Christian Action Starter Pack 2021

You can start an action group. One person can make a difference. Africa Christian Action has been equipping and mobilising Christians to be salt and light in their communities since 1991. Our training seminars, radio programmes, rallies and literature have helped many thousands of concerned Christians make a difference for Christ in their communities.

You can start an action group. One person can make a difference. Africa Christian Action has been equipping and mobilising Christians to be salt and light in their communities since 1991. Our training seminars, radio programmes, rallies and literature have helped many thousands of concerned Christians make a difference for Christ in their communities.


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• Trafficked victims are often used in the production of porn.<br />

• There is a seamless connection between all forms of sexual exploitation.<br />

11. Know the common arguments. Either destroy them in your initial statement or be able to respond to<br />

them in questions. Refer to our anti‐pornography tract – Fight the New Drug or Porndemic book.<br />

12. Visuals. (In debates use newspaper cuttings, short videos, posters, large pictures, or Power Points.)<br />

13. Be positive in the words you use. Which sounds worse? ‘My father was present at a public event. The<br />

platform he was standing on gave way. He fell and was killed’ or ‘My dad was a convicted criminal who was<br />

hanged in public.’ Which sounds better? ‘They had fragrant, delicious, tenderly aged porterhouse steak’ or<br />

‘They had the deplorable habit of feasting on the carcass of an animal that had been killed a month previously’?<br />

(Handbook on Euthanasia, p77). Here are some good positive examples: Control of pornography ‐ not<br />

censorship. Protect our women and children. The right of women to be protected from exploitation and abuse.<br />

14. Always give a website address and/or phone numbers where people can obtain documentation and<br />

more information on the subject ‐ Don’t ask permission. Smoothly include the website where listeners<br />

can obtain more documentation on the subject.<br />

15. Direct questions to the person on the panel who SUPPORTS your view. You want to give your side a chance<br />

to speak. You do not want to give the opposition an opening, even by giving them a tough question, if they can’t<br />

answer the question, they will simply bridge and say what they want to say, thereby reinforcing their position.<br />

16. Have a good closing argument or statement. e.g.: “No one can justify pumping raw sewage into a public street<br />

or swimming area. Neither is the moral sewage being pumped into our children’s minds through pornographers<br />

masquerading as child-friendly websites justifiable” OR “<strong>Christian</strong>s need to use their free market choices to<br />

influence economics ‐ by avoiding (online) retailers that peddle porn and by supporting pro‐family stores that<br />

are not only concerned with profits but also principles.”<br />


“Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights along the way,<br />

where the paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gates leading into the city, at the entrances, she<br />

cries aloud.” Proverbs 8: 1‐3<br />

1. PRAYER<br />

• Before, during and after. Prayer is a foundation for action, not an excuse for inactivity.<br />

“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the<br />

watchmen stand guard in vain.” Psalm 127:1<br />

2. PLANNING<br />

• Appoint a Steering Committee.<br />

• Decide on date, time, place and advertising strategy.<br />


• Check with your city council.<br />

• Email and follow-up with a phone call, urging them for an immediate response for advertising purposes.<br />

• Always take City Council Notification (Letter of Clearance) to the demo.<br />


• Approach your pastor with a humble and teachable attitude.<br />

• Share the vision, share the Scriptures and give him material on the issue.<br />

• Make an appointment to come back for a second visit to confirm his involvement.<br />

• Urge him to lead the way.<br />


• Advertising: Websites, e-mailings, Facebook, Whatsapp Groups, radio, newspapers, your own<br />

publications, mail outs, flyers, posters, pulpit announcements, church bulletins and personal invitation.<br />

• Actively recruit with videos, tracts and other teaching materials.<br />

021 689 4481 info@<strong>Christian</strong><strong>Action</strong>.org.za www.<strong>Christian</strong><strong>Action</strong>.org.za <strong>Starter</strong> <strong>Pack</strong> 15

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