Swaffham Newsletter

June 2021

June 2021


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June 2021

Your free town newsletter published by Iceni Partnership


newslet ter


Swaffham children shine

See p.4 to read about Swaffham CE Primary Academy's activities

Read about on p.7













published by

Your monthly magazine is published by:

Contact the editor:

01760 722 800


Swaffham Newsletter

Iceni Partnership

Swaffham Community Centre

The Campingland


PE37 7RB

Registered in England Company Number 4257830 Charity Number 1101814 VAT Number UK800057775

Comments or queries welcomed - we are a

resource for all of the community to enjoy.

We are always open to new contributors from

Swaffham and surrounding villages.

Deadline for editorial and advertising is the

12th day of the previous month.

Advertisers - We operate an industry standard

pre-paid system of billing. The rates were subject

to a small increase beginning April 2020, in line

with production costs.



3 Swaffham Climate Action

4 School Speak

5 Church News

6 History Group/ Hospital LoF's

8 Museum Matters

11 Swaffham Rotary/Magpie Centre

12 Swaffham Lionesses

13 Swaffham Lions

14 Men's Shed/Rugby Club

17 Mayor's Parlour

18 Town Council

Swaffham Climate Action

The graphic below shows how the

global temperature has changed

from 1850 to 2019, a dramatic picture

of warming in more recent decades

(from showyourstripes.info)

We have been really pleased to see the Breckland

District Council Sustainability Strategy. A wide

range of plans are afoot including ongoing street

light replacement, electric vehicle charging

points, improvements in the natural environment

and carbon auditing. The appointment of an

Environment and Climate Change Officer will

hopefully move the district in the right direction

and provide a chance for us to interact positively

to reduce our carbon footprint in the district.

Likewise, the Sustainable Swaffham initiative is a

great step forwards.

Have you ever wondered how you can work out

your carbon footprint?

The social enterprise Giki zero have a tool on

their website which shows how you can improve

your carbon footprint through different lifestyle

choices. After logging your current details, a range

of over 120 actions can be chosen with a possible

goal of reducing your footprint by a tonne in 2021!

Their website makes this simple and fun with

options to compete as a family or a workplace. For

maths enthusiasts details of how the estimates are

calculated can be accessed on the website too.

https://zero.giki.earth/about explains how you can

get involved, and encourage your friends, family,

and work colleagues to do the same.

Climate Change: Ade on the Frontline

This is a great thought-provoking programme with

some beautiful filming from around the world

about how climate change is already impacting

vulnerable people and animals, and how they

are trying to mitigate the problems. The three

programmes are available on BBC iPlayer.

If you are interested in joining our informal

group, please contact Colin Abbiss on 01760

723118 or Cathy Mumford on 01760 721847 or



Book Group at West Acre Theatre

The First Wednesday of

the month at 7pm

What can the book group

do for you?

• Introduce you to authors

you've never heard of and

a variety of books that you

haven't tried before.

• Re-introduce you to old


• The opportunity to

discuss your ideas (and lots of other things too!) with

people who have read the same book.

• A chance to make new friends.

• A reason to get out of the house - and let's face

it, we all want to do more of that! All of this can be

yours in a safe, friendly environment.

• The book group links in closely with the Lit events

held at West Acre Theatre and provide an opportunity

to meet authors face to face.

Books We Have Read This Year To Date:

• 'Hamnet' by Maggie O Farrell

• 'Girl, Woman, Other' by Bernardine Evaristo

• 'Where the Crawdads Sing' by Delia Owens

For more information, please contact Lynette

Brinsdon: e: lynettesa@aol.com t: 07900 570765

National Women's Register

Space to be You

NWR is a social organisation for women;

with groups across the UK that connect women who

are interested in everything and talk about anything!

Join us for lively discussions, to share ideas, meet

other women and make new friends

New to Swaffham? Recently retired? The friendly

ladies of Dereham and District NWR could be for

you. We meet fortnightly, usually during the day in

each other's houses (covid restrictions allowing) or

gardens as well as paying visits to places of interest

and meeting up socially for coffee and a chat. If you

would like to give us a try (no obligation), then please

contact Anna on 01362 850433. Check out the NWR

website - https://www.nwr.org.uk to see what this

country-wide organisation is all about.

Swaffham Dementia Café

Swaffham Dementia Café is pleased to announce they

will be restarting on Wednesday 7th July from 10am

- 12pm in the Regency Room of Swaffham Assembly

Rooms. The Café will then run monthly on the first

Wednesday of the month. For more information

contact Jonathan Reed on 01760 722800.

Swaffham CE Primary Academy

Our Reception Class and Year 3 Class have almost

been at Swaffham Primary Academy for a whole year

now - as their very first year is drawing to a close we

have been thinking about "how we shine".

Harry (Year 3, Curlews), recalls, "I shined when

I created a biography in class." Jessica (Year 3,

Curlews) explained, "I shine when I create art work as

it inspires me to do more art at home." In Reception

Class, our Little Terns, Abbi spoke fondly about how

her family make her shine because "I love them so

much." Alyssia-Rose was in awe at how far she had

come in less than a year. Alyssia-Rose explained,

"I just can't believe it. When I started Reception I

couldn't read and now I read books and I can write

sentences! I can write an actual sentence! I shine at

sentence writing." At Swaffham Primary Academy

we are incredibly proud of our resilient learners who

have continued to shine and strive to give the very

best of themselves in all they do. We would like to

share how proud we are of every single learner at

Swaffham Primary Academy and say a big thank you

to their continued dedication and commitment to

learning. At Swaffham Primary Academy we believe

that, with knowledge, anything is possible. Every day

we shine. We believe in ourselves, we feel like we

belong and we learn new things and discover more

about ourselves and the world around us. Together

we shine, we learn, we believe and we belong.


