The University of Salford Midwifery Society Magazine Semester 3

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.


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Starting University During

A Pandemic!!

1st year student Shoshona Lewisreflects upon

begining her midwifery journey during a global


Coronavirus, lockdown, pandemic, quarantine and social distancing

were some of the global buzzwords of 2020. In contrast, my confirmed

place at the University of Salford altered my vocabulary to include

words associated with university, remote learning, and of course,

all things midwifery. So, whilst 2020/2021 will be remembered as

the year of the pandemic, I will always remember it as the year I

embarked on my journey to becoming a midwife.

The prospect of starting university can be scary, but starting a three-year

degree in the midst of a pandemic presents a whole new set of challenges.

During our online induction, it was announced that the majority of

teaching in the first semester would be taking place on Collaborate.

Consequently, I faced the reality of attempting to get to know my tutors

and the rest of the cohort, via a videocall. Moreover, I had to learn to

navigate Blackboard quickly, ensuring I didn’t accidentally miss any

lectures or important announcements. Of course, that was not the only

challenge. It became apparent when teaching began at the

end of September that connectivity issues were going to be

an ongoing issue. The sight of a message proclaiming ‘WIFI

issues’ became very familiar during lectures. Admittedly,

my motivation was significantly threatened when my own internet

connection failed. Watching the futile attempts my laptop was making

to reconnect was agonising. Fortunately, every Collaborate lecture was

recorded, so it was easy to catch up when these obstacles arose.

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