The Greek Revolution, A Critical Dictionary, Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Constantinos Tsoukalas, March 25, 2021

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the greek revolution 22

which had been communicated to Rus sia after 1772, to support the aspiration

of autonomy and of a native prince.

Now, to return to the sequence of events. In January, Vladimirescu seized

the opportunity of the death of the Prince of Wallachia, Alexander Soutsos, to

immediately put his plan into action. Soutzo’s death had also opened up the

disputes around the vacant throne of Wallachia (Pippidi 1980). While a regency

council was settled as a result, Tudor’s army took the form of a great assembly,

quite similar to the demo cratic constitution adopted in Serbia under Karageorge,

and proceeded toward Bucharest like a national pro cession. Among

the demands of the discontented men who continued to flock to Bucharest were

the reduction or suspension of taxes, the abolition of the general system of appointment

on the basis of favoritism or bribes, freedom of commercial activity

and the creation of a tax- exempt military corps; above all these demands was

to be the confirmation of Tudor as “chieftain and ruler.” The whole month of

February passed before Tudor’s arrival in Bucharest. Moreover, in the proclamation,

which announced the arrival on March 16, there was not a word about

Ypsilantis, who was also on his way to Bucharest.

The Etairists assembled in Bessarabia had crossed the border at the river

Pruth on February 22, in full agreement with Michael Soutzo, still the prince

of Moldavia. The proclamations from Jassy which, in the usual revolutionary

style, promised to deliver the Hellenic fatherland (including Serbia and Bulgaria)

were addressed to Greek patriots in Moldavia and Wallachia. They called

upon the ancient Greek heroes, but how could Epaminondas and Thrasyboulos

have any effect on the Romanians? In Jassy, the local population could not fraternize

with the Etairists’ men because it witnessed requisitions, recruitment of

people who were unreliable as soldiers and highly dubious figures in commanding

places; plunder and devastation became the daily rule of occupation

from the end of March until it was succeeded in June by the Turkish troops

(Drăghici 2017, 215–216).

After having spent only a week in Moldavia, Ypsilantis left with two thousand

armed men and, on his way to Bucharest, when learning of the Rus sian

disapproval, he invited “the Dacians” to join the descendants of the ancient Hellenes.

He and Vladimirescu were arriving at about the same time in Wallachia

and prepared their meeting by a mutual explanation of their intentions. Tudor

intended to win to his cause the three estates— clergy, boyars, and what we may

call bourgeoisie (artisans and tradesmen)— but he addressed his call especially to

the common people. On March 20 Tudor declared that he was inspired by an

optimistic faith that he could reconcile antagonisms. He used the term neam

(nation) in order to fasten the ties among those social groups, united by love of

the fatherland as a debt to their ancestors. Turning to the administrators of

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