Other Lands, POEMS – Ronelda Kampfer

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MADRE<br />

vite basse<br />

c'era una donna nella mia vita<br />

che è stata tradita così tante volte<br />

che il suo cuore era un cerchio<br />

ha sfregato le sue umiliazioni<br />

con il suo olio da bagno<br />

dentro la sua pelle<br />

era mia madre<br />

e lei mi ha insegnato<br />

come non amare<br />

me stessa<br />

MOTHER<br />

low lives<br />

there was a woman in my life<br />

who was betrayed so many times<br />

that her heart was a circle<br />

she rubbed her humiliations<br />

with her bath oil<br />

into her skin<br />

she was my mother<br />

and she taught me<br />

how not to love<br />

myself<br />


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