Sacred Heart Catholic Primary

When we returned after the Easter break we had an

exciting arrival of our own baby caterpillars. They

were really little at first but over the week they have

already changed so much. We read the story The

Very Hungry Caterpillar and looked at the life cycle of

a caterpillar. The children are very excited to watch

our caterpillars go through the metamorphosis

stages and change into butterflies, then we can

set them free. The children made pattern pillars

and created their own symmetrical butterflies. The

children investigated doubles to replicate the idea

of using the same number of counters on each wing

in a symmetrical pattern. They also investigated the

fruits from the story, took part in tasting activities

and mud pie making in our new mud kitchen to

develop language of describing words.

We spent lots of time outside as the weather

improved. We walked around the school grounds

looking for signs of Spring. The children found lots

of flowers: daffodils, primroses, snowdrops and

crocuses. We also found blossom on the magnolia

and apple trees, catkins on the hazel trees as well

as leaves beginning to emerge from their buds. We

heard birds singing and saw some bird nests too. The

children used iPads to take photographs and charts

to mark off each of the signs of spring that they

found. Back in class, we have used these photos as a

stimulus for writing and art activities.

We will continue our investigations to see what else

lives on our school grounds and go on a minibeast

hunt in the coming weeks. We hope to find worms,

ants, earwigs, spiders, bees and ladybirds and look

forward to learning more about different bugs

throughout the summer term.

If you are interested in joining our Reception Class,

we still have a few spaces left for our September 2021

intake. Due to current restrictions we are unable to

offer school visits but are happy to talk to you and

answer any questions you have. Please contact the

school office to secure your place 01760 721330.

story time at our Forest School for

Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School

parents and carers with children aged 0-3 years

old. Please follow us on Facebook or Twitter for

We were excited to open our doors to welcome back all our families on as

updates and information on how to book a place.

Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School.

We have missed our families and children dearly over the COVID-19 closure.

The children have enjoyed being back in school, seeing their friends and


Heartwood CE VC Primary

At Heartwood we are passionate

about connecting with and serving

our community. We are hopeful

in June to open up our library for


St Peter and St Paul's Swaffham

The June services in Swaffham parish church will

be as follows, and are still subject to the Covid-19

restrictions: -

At Heartwood we love outdoor learning. We have a wonderful forest school

Sunday 6th June 1st Sunday after Trinity

where our Forest School teacher plans exciting learning


in. The






taking part in their weekly forest school session.

6.00pm Evensong

In Heartwood Forest school sessions, our children Sunday will 13th achieve June 2nd and Sunday develop after Trinity

confidence and self-esteem through hands on learning 9.30am experiences, Parish Eucharist trying CW

more risky activities such as tree climbing, building Sunday 20th fires, June using 3rd real Sunday tools after and Trinity

den building.

9.30am United Benefice Eucharist CW

Sunday 27th June 4th Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Parish Eucharist CW

Is your Please child starting visit our school website in September to find out next more about our 6.00pm wonderful school Evening Service (at which

year, 2022? www.heartwood.norfolk.sch.uk

If so, we would like to invite you to a we will welcome the Reverend Victoria Venmore-

Heartwood open morning on Tuesday 22nd June Rowland as Assistant Curate.)

at 10am. We will welcome you on a tour of our PLEASE NOTE

stunning school and for you to take part in some At the time of writing, we are pleased to report

activities, whilst having a drink and getting to know that limited choral singing has resumed, and we

the staff and other parents.

look forward to restarting congregational singing as

soon as it is permitted. Updates on services, both

in church and virtual (streamed on Facebook), will

be advertised each week under ‘Services’ on the

Swaffham Parish Church website https://www.

swaffhamparishchurch.org/ and notified via the

Swaffham Parish Church Facebook site. Similarly,

opening the church for private prayer and for

visitors will be announced there.

We would be glad to hear from anyone who would

be interested in assisting with stewarding during

visiting hours, in the hope of maximising the

opening of the church building in the summer –

contact by email, by website, or ring 622241 and

leave a message. Many thanks.

If you are interested in booking a place, please email

office@heartwood.norfolk.sch.uk with your name,

your child's name and a contact number. We will

be risk assessing in line with the COVID guidance

and will let you know if extra measures need to be

put in place or the event needs to be virtual. Places

are limited so we may open up on another occasion

too. We look forward to meeting you all.

Emily McMillen


Swaffham Methodist Church

Swaffham Methodist Church continues to hold weekly

Sunday Services at 10.45am. These have been well

attended, so again we ask that you let us know if you'd

like to attend, so we can make sure that everyone is

kept covid safe. Please contact Anne (01760722611).

Do have a look on our website for latest information.


Community Hospital L of F's

I hope many of you may now have had your second

dose of the vaccine. The situation in care homes has

improved and it is good news that at least more direct

contact with loved ones is now possible.

