Swaffham Newsletter

July 2021

July 2021


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At last some fine weather arrived in time for the clubs first socially distanced photo shoot of the year



July 2021

Your free town newsletter published by Iceni Partnership


newslet ter


Swaffham residents get

hand-delivered bee gifts

Read about Heartwood Primary's bee themed activities on p.5


The competition evening in May was for images in the following two categories "Yellow" and

"Open". Worthy winners were:- "Daisy" by Stephen Ward and "Bring on the Ladies" by Alan Peggs.

Both images are reproduced below.






& District








published by

Your monthly magazine is published by:

Contact the editor:

01760 722 800


Swaffham Newsletter

Iceni Partnership

Swaffham Community Centre

The Campingland


PE37 7RB

Registered in England Company Number 4257830 Charity Number 1101814 VAT Number UK800057775

Comments or queries welcomed - we are a

resource for all of the community to enjoy.

We are always open to new contributors from

Swaffham and surrounding villages.

Deadline for editorial and advertising is the

12th day of the previous month.

Advertisers - We operate an industry standard

pre-paid system of billing. The rates were subject

to a small increase beginning April 2020, in line

with production costs.



3 Climate Action/SCALGA

4 School Speak

5 Church News

6 History Group/ Hospital LoF's

8 Museum Matters

10 Age Concern

12 Community Hospital

13 Camera Club/Library News

15 Merle Boddy/Magpie Centre

16 History Group/NarVOS

17 Swaffham Lions

18 Gardening Club/WI

20 Swaffham Rotary

21 Town Council

Swaffham Climate Action

Air Source Heat Pumps for low carbon heating!

We would be very grateful for your help

with a Cambridge University research

project by completing a short questionnaire. This

is both for households with AND without an ASHP

installed. Visit http://lowcarbonheat.wordpress.

com/ to take part!

COP26 - What is that?

You may have heard it mentioned a lot in the news

lately, but not be clear what it is...It’s the 26th

United Nations Climate Change Conference of

Parties hosted by the UK in Glasgow in November.

All countries in the world will come together to

accelerate action towards international goals on

climate change. David Attenborough has been

chosen as the People’s Advocate. This means he

will put forward the

compelling case Swaffham to key Climate Action

decision makers and the

public Air Source on Heat why Pumps climate for low carbon heating!

action matters and

highlight the actions

decision makers will

need to take before and

at COP26 COP26. - What If you is that? are

interested there are lots

of engaging clips on the

COP26 YouTube channel.

We would be very grateful for your help with a Cambridge University research project by

completing a short questionnaire. This is both for households with AND without an ASHP

installed. Visit http://lowcarbonheat.wordpress.com/ to take part!

You may have heard it mentioned a lot in the news lately, but not be clear what it is......

It’s the 26 th United Nations Climate Change Conference of Parties hosted by the UK in

More locally Breckland District Council has a

webpage about their action on climate change at


engaging clips on the COP26 YouTube channel.

If you are interested in joining our informal group,

please contact Colin Abbiss on 01760 723118 or Cathy

at https://www.breckland.gov.uk/16480

Mumford on 01760 721847 or cathyjmumford@

gmail.com. Monthly meetings are on Thursday

mornings at 10am and have been on Zoom for many

months. We hope they will be in person in the future,

so please contact us to find out where. If you are not

able attend, you are still most welcome to join the

group, contribute with suggestions and receive all

receive all meeting notes and information.

meeting notes and information.

Glasgow in November.

All countries in the

world will come

together to accelerate


international goals on

climate change. David

Attenborough has been

chosen as the People’s

Advocate. This means

he will put forward the

compelling case to key

decision makers and the public on why climate action matters and highlight the actions

decision makers will need to take before and at COP26. If you are interested there are lots of

More locally Breckland District Council has a webpage about their action on climate change

If you are interested in joining our informal group, please contact Colin Abbiss on 01760

723118 or Cathy Mumford on 01760 721847 or cathyjmumford@gmail.com. Monthly

meetings are on Thursday mornings at 10am and have been on Zoom for many months. We

hope they will be in person in the future, so please contact us to find out where. If you are not

able attend, you are still most welcome to join the group, contribute with suggestions and



Greetings from the Allotments

What a pleasure to have these warm sunny days

in contrast to the horrible wet May we had. All

the plants are a month behind. I bought plug plant

geraniums, transferred them to trays and cosseted

them in the greenhouse. They weren't having any

of it until the end of the month and now they are

starting to grow at last. Fingers crossed that we don't

get an early autumn as the way things are going our

beans and sweet corn will only just be ready.

Our new plot holders are really putting time and

effort into their little bit of land. Sheds have been

erected, gazebos, bouncy things for children in

grassy areas. It's lovely to see the future generation

learning about growing while they play.

This year we have grown some of our new strawberry

plants in the polytunnel and we're eating the fruit

in early June. We don't have the space to do more

but it was a treat. We are strawing up the outside

plants to keep the fruit off the ground and keep a bit

of moisture in.

