X-Cited Science Magazine - No:2

SEV American College X-Cited No:2 / 2021

SEV American College
No:2 / 2021


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Science Check


Gut Microbiota and The Brain

Do Gut Bacteria Control Us?


By Selin Z.

Our emotions and behaviors are shaped by microbes.

We might not be the real hosts of our bodies.

Neuroscientists were mostly

focused on how the brain affects

the organs, including the gut.

However, recently conducted

studies in animals have claimed

that gut bacteria might influence

both physiological health, and

interestingly, mental health. The

new studies also suggest that even

our emotions and social behaviors

are shaped by gut bacterial species.

More bacteria are living inside

you than your own cells. A study,

conducted by Ron Sender and his

colleagues, stated that the number

of bacteria is 1.3 times higher than

the number of human cells. It is

estimated that there are about 39

trillion bacteria and 30 trillion

human cells in the body. Because of

this reason, we might not be the real

hosts of our bodies. Starting from

birth, the diversity and abundance

of microorganisms in our bodies

increase over time. Besides being

found in the entire body, those

microbes mostly develop in the

intestines that occupy a 32 m 2

surface area in healthy adults.

The gut bacteria are crucial for our

health and immune system. They

play a vital role in synthesizing

vitamins and creating energy from

the foods that we consume. They

block pathogens from entering

the body and causing disorders.

But recent studies showed that

gut bacteria are also able to

communicate directly with the

brain through the vagus nerve (the

connective nerve between the brain

and the gut), through the immune

cells, and the chemicals that they


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