Our NHS colleagues, as ever, are doing a great job

with current patients and the situation at the hospital

has improved a little.

Still awaiting update on the hospital plans to be

obtaining more local washing machine facilities so

that more can be handled in-house. We will see if we

can help this in any way.

There is still little sign of us being able to commence

any immediate fundraising activities so I continue

with my suggestion that if you would like to help, a

good way is to participate in our coin collection. The

idea is to ask you all to consider whether you would

like to have a jam jar or tin at home in which you

might donate any spare change over the coming

weeks. It would be a small way of recognising the

fantastic service our NHS colleagues are giving over

this difficult period. If you would like to do this the

donations could be left at hospital reception or if you

ring me I can arrange collection. We have had some

continuing response to this and I would like to thank

those of you who have already contributed.

The Rotary Club in Swaffham have advised us that

they plan to hold a Charity Golf Day on Monday 19th

July. The proceeds are to be split between us and

another local charity. So...all you budding golfers...

if you would like to participate, put this date in your

diary and contact Rotary to express your interest. To

help Rotary with this event we would welcome any

items that you would like to donate for raffle prizes

etc. If so, I am happy to collect.

We are starting to think about ideas for starting some

new events over the coming months. Do any of you

have any special skills/knowledge etc that you think

would interest a wider following? If so, could you give

me a call and we could consider if it would be possible

to organise an event around it...don't be shy!

Nothing further to report at the moment on any

capital schemes. We will hold an AGM this year and a

date will be announced.

As spring is upon us we are looking to refresh plants

in our garden so as to keep it as attractive as possible.

We are really keen to attract new people to join

our small committee (especially after the loss of a

member). Do ring me for an informal chat, I promise

it won't be too onerous so why not give us a try?

It is important that we all follow the latest Government

guidelines, so stay safe and well. Let's hope the

June date is followed and we regain almost all our


Colin Houghton (Chairman)

01760 336025

Swaffham History Group

A trip back to Victorian Swaffham where Robert

Dunthorn Nichols was the proprietor of the R.

Nichols, Boot and Shoe warehouse in the Market

Place of Swaffham. The shop was double fronted and

situated where 'Raffles' trades from today. Robert

was born in 1840 in Necton. He married Sarah

Ann Leader in 1864 at St Peter and St Paul Church,

Swaffham, and they had a family of eight children of

which three died young.

Robert John Nichols joined his father in the trade

and his younger brother Earnest Arthur was a

watch maker (possibly at Bones, next door and also

at home). Robert's daughter Florence Maud was a

pianist and taught music. With a number of outlets

trading in the sale of boots and shoes in Swaffham

business must have been extremely difficult as Robert

Nichols was declared insolvent in 1905. However he

must have kept his head above water as by 1911 he

was still trading on his own account with the family

home above the shop. Robert Dunthorn Nichols died

in 1923, aged 83 years in Swaffham. His wife, Sarah

Ann predeceased Robert and died in 1914, aged 73

years. For more details regarding the Group please

phone 01842 879140 or EMail jbaz@go-plus.net

R. Nichols Boot and Shoe warehouse, Market Place,

Swaffham, Norfolk.

Do y

Office currently

closed to visitors,

please contact us

on 07393 981295



We haven’t been able to meet for some

time but we are now planning our AGM for:

Tuesday, 27 th July, 2 pm in the

Assembly Rooms, Swaffham

Will all our members who wish to re-join and

any new members please come along. For the

future, we are expecting to meet at 2 pm on

the last Tuesday each month for a talk or

entertainment in the Assembly Rooms, unless

we have planned a trip out.

We also welcome members who would like to

help on our committee.


befriending only

at present


Eligible patients live within a 10 - mile radius

of Swaffham–

• GP Surgeries, Flu, Diabetes, Asthma Clinic etc

• The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn

• The Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital

• Community Hospitals

• Other NHS appointments




‘To improve the quality of life of older people in Swaffham and

the villages nearby’

Join us Make a Difference

Could you be our Next Committee Member!

Swaffham Support Services

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Enquire 07393 981295 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Are You….

. Car owner/driver essential (Fuel

expenses paid)

• Can provide patients with a safe,

comfortable & timely transport

service to and from a clinic


• Good communication skills

• Caring and empathetic

• Enjoy meeting new people


Induction training provided

DBS & Reference checks

FOR AN INFORMATION PACK, CONTACT: ‘Having someone to take me to my

appointment, took away the worry’

Brad Stein – Befriending Service – 07412 775574

Donna Adcock– Hospital Buddy Coordinator – 07393 981290


SINCE 1999

Befrienders & Hospital Buddy Drivers Needed

In the current pandemic it is amazing how many people

have volunteered to help those that have had to shield

due to age or health. Hopefully, lots of you have found

this extremely rewarding and may like to continue as the

restrictions lighten. If you have enjoyed helping others

and have an hour or two to spare a week or enjoy driving,

we would love to hear from you. We need caring

compassionate people like yourselves to join our

fantastic team of volunteers to help elderly people to get

to medical appointments or just to stop an elderly person

from being lonely. Please call us for an informal chat to

see how you could help. Thank you.