For those of you with Hostas, I have found that you

can buy wool pellets. Once they have been sprinkled

quite thickly round the base of the plant, water well

and the pellets swell. The slugs and snails do not like

this stuff. It's a bit smelly but it does retain the water

so it's win win.

As we have not been able to get together as a group

we have had to put off our meetings. We hope to

hold our normal BBQ and afternoon tea as normal

later on.

One of our plot holders took the photo below, which

to me seemed


to bring hope to all for a better future

Enjoy your gardening. If you would like a starter plot

call Jennifer or Graham on 07919 888870 or 07919


The Nicholas Hamond Academy

It has been brilliant to see how quickly and how

well the students have settled back into life at

TNHA this half term. It has not been without

its challenges but everyone in the academy has

risen to the challenges that they have faced, have

met them head on and have done all they can to

overcome them. This has been characterised by

our Year 11 students who have shown a fantastic

determination and resilience to get through their

final assessments during the first half of the

summer term and their attitude has remained

positive throughout.

Our Challenge Cup

continues and one

young student shared

his accomplishment

after taking part in

the Captain Tom 100

Challenge, with 100

front flips in the pool,

despite the thermostat

failing miserably. He

also raised a wonderful

amount of money for the West Norfolk Branch of

the National Autistic Society. What a great way to

honour ‘Sir Tom’.

Also up for a challenge are our adventurers, who

are taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award,

and are well underway in completing their physical,

skills and volunteering parts of the award, albeit

slightly differently due to the restrictions COVID-19

has placed upon them. However, they are providing

evidence from baking to walking, supporting

neighbours, families and charities, litter picking

and much more. Work has begun on their practical

skills training for their forthcoming expedition and

they have covered map reading skills, orienteering,

along with first aid, teamwork in pitching tents,

packing kit for their 2 day expedition and following

the codes of the countryside. They are often seen

around the academy honing their skills.

Meanwhile, a group of our female students have set

themselves a challenge taking part in a programme

funded by Barclays and delivered through the FA

and Youth Sports Trust. This is aimed at encouraging

more girls to take part in football. An online

interactive session gave students the opportunity

to hear about how they can help with the project

and bring their own mission and vision to the fore.

‘Famous female faces’ gave their perspective and

experiences providing further inspiration. Our older

students are partnering with Swaffham Football

Club to help launch the Wildcats Football centre

for primary aged girls and ultimately a women's


football team. We aim to promote girls' football via

our ‘football activators’ to the academy cohort during

the forthcoming National Sports Week in June.

Furthermore, our students with enquiring minds

have been busy. Our

Year 9 Humanities

students have

been constructing

earthquake proof

structures using actual

designs from different

buildings around

the world out of just

spaghetti, straws

and marshmallows.

They then tested

them by simulating a

quake to see whether

their construction remained unscathed. Year 7

scientists have also been hard at work in the lab

extracting DNA from peas. As it rose to the top

of the solution some described it as rather like

clouds or a spider’s web. With Bunsen burners at

the ready, and being mindful of safety protocols,

students have been busy conducting flame tests

in the lab. They were able to demonstrate that

metal ions produce different flame colours when

they are heated strongly. Still in science, students

investigated ‘flight’ considering 4 basic rules:- flight

is the process whereby an object moves through

the atmosphere; for an object to be flying it must

not have contact with a hard surface; the force

which pulls an object to the ground is gravity; and

the force which allows flight is lift. They were in

for a big surprise when suddenly they were joined

by some rather cute looking ducklings and all

were eager to say ‘hello’. There were certainly no

complaints that their lessons were dull or boring!

Finally, we are delighted to ‘welcome aboard’ two

new members of our Local Academy Committee

being Daniel Christopher (Community Governor)

and Carl Summers (Parent Governor). Their clear

support for the academy and background skills will

make them valuable additions to the team.

Heartwood CE VC Primary

Save the Bees!

Making a difference is part of our

vision, values and curriculum at

Heartwood. Our Nursery class have

We warmly received some emails and letters from

the Swaffham community thanking the children

for the seeds and gifts, many saying that they had

planted them.

The Heartwood community were excited to see a

family of bees making a home in our Heartwood

Forest. We are in the process of planning a bee garden

to attract bees and help them have a delicious diet of

nectar and pollen.

If you would like to help our mission to Make a

Difference and protect the bees, please pop to the

office area of our school and collect a free sachet of


Emily McMillen



Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul

The July services in Swaffham parish church will be as

follows, and are still subject to the Covid-19 restrictions:

Sunday 4th July 5th Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Parish Eucharist CW

been learning Heartwood about bees CE and VC why Primary and Nursery 6.00pm School Evensong BCP

they are important to us. Bees are in danger of being Sunday 11th July 6th Sunday after Trinity

extinct and they are vital for the environment and

We were excited to open our doors to welcome back 9.30am all our families Parish Eucharist on as CW

other living things.

