The Greek Revolution, A Critical Dictionary, Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Constantinos Tsoukalas, March 25, 2021

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Greece do not belong to the West. No one is justified in disputing the fact that

Greece, already at the point of attainment of its in de pen dence, was and remained

part of the West and, a fortiori, a true buttress of Western culture. The

history and geo graph i cal position of Greece attest to and irrefutably substantiate

the first conclusion. The nation- state of Greece is the West’s outer

boundary to the East. This increases the significance of Greece as part of the

West in proportion to the fact that, due to its geo graph i cal position and its

cultural origins, it is in a position to keep its gaze turned eastward, thus facilitating

the cultural dialogue between East and West. In this manner, it confutes

the claims of the alleged “clash of civilizations” and channels this cultural dialogue

into the protection of peace, by building bridges and enabling the unimpeded

communication between cultures. All this takes on a new and cardinal

importance in our turbulent times.

Our second conclusion points to the significance of the model of the Greek

nation- state, established in 1830 in the form that was to become a general model

of state organ ization, as the solid foundation on which the Eu ro pean edifice

should be based, as the Eu ro pean Union progresses to its eventual complete

integration. Therefore, the Eu ro pean Union may and should be or ga nized as a

federal state defined by the princi ple of representative democracy, which, in

turn, is founded on the rule of law and the protection of fundamental human

rights. This federal state, thus configured, would mold an au then tic Eu ro pean

consciousness in the minds of the citizens of the member states. Hence, in this

framework, the central organs of Eu ro pean democracy will possess extensive

powers customarily accorded to federal states, thus enabling the Eu ro pean

Union to fulfill its global historical mission of defending the values of peace,

democracy, and social justice. Every member state, in its capacity as a nationstate,

will irrevocably retain its inalienable distinctive national characteristics

that determine its autonomy and self- government and define the horizon of its

historical origins and prospects. In the course of this unfolding of history, every

nation- state will make consciously and generously its “Eu ro pean contribution”

in order to ensure the perpetual enrichment of Eu ro pean democracy and European


The Greek national revolution led to the emergence of modern Greece as a

nation- state in its exemplary form and thus possessed a far- reaching significance

for the Eu ro pean context as a whole. If we examine and assess the Greek

Revolution in this perspective we might be able to appreciate it as an important

turning point in the history of modern Eu rope and recognize further in it

the dynamic of the appropriate acceleration of the construction of the Eu ropean

edifice as it builds toward its final completion; a completion desirable for

more than one reason.

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