We are here to improve the quality of older

people’s lives in Swaffham & the villages nearby

Tel: 07393 981 295

EMAIL: swaffhamsss16@outlook.com


The Community Centre, Campingland, Swaffham. PE37 7RB


A big thank you for everyone who has

donated and bought paperbacks over

the year. They have provided a lifeline

for us over the year and hopefully

one for you too. Enjoy the Summer

staycation relaxing and reading.

Swaffham Heritage, Town Hall, London Street,

Swaffham PE37 7DQ. Tel: 01760 721230

Email: swaffhamheritage@gmail.com

Open 10am to 4pm Mon to Fri. Sat 10am to 1pm

Prices: adults £3. Children 5 and over £1.

Family tickets available.

To keep up to date join us on our website:


or follow us on facebook

Museum open at last!

What’s New

• Updated Shop with a wider selection of items

• Updated Gallery – Conflict and Consequences.

This gallery has evolved from The Military

Remembrance Trail because of the impossibility of

working it throughout COVID. The Heritage Lottery

Fund generously agreed to both extend the grant

for a year and change the emphasis to include

the conflicts of 2020/2021. We are still working

on the display materials for this and welcome any

donations of T-Shirts or other memorabilia that

have come from these years.

We also have a new replica model of HMS Victory

– kindly donated by James Dean. It took him three

years to build this wooden model from a kit.

Also in this room we have almost completed the

window display background for the rare bunting

grave marker from World War 1. Come and see it!

Tell Us about 2020-2021

“Tell us what it was like to hug again?”

Photos, videos and stories of things that you have

done or made, new hobbies, ways in which you

may have helped; things that have been different,

good things, not so good things – funny or sad. Just

Tell Us! website www.swaffhamheritage.org.uk

Find us on Twitter and Facebook. Drop in and chat.

Friends of Swaffham Heritage

As we (fingers crossed) leave Covid-19 lockdown,

two dates for your diary.

First of all we will be holding our Annual General

Meeting on Friday 16th July at 7pm in the Swaffham

Community Centre. This is a formal notice for

all existing members, but new members are

welcome too. We need to elect a new leadership

team: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and

Treasurer and other committee members to run the

organisation; we are a registered charity.

Secondly, we are planning to have our annual summer

barbecue on Sunday afternoon, 29th August. This

will be held at the Community Centre in the Buxton

Hall and adjoining patio. Further details will follow.

As mentioned in last month’s Swaffham Newsletter,

we have a problem in having insufficient committee

members to enable us to carry out our duties. The

committee meets 5 or 6 times a year for an hour or

so to conduct business, so if you have some time to

spare and are interested, we would like to hear from

you (contact friendsofswaffhamheritage@yahoo.


Friends’ 100 Club

The April draw is as follows

1st – no 49, 2nd – no 92 and 3rd – no 95

Cheques will be on their way to our lucky winners!

Finally, we bid a fond farewell to Barbara and James,

who will be leaving Swaffham and on their way

to their new home in the middle of this month.

However, we hope they will still find time to visit us

on occasion.

John Zielinski

Acting Secretary, Friends of Swaffham Heritage

email: friendsofswaffhamheritage@yahoo.com


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With a little help

from my friends


from my friends

At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just


carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our


residents and their families.

With a little help

from my friends

At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our

residents and their families.

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.

With a little help

The Paddocks



With a little help

from my friends



And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.



Swaffham 5



President’s Corner

Every year Rotary Youth

Services includes a number

of competitions for young people from musicians

through artists and photographers to writers. Many

need the active participation of schools to be a

complete success. Thus it has not been a good year,

with everyone preoccupied with the changes to life

necessitated by the Covid pandemic.

We were delighted to receive some entries to the

2021 Young Writer competition which encouraged

young people to write with imagination and creativity

on the title “My Happiest Day.” I am delighted to say

that one of the entries was runner up in the regional

heat and received a gift token to accompany the

certificates awarded to all participants.

Whilst the impact of Covid on

youth services was foreseeable,

we were not prepared for the

havoc it would cause to our

final collection of gently worn

underwear for Smalls 4 All on

the Market Place last October.

We had made the changes to

comply with the regulations then in force and had a

very successful collection. Our plans to transport the

donations to the charity’s depot in Scotland were

almost instantly ruled out by the new controls on

movement etc.

No one will thank me for reminding them of all

The Paddocks

the tough but necessary restrictions we have had

to endure. Fortunately, the recently announced

relaxations in England (and corresponding changes in

Scotland) means the donations have at last completed

their journey to the charity’s depot near Edinburgh.

The early confirmation that the planned easing of

restrictions listed in Step 3 of the Government’s



With a little help


At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends The Paddocks

from my friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our


residents and their families.


And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.

The Paddocks

1:58/2:45 WITH 1:58/2:45 A LITTLE HELP WITH FROM A MY LITTLE FRIENDS www.castlemeadowcare.co.uk



At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our

residents and their families.

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.


Last year we received

over 62,000 alarm

calls, and 97% of them

were answered within

60 seconds.

We are here to help.





(GPS tracker)

To find out more, call us on 01553 616200

or visit careline-cs.org.uk and careandrepair-wn.org




At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends





road map will go ahead on 17th May as planned plus

the indication that the country remains on track to

move to step 4 on 21st June is really good news for

our Charity Golf Day which takes place on Monday

19th July. The event is able to go ahead anyway, but

removing the remaining restrictions will resolve the

potential hospitality issues we faced.

