The University of Salford Midwifery Society Magazine Semester 3

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.


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Carolyn Zitha- 2nd Year Student

Book Review

The Secret Midwife


The Secret Midwife is a first hand account of an NHS midwife and

her experience of working within the pressures of an understaffed,

under funded NHS.

Little did I

know that

2 days later I

would be in a

state of panic

Ironically, I chose this book as a bit of light

hearted, weekend reading, a little treat to myself

after completing an assignment draft. Little did

I know that 2 days later I would be in a state of

panic, questioning my life choices and googling

alternative careers.

The book discusses the many pressures which

midwives working within the NHS face. We all know about the

understaffing, the lack of funding etc. As students we are not

exempt from this and we soon become aware of what to expect

once our placements begin. However, what caused my panic when

reading this book was the author’s experiences of facing court

cases, with a lack of support from senior management and a lack

of accountability for the staffing pressures. Things which students

may not really think about as we are not yet working under our

own pin. I came away fearing that the career I had enthusiastically

embarked upon was akin to entering the lion’s den of court cases,

blame and mistrust. But then, once the initial fear had subsided, I

began to critically think about what I had read.


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