X-Cited Science Magazine - No:2

SEV American College X-Cited No:2 / 2021

SEV American College
No:2 / 2021


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Science Talk


The Journey of a Young


with Uluç Kadıoğlu (SAC’19)


On January 28 th , we had a wonderful

conversation with Uluç who was one

of our school’s 2019 graduates. He told

us about his adventure while doing

his TUBITAK project. Also, he gave

us some advice about how we can

manage our time and start scientific

research or projects. During the

conversation, we didn’t understand

how time had passed and we learned

a lot from him. We hope that this talk

will be a guide for you.

When and how has your passion

for biology started?

Since I was a child, my family guided me

to question, research, and observe. In fact,

they bought me a microscope, and through

that little microscope, I had a chance to look

at different species closely. My interest in

biology started when I was in 9th grade.

In the lab that we used to do our biology

lessons, there were some charts on the

walls about “classifying organisms”. On

those charts, I saw unusual organisms

that attracted my attention. One of these

organisms was parasites. Even though

parasites cannot live by themselves, they

can find their nutrients in other species.

Moreover, they cause some dangerous

diseases such as malaria in mammals.

These aroused my interest in them,

therefore I decided to design an experiment

that involves parasites.

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