I am delighted that we have already had a really

positive response from golfers who have supported

us over the years. So much so that at the time of

writing this there is only space for two more teams.

If you and your golfing partners would like to join us,

don’t delay! Full details are on our website:– http://


If you want to find out any more about our Club,

please mail me club_president@swaffhamrotary.


John Wallace


Magpie Centre Reopen for Summer

After more than a year of

having activities severely

curtailed as a result of

lockdown, the Magpie

Centre, home of West

Norfolk Riding for the Disabled Association,

welcomed its first riders back on 12th April. Numbers

will be increased gradually, according to the level of

assistance that each participant needs.

West Norfolk RDA Chairman Colin Perriss said: ‘I

feel that the return to riding and carriage driving

will mean that our riders and carriage drivers will

once again be able to experience the significant and

therapeutic benefits of interacting with horses. The

Magpie team is looking forward to seeing the joy on

the faces of the participants and their families and

returning to what we do best, making sure that “it’s

what you CAN do that counts”.

The start of Equine Assisted Learning Therapy

(EALT) sessions, expected to begin in March, was

delayed until 21st April. Each of these courses, run

in association with mental health charity MIND, runs

for three sessions, and the second course should start

in June. Meanwhile, the sensory garden, designed

primarily to benefit people living with dementia, is

becoming well established, and we are very grateful

to everyone who has donated such a huge variety

of plants. The gazebo is now up and painted and as

soon as restrictions are lifted fully, Magpie Centre

volunteers will contact care homes to promote the

Tea With a Pony programme, in which care home

residents, and others, plus their carers, can visit to

enjoy tea and cakes, spend time with some of the

ponies and enjoy the variety of experiences provided

by the wheelchair-friendly garden.

Ashill & Holme Hale Garden Club

Website: ashillgardeningclub.wordpress.com/

Email: ashillholmehalegardenclub@gmail.com

With the government’s roadmap out of the current

lockdown still on track the Garden Club is finalising

plans to have our first monthly meeting of 2021 on

Thursday June 24th. We have sufficient space at Home

Hale Pavilion to apply social distancing measures and

still accommodate all members, so put the date in

your diaries and come along.

Swaffham Lionesses

The Pride of Swaffham

We are at last looking forward to our next face to

face Lioness meeting in the form of an Afternoon Tea

Party in our President Nicola’s garden in June.

We continue to support our local foodbank

collections and have been visiting our Hon Lioness

Rosemary at her care home.

Five of us carried out

our planned litter

picking session near

Tesco and around

the duck pond in

Swaffham, collecting 5

bags of rubbish in just

over an hour. We then

spent another hour

having tea and biscuits

and a chat in Lioness Janet’s garden!

We had our first stall in the Assembly Rooms on

17th April at the Indoor market. This will be good

publicity for us and we can sell a few items of bric-abrac

to cover the cost of the stall and put the excess

into our charity account. We are looking to try and

attract potential new members to our club.

Swaffham Lionesses


Swaffham & District Lions

Swaffham and District Lions Club

is part of Lions Clubs International

which, as the name suggests,

is a worldwide organisation with Clubs in over

200 countries and geographical regions. In 1968

the organisation established its own charitable

Foundation known as Lions Clubs International

Foundation. This is a non-profit making Foundation

which collects monies from Lions Clubs and

individuals and distributes it in terms of donations in

response to national emergencies and disasters. The

monies are always donated to a Lions Club(s) based

in the area of need and never given to governments

or spent in war zones. Every penny donated to the

Foundation is used to fund its responses and it is

the duty of Club(s) receiving donations to provide

the Foundation with receipts and details of how the

monies have been spent – such transparency is an

integral part of the organisation.

Lions Clubs across Europe are celebrating Lions Clubs

International Foundation Day on Saturday 12th

June. This is an opportunity for Clubs to publicise

themselves as well as their Foundation and the

tremendous work carried out on its behalf by Lions

Clubs across the world.

Although Swaffham and District Lions Club uses the

majority of the monies it raises to worthwhile causes

in the local community (at least 80% is donated

locally) the Club is proud to support the Foundation

on a regular basis. It is pleasing to note that the UK

receives a fair share of the Foundation’s donations.

In the last 3 years severe flooding in the North West

and the Somerset levels has led to Clubs in these

areas receiving financial support and just last year

the Foundation donated in excess of £160,000 to

provide PPE for each Air Ambulance based in the UK,

and some £40,000 was for the Air Ambulances based

in East Anglia.

To find out more about Swaffham and District Lions

Club and the work it does to support those most in

need both locally and further afield, please contact

John on 01760 332403.

As part of looking after the environment, Swaffham

Lions are asking local residents which areas they

would wish the Lions to litter pick. Once the areas

have been selected, following any safety concerns,

a team will be allocated to an area with the view of

looking after the area on a regular basis.

The Lions nationally are trying to collect 2022 bags

of litter before the start of the 2022 Commonwealth

Games that are to be held in Birmingham. They will

be displayed at the opening ceremony; its aim is to

highlight the need to look after the environment.

For info contact Dennis Tallon on Swaffham Lions

Facebook page.

