The University of Salford Midwifery Society Magazine Semester 3

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.

This semester’s edition concentrates on student mental health.


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Midwifery asks so much from you, even as a student you have

the same shift pattern & workload as a qualified midwife, plus

reading, plus assignments. It’s hard and it’s necessary and we

know that. But as the next generation of midwives, maybe we

can work together to change the stigma from the inside out.

We can be compassionate towards our colleagues and we can

speak up when we hear those ignorant comments about mental

health. It feels degrading to sit in a room and listen to people talk

so negatively about mental health when you have mental health

issues yourself. The subject of your opinions can’t hear what

you’re saying, but your silently & secretly suffering colleagues

can: they can hear your negativity, your derision, your scorn,

and it isolates them, further chipping away at what little support

they felt they did have in the work place.

So in 2021, let’s actually support one another. Let’s stop

being so derivative in the staff room about other people. Let’s

flood the world with so much love and so much compassion that

mental health problems become just another illness.

I am a student midwife. I have mental health problems. I take

medication. I am not ashamed. And one day, I will be an

amazing midwife, not in spite of my mental health issues, but

because of them.

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