The PoCUS Pulse Check 2021 - or better a direct cardiac view?

Interesting concept, - not proven to be ALS-conformed yet, but potential for this - not evaluating for possible underlying causes of cardiac arrest. - no outcome data for this method. However, it is easy to perform (and MUCH better that manual pulse checks!!). Clips can be downloaded and used as #FOAMed for free education....;-)

Interesting concept,

- not proven to be ALS-conformed yet, but potential for this
- not evaluating for possible underlying causes of cardiac arrest.
- no outcome data for this method.

However, it is easy to perform (and MUCH better that manual pulse checks!!).

Clips can be downloaded and used as #FOAMed for free education....;-)


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WINFOCUS W<strong>or</strong>ld Congress <strong>2021</strong><br />

“Pandemic and beyond” June 12-13 th , <strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>PoCUS</strong> <strong>Pulse</strong> <strong>Check</strong><br />

(Part of a congress lecture)<br />

Raoul Breitkreutz<br />

(Frankfurt & Bad Rappenau, Germany)<br />


PEA <strong>or</strong> EMD?<br />

<strong>The</strong> EMD was abandoned m<strong>or</strong>e than ..20.. years ago<br />

PEA n=4<br />

EMD n=0<br />

precisely because of the presumption that clinicians were<br />

unable to assess <strong>cardiac</strong> activity during resuscitations.<br />

Since that time, the w<strong>or</strong>ld has been plagued with the<br />

waste-basket term PEA, which encompasses both pulseless<br />

patients with EMD (who are often unresuscitatable)<br />

and those with <strong>cardiac</strong> activity and no palpable pulses<br />

Problem term<br />

Pulsless<br />

Electrical <br />

Activity<br />

(who are much m<strong>or</strong>e likely to achieve ROSC).<br />

With the increasing prevalence of clinical sonography in<br />

the periresuscitation setting allowing immediate assessment<br />

of <strong>cardiac</strong> activity, we can return to the utilitarian EMD<br />

and drop PEA into a linguistic dust bin, where it belongs.

Q: How accurate are manual<br />

pulse checks?

Novel concepts

<strong>The</strong> <strong>PoCUS</strong> <strong>Pulse</strong> <strong>Check</strong><br />

15 CA pulse clips, evaluation on the internet, claim to detect perfusion<br />

interobserver reliability: >0,8 (in all subgroups)<br />

HCP: 15min w<strong>or</strong>kshop, Carotid pulse detection in live subjects was not<br />

slower using US as compared to palpation

<strong>Pulse</strong> <strong>Check</strong>s<br />

Comparison of Palpation - Sonoscopy<br />

Edited by Raoul Breitkreutz (<strong>2021</strong>)<br />

Scientific Netw<strong>or</strong>k SonoABCD<br />

<strong>The</strong> fine art of Sonoscopy.

„<strong>The</strong> <strong>PoCUS</strong> <strong>Pulse</strong> <strong>Check</strong>“ -<br />

Focused evaluation of artery<br />

probe positioning<br />

compression<br />

evaluate wall motion<br />

positive exam: pulse present<br />

Edited by Raoul Breitkreutz (<strong>2021</strong>)<br />

Scientific Netw<strong>or</strong>k SonoABCD<br />

<strong>The</strong> fine art of Sonoscopy.

negative exam: no pulse

„<strong>The</strong> <strong>PoCUS</strong> <strong>Pulse</strong> <strong>Check</strong>“<br />

ALS-conf<strong>or</strong>mity<br />

Positive Exam<br />

- non-compressible artery<br />

not collapsed <br />

- wall motion - pulsatil<br />

possible (to be proven,

Isn´t a <strong>direct</strong> <strong>cardiac</strong> <strong>view</strong> also<br />

a pulse check?<br />

Two real life studies<br />

137 CA victims, Cardiac Evaluation (CUSG) superi<strong>or</strong><br />

to Doppler Ultrasound (DUSG) <strong>or</strong> manual pulse palpation<br />

Edited by Raoul Breitkreutz (<strong>2021</strong>)<br />

102 non-traumatic CA victims, expansion of <strong>Pulse</strong> criteria supp<strong>or</strong>t CUSG<br />

when et CO2 increase, <strong>or</strong>ganized EKG-rhythm are added<br />

carotid pulse checks <strong>better</strong> than fem<strong>or</strong>al

Quick <strong>PoCUS</strong> checks and Resume CC

Summary<br />

• Easy to apply, novel method, categ<strong>or</strong>y „Resuscitation<br />

Ultrasound“, potential of ALS-conf<strong>or</strong>mity<br />

• Option f<strong>or</strong> health-care providers, Step-in method of <strong>PoCUS</strong>.<br />

to training basics of ultrasound principles.<br />

• No „outcome data“: method must not be overinterpreted yet<br />

• ALS-conf<strong>or</strong>med evaluation of the heart, e.g. with the FEEL<br />

exam, also is a „<strong>Pulse</strong> <strong>Check</strong>“. However, it has also the<br />

Edited by Raoul Breitkreutz (<strong>2021</strong>)<br />

potential to identify treatable conditions of <strong>cardiac</strong> arrest<br />

• all <strong>PoCUS</strong> interventions categ<strong>or</strong>y „Resuscitation<br />

Ultrasound“, must proof ALS-conf<strong>or</strong>mity, if to be used in<br />

CPR! (see ERC <strong>2021</strong> guidelines, <strong>PoCUS</strong> statements)

WINFOCUS W<strong>or</strong>ld Congress <strong>2021</strong><br />

“Pandemic and beyond” June 12-13 th , <strong>2021</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>PoCUS</strong> <strong>Pulse</strong> <strong>Check</strong><br />

(Part of a congress lecture)<br />

Raoul Breitkreutz<br />

(Frankfurt & Bad Rappenau, Germany)<br />


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