Swaffham & District Lions

As part of looking after the

environment, Swaffham Lions are

asking local residents which areas

they would wish the Lions to litter

pick. Once the areas have been selected, following any

safety concerns, a team will be allocated to an area with

the view of looking after the area on a regular basis.

The Lions nationally are trying to collect 2022 bags

of litter before the start of the 2022 Commonwealth

Games that are to be held in Birmingham. They will

be displayed at the opening ceremony; its aim is to

highlight the need to look after the environment.

For info contact Dennis Tallon on Swaffham Lions

Facebook page.

With over 1 million ink cartridges going into land fill

each day, causing contaminates to pollute the water

table and taking up to 1,000 years to decompose,

Swaffham Lions have launched an ink cartridge

recycling scheme as part of their commitment to look

after the environment. The cartridges (no toners)

can be handed in at Swaffham Community Centre or

on Sunday morning between 10-12 at the Assembly

Rooms. Swaffham Lions also collect spectacles,

hearing aids and food for the Foodbank.

Swaffham & District Lions have been impressed with

the work that West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled

do at the Magpie Centre. The centre, which has been

running for 30 years, has just reopened following

lockdown and has welcomed a small number of clients

back, before lockdown up to 130 attended both riding

or on carriages. The centre manager, Natalie Dade,

explained they have 15 horses, 5 staff and up to 100

volunteers. The cost of running the centre, which

relies heavily on donations and fundraising events, has

still had to pay for hay, vets, staff and general running

costs during lockdown without the ability to fundraise.

Lion President Tony Lakey and Lion Pam Tallon

presented a cheque for £500 on behalf of Swaffham &

District Lions to Natalie Dade with Buddy a 13-year-old

Dark Bay Irish Cob.

• Are you interested in

helping in the community?

• Do you enjoy

meeting new people?

• Whether it's helping with

food collections, putting on

events, or enjoying the social

programme, why not join the

Swaffham Lions?

• Membership is open to all

Give John a call on

01760 337403

for more info



Swaffham Men’s Shed Now Open!

Swaffham Men’s Shed was finally able to open its

doors from May 17th when the COVID restrictions

allowed up to six people to meet indoors. The Shed

is now open for members on Tuesday and Thursday

mornings from 10am to 12 noon and Thursday

evenings from 7.30 to 9.30pm.

Apart from a few meetings back in 2019 and early

2020, Swaffham Men’s Shed has been unable to

meet during the COVID restrictions but huge strides

have been made in finding premises; our thanks

goes to Swaffham Rugby Union Football Club for

inviting us to use an existing shed together with

their clubhouse facilities. A lot of work in clearing

this out, refurbishing the old Pigeon Club shed and

building an outside work area has been led by Colin

Yorke. We already have some donated tools and

equipment. Fred Grange, secretary of Swaffham

Men’s Shed, commented: “We now have Shed No

1 and the Luton box body. We are checking on the

planning position with Breckland District Council for

another larger shed, which is being donated by a local

businessman, so we can start building this from June

21st if the restrictions are lifted then as planned. We

have tea and coffee facilities and access to the rugby

club toilets.”

The Rugby Club is holding its Open Day on 3rd July

and Swaffham Men’s Shed will have a stand there

inviting people to come and chat to members.

Swaffham Royal British Legion

At the time of writing, we still do not have

a date when we can resume monthly

meetings. I can report, though, that to

celebrate the centenary of the Royal British Legion,

we maintained social distancing and laid a wreath at

the War Memorial at 9am on 15th May. It was on this

date and at this time that the very first wreath was

laid at the Cenotaph to mark the formation of the

Royal British Legion.

Swaffham Rugby Club

As lockdown eases, rugby is beginning to emerge

from the long dark winter they call Covid 19. Although

we are still not allowed to play the full contact form

of the game, at least players have been able to train

together and get some satisfaction from throwing

a ball around. Under the current laws there are no

scrums or mauls, which has made the game a lot faster,

giving less opportunity for the big boys to cuddle in

the mud but more chances for the whippets in the

backs to show their pace. Swaffham finally managed

to play a game on May 15th against Crusaders from

Long Melton, just 14 months since they last played in

2020! This was followed

two weeks later with a

return fixture but with

the demands of the

summer sports and the

hardening grounds,

the 2021 season has

now come to an end.

However, the team will continue to train on Thursday

evenings with the intention of getting fit and ready

for the start of the 2021 season in September.

The end of lockdown at the end of June will allow

social gatherings once again and with such a long

break the Club is planning an open day to celebrate

a return to playing rugby under the full contact

laws. With this is mind, an afternoon and evening of

entertainment is being organised on Saturday July

3rd for all ages and open to anyone who is interested

to see what the Club has to offer.

The Clubhouse bar will open at 1pm and from

2pm to 6pm there will be child-friendly games and

entertainment plus a barbeque. With two other

Norfolk sides, there will be a 3-way social rugby

tournament between 2pm and 4pm and at 5pm a live

music act will be in the Clubhouse. This will continue

until 7pm and then from 8pm until late there will be

a disco for those with energy left to burn.

