe, and are ever

witnesses of the good or bad Steeridge of all men that do take the Helme ....

Enough has been written in this article to show the importance,

scope and interest of the recent Lisbon exhibition, which

certainly achieved its purpose in arousing fresh interest in the

pioneer part played by Portugal in the advancement of nautical

I For further details concerning all the Roteiros and other books quoted in

this article, see the Bibliografia dos Roteiros Portugueses ate ao anode 1700 printed

in the Arquivo Historico da Marinha, Lis boa, 1934-, which also contains an account

of Commander Fontoura da Costa's lecture, Este Livro he de rotear ..., on which

this article is based.

2 Cf. Observations, p. 57. Argonaut Press edition by J. A. Williamson.

London, 1933·

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