The University of Salford Midwifery Society Magazine Semester 3

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.


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I started this degree because I care so much about improving people’s

experiences of maternity care. I wouldn’t be putting myself into debt and

putting my family through the stress of the degree if I wasn’t passionate about

midwifery. But it almost seems sometimes that we care so much about the

people we are supporting that we forget to care about ourselves. University arms

us with mindfulness techniques, we have “wellness wednesdays” and there is

a counselling service that we can access, but at times there still seems to be

that same lack of compassion internally. Needing a mental health day should be

as accepted as a day off for a migraine, but it still isn’t seen that way, because

needing a mental health day means you can’t cope with your course and studies,


The thing is, depression and anxiety both stop you from reaching out, they

frighten you into silence because you become convinced that your voice and

your struggles are so insignificant that nobody is going to care. But it’s going

to be our job to care, and we can’t care for others if we’re not caring about

ourselves too. It isn’t healthy for the workforce and it isn’t safe for birthing

people to have an exhausted, burned out care giver.

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