With a rejuvenated Clubhouse, money has now

been spent on the playing areas. The training pitch

has had some extra attention to the grass surface in

preparation for repairs to the floodlighting. This will

allow us to play league games in the middle of winter

at normal kick off times, rather than having to start

early. Whilst the Mini and Junior sections now have

a 3 month break until September, the time will be

spent looking for coaches to help run the teams. This

is a perennial problem as parents move up the age

groups with their children, but the Club offers plenty

of training and support to parents willing to share

the workload on a Sunday morning. Most parents

would agree that teaching a youngster a new skill is

very rewarding.

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Sisters leave Swaffham after 107 years

The Daughters of Divine Charity left the town that

accepted them over a hundred years ago on 27th

May. They are very grateful for the friendship, respect

and love that has been shown to them over so many

years and will miss living and working in such a friendly

community-minded market town.

It has been a great honour to be a focal place of prayer

and support for the people of the town and thank all

those who have supported the Sisters both spiritually

and financially. We have had many loyal helpers and

benefactors and have received far more than we were

able to contribute.

We will miss Swaffham, the Congregation’s foundation

in England but in leaving the legacy of the Sacred

Heart VA Primary School with its 99 years free lease

our charism ‘To Make God’s Love Visible’ will continue

to flourish. Free education is what the first Sisters

from Austria envisaged happening and it has come

to fulfilment. One of the Sisters will be a member of

the Governing Body and have a keen interest in the

education of its pupils.

We hope that the Barn Theatre and swimming pool,

bought by the Town Council, will be of enormous

benefit to the social and creative side of the town

and give immense joy and well-being to its occupants.

May the school’s motto of ‘Service Before Self’ live on

through this project.

We are thankful that an extended Catholic family

interested in keeping the heart of the Convent building,

the chapel, as a place of prayer and quiet will continue

to pray for the people of Swaffham. The statue of

the Sacred Heart will remain in the front garden as

a reminder of the Sister’s presence and love for the

people of Swaffham. A group of lay people, called

Associates, will still be a presence in Swaffham led by

the Hunstanton Community.

You will not be forgotten, but cherished and

remembered in our three other Convents in England:

St Theresa’s in Hunstanton, St Joseph’s in Chesterfield

and Mother Most Admirable in Rochdale.

With grateful thanks and our prayers,

The Daughters of Divine Charity

Sacred Heart Convent, Swaffham

Ed Colman - Norfolk County Councillor

Throughout the election one of the things I was

asked time and time again in Swaffham is what does

a County Councillor do? To help raise awareness

of the County Councillor role I will be producing a

monthly email update for residents - if you would

like to register to receive the updates please email


Mayor's Parlour

Dear All, I am writing this as my last Mayors

Parlour before Cllr Judy Anscombe takes

over next week (by the time you read it,

Judy will be Mayor and I wish her well); I

would like to say what a privilege it’s been to be in

this position and to serve you for the last two years.

This was a new council in 2019, lots of new Councillors

with enthusiasm to make life better for our growing

town. However, in hindsight in that first year we

tended to forget “changing the world” takes time and

there is a lot to understand and get to know, I’m sure

we are all better equipped for the next two years.

The last year, the Covid year was for the council

pretty awful as it was for most people. The total

unknown, the majority of our councillors in isolation,

having to get used to zoom and a feeling that more

should be done but unable to do more because of

the restrictions. Fortunately, Kurt at the White Hart,

who by the way is now a Councillor, with the help of

Iceni and wonderful volunteers steered us through

helping our residents with meals, errands, and

anything else needed.

Personally, I am really sorry that there was so much

unrest amongst fellow councillors using the media

and resulting in frequent reporting to monitoring

officer, wasting a lot of our time, and causing so

much unnecessary distress for councillors and staff,

at times it was impossible to respond without making

the situation worse. I only wish more residents had

contacted the office or myself to get the information

that they needed.

I do believe that with Covid rules relaxed, vaccination

programs in progress and being allowed back into the

Council chamber we will hopefully be an effective

cohesive council for the rest of our term. Despite

the difficulties, we have managed to get the toilets

refurbished which is quite an achievement after all

the years of discussion. It was probably good that

it took a while as, over the years toilets in towns

have become very controversial and some towns

have done away with them altogether. Ours seem

to be very well received and so far, not too much


One other project on-going is The Convent Barn

and I sincerely hope this will become this Council’s

big achievement. This is still in progress and I am

so pleased to say most councillors now realise the

potential of the barn and are now completely for it.

As you know I am always there for people to speak

to or contact, I have enjoyed being your Mayor, you

residents have definitely kept me going during the

difficult times.

Wishing you all the very best and look forward to

seeing you around the Town.



In Touch With Your Town

'In Touch with your Town' is put

together by the Town Clerk Richard

Bishop or occasionally by the

Deputy Town Clerk Claire Smith. It

deals with some of the most topical items of the

day and the odd item where the Council want to

share information with the Town.

Mayoral Changes For 2021-22

A changing of the guard at Swaffham Town Council

annual meeting on 19th May 2021, as Cllr Jill

Skinner Town Mayor for the last two years handed

over the reigns to Cllr Judy Anscombe as Mayor,

with Cllr Stewart Bell stepping up to Deputy Mayor.

