The University of Salford Midwifery Society Magazine Semester 3

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.


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Wellbeing checklist for

Emma Mahon– 3rd year student midwife and co-chair of the


As this edition is focused on mental health, I thought it would

be worthwhile to share some tips for ensuring you have a

restful sleep. These tips work whether you are on a university

block or doing shift work. I have struggled with sleep myself,

so I follow these simple steps: I hope that even one of these

tips helps one of you get a restful night sleep as we all know

how hard it is to work or study the next day if we are feeling


Before I go to work or start my university day, I make sure I make my bed

(my grandma taught me this and it helps when you go back to your room

and its tidy). I also set out my pyjamas on the bed ready for the evening (or

morning if on nights).

To start my night-time routine, I have a shower or a bath, this does not

have to be long, but I feel like I am washing or soaking the day away. Since

doing the Aromatherapy for Childbirth course I like to use essential oils in

my bath to help me relax.

I try and remember to moisturise as working at the hospital makes my

hands dry.

Next, I set my clothes out for the next day, make sure my bag is ready

and prepare my dinner. If all this is done, I find I am not thinking about

whether I have got my uniform out of the washing machine for the next

day at 2am in the morning!

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