Mayor Cllr Judy Anscombe and Deputy Mayor Stewart Bell

Whilst both decisions were unanimous from their

fellow Councillors, both our new Civic Leaders

will be quick to pay tribute to the difficult period

that Cllr Jill Skinner has steered the Town Council

through. First of all, starting off as a newly elected

Council in May 2019, setting out in such a major

topical issue such as the Green Britain Centre

and all that came with it, whether you are for,

against or indifferent, everyone can appreciate the

extraordinary amount of work that was associated

with this potential project. As if that were not

enough to contend with, before the first year is

over a global pandemic gripped the world, the

UK, and the town of Swaffham. Indeed, the May

meeting in the Assembly Rooms was the first faceto-face

meeting of Councillors since 11th March

2020, so new skills have been the order of the

day, contending with virtual meetings and in the

middle of all of that another opportunity presents

itself with the ‘Barn Theatre & Swimming Pool’.

A sincere thank you goes to Jill, on behalf of the

Town, the Council, and the Staff. These three

things are not the norm, and they take us to the

beginning of the 3rd year of this particular Council,

consistently in years gone by the most productive

year of any Council, recognised as the year of

delivery, of key decisions, and where Councils

either make their mark, or not… before the final

year, when the end game is in sight and an election

looms at the end of it. So, no pressure… everyone

wishes Judy and Stewart well in their respective

roles. There will be a change in the way they

share their workload, as the Mayor will take a

lead in driving forward the many projects that are

in progress to a satisfactory conclusion and the

Deputy Mayor will take more of a lead in attending

the civic duties expected of a Town Council.

Casual Vacancy and Possible Co-Option in June

Sadly, another resignation has been received,

that of Cllr Brendan Holmes, who has served the

Town for two years, following his election in May

2019. We sincerely thank Brendan for his work as

a Councillor, during difficult times, particularly as

part of the Community Response Centre based

at the White Hart during the early Covid-19

lockdowns. We wish Brendan well for the future…

The resignation now leaves a casual vacancy,

and we are currently going through the statutory

process, Breckland Council have been notified

and they advertise for 14 working days, should

there be a call for a by-election, which ends on

28th May. If there is no call for a by-election to

be held, then the Town Council will be free to coopt

at their next meeting in June. In preparation

for the possibility of co-option, the Council invite

prospective Councillors to put forward their case

to join the Council.

If you are interested in serving out the remainder

of the two-years left on this term of office, please

send in a brief summary of who you are and what

you can bring to the Council, a citation of say no

more than 200 words, enough for Councillors to

consider at their meeting in June. Please send

to the Town Clerk, Richard Bishop townclerk@


Meetings and Live Streaming

As we get back into the face-to-face meetings in

the coming weeks, the venues may change from

time to time, and at short notice. So, please keep

an eye out on our website and on social media,

we will do our best to get the message out there.

There will be paper notices on the Town Hall notice

board for those who are not on-line. We tried to

Live stream our Annual meeting on Facebook from

the Assembly Rooms on 19th May, unfortunately

we experienced some technical issues, such as

the Wi-Fi signal dropping out, which stopped the

process after just over an hour. We also appreciate

that the sound was poor, and we are addressing

this in the coming weeks. We will persevere with

this, as we want to enable as many people as

possible to be able to login from the comfort of

their own homes and follow democracy in action

at a local level.

We may also start using Live streaming on Zoom,

Facebook or YouTube for short messages or

podcasts, for Q&A sessions, to trial if there is any

interest and whether the platform allows us to get

information out to the public fairly quickly.

Mayor – Cllr. Jill Skinner

The Town Council


Deputy Mayor – Cllr. Judy Anscombe


Cllr. Lindsay Beech


Cllr. Stewart Bell,


Cllr. Wendy Bensley


Cllr. Paul Darby


Cllr. Graham Edwards


Cllr. Brendan Holmes


Cllr. Colin Houghton


Cllr. Shirley Matthews


Cllr. Ian Pilcher


Cllr. Les Scott


Cllr. Kurt Oliver


Swaffham Town Council

Tel: 01760 722 922


Town Hall opening times:

Monday 9.30am – 1pm. 1.30pm – 4pm

Tuesday - Friday – 9.30am – 1pm


Richard Bishop – Town Clerk



Claire Smith – Deputy Town Clerk


Hannah Duggan – Office Administrator


Town Council Committee

meeting dates - JUNE 2021

• Tue 1st Transport, Access & Environment

– 4.00pm (Assembly Rooms)

• Thurs 10th - Full Town Council

- 6.30pm (Assembly Rooms)

• Wed 16th – Market, Events & Tourism

– 6.30pm (Assembly Rooms)

• Tue 29th - Planning & Built Environment

– 4.00pm (Assembly Rooms)

Breckland District Council


01362 656 870. For all enquiries regarding: Planning,

Refuse Bins, Housing, Recycling, Licensing & Benefits.

Your Breckland District Councillors:

Cllr. David Wickerson

01760 725 741



Cllr. Ian Sherwood

07795 236 878



Cllr Ed Colman - also your Norfolk County Councillor

07940 406 356

ed.colman@breckland.gov.uk / ed.colman.cllr@norfolk.gov.uk

Highway issues

Norfolk County Council – www.norfolk.gov.uk

– 0344 800 8020

For Highway issues & faulty street lights:

- Highways - please give the location of the issue and

a telephone number where further information can

be obtained.

- Faulty streetlights – please give the precise location

of the light and the number on the column.

Alternatively visit the website and search for Highways

or Street Lights to report your concerns.












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