Heartwood CE VC Primary and Nursery School. Sunday 18th July 7th Sunday after Trinity

On a mission to make a difference they hand delivered

We have missed our families and children dearly over 9.30am the COVID-19 United Benefice closure. Eucharist CW

seeds, letters and bee inspired gifts through the

The children have enjoyed being back in school, Sunday seeing 25th July their 8th friends Sunday after and Trinity

letter boxes of the local community.


9.30am Parish Eucharist CW


At the time of writing, although choral singing has

At Heartwood we love outdoor learning. We resumed, have a the wonderful permitted forest number school of people singing

where our Forest School teacher plans exciting in the learning choir at in. any The one children time is now love restricted to six.

taking part in their weekly forest school session. However, we look forward to this being reviewed,

In Heartwood Forest school sessions, our children

and congregational

will achieve


and develop

re-instated in the near

future. Updates on services, both in church and virtual

confidence and self-esteem through hands on learning experiences, trying

(streamed on Facebook), will be advertised each

more risky activities such as tree climbing, building

week under



using real

on the




Parish Church

den building.

website https://www.swaffhamparishchurch.org/ and

notified via the Swaffham Parish Church Facebook site.

Similarly, opening the church for private prayer and for

Please visit our website to find out more about visitors our will wonderful be announced school there.


We would be glad to hear from anyone who would be

interested in assisting with stewarding during visiting

hours, in the hope of maximising the opening of the

church building in the summer – contact by email, by

website, or ring 622241 and leave a message. Many



We have a curate, to serve in Swaffham and Sporle –

the Reverend Victoria Venmore-Rowland – who was

ordained deacon in Norwich Cathedral on Sunday

27th June. After a year or so as a deacon, when she

will be able to take part in ministry but not to preside

at the Eucharist, pronounce blessings or absolution,

Victoria will be ordained priest, which will be a cause

for celebration. However, as a curate, Victoria will be in

a training post, and part of that is learning from those

in the communities she serves. We ask that if you pray,

that you will pray for her and her family as she takes this

momentous step. Do also rejoice with us and join the

celebrations when we are able to hold them.

Congratulations are owed to our Assistant Priest, Revd

Hilary De Lyon, who has been appointed to the

post of Assistant Priest, in the Launditch and The

Upper Nar Benefice. Hilary will be licensed by the

new Bishop of Lynn and installed by the Archdeacon

of Lynn on Friday 30th July at 6.30pm, which

will of course be subject to COVID regulations at

that time (details t.b.c). Plans are underway to

mark this transition in our own benefice, hopefully

without COVID restrictions (details t.b.c.). Hilary

goes with our thanks, prayers, and good wishes for

her future ministry.

Swaffham Methodist Church

• Sun 4th July 10.45am Church Anniversary. Worship

led by Rev. Rosemary Wakelin.

• Sun 11th July 10.45am Action for Children Sunday.

Worship led by Worship Leaders Sandra and Mike.

• Sun 18th July 10.45am Morning Worship led by Local

Preacher Dee Moden.

• Sun 25th July Morning Worship led by the Worship

Leader Team.

NB At the time of writing we are still not allowed to

sing. Also our Drop In and Thursday Group is unable to

meet. Hopefully, this will soon change. Please refer to

our website www.swaffhammethodistchurch.org for

updated information.

Beds Fit For a Queen

Wrought Iron and Brass Bed Company Ltd, a leading

manufacturer of iron and brass beds, is delighted

to announce that the company has been granted a

Royal Warrant of appointment as Bed Manufacturers

to Her Majesty The Queen.

The Warrant took effect on April 1st 2021, and

has been approved for the next five years. The

appointment came as a result of Wrought Iron and

Brass Bed Company Ltd, being a direct supplier to

the Royal Household since 2013.






Wrought Iron and Brass Bed Co.

Handmade in Norfolk | Guaranteed to last a lifetime

A first and second generation family company. All our beds are lovingly hand crafted to order

on the Sandringham Estate and come with a guarantee to last a lifetime.

A first and second-generation family company, the

Wrought Iron and Brass Bed Company Ltd are well

known for their high standards of craftsmanship,

quality, service and innovation. An approved member

of the Guild of Master Craftsmen, the Wrought Iron

and Brass Bed Company also holds status as the only

carbon-neutral iron bed maker and targets zero net

carbon emissions by 2030.

Harry Thompson, Director and youngest son to

the company founders said the award of the Royal

Warrant was humbling:“This is the most prestigious

of endorsements and affirmation of the quality of

our products. From a personal point of view, I’m

incredibly delighted for my parents - who started our

family company nearly 20 years ago. There could be

no greater honour or privilege.

01485 542516

view our full range at



Showroom By Appointment Only - 39 Turbine Way, Swaffham, PE37 7XD

Swaffham Heritage,Town Hall, London Street,

Swaffham PE37 7DQ. Tel: 01760 721230

Email: swaffhamheritage@gmail.com

Open 10am to 4pm Mon to Fri. Sat. 10am to 1pm

Prices: adults £3. Children 5 and over £1.

Family tickets available.

To keep up to date join us on our website:


or follow us on facebook

New in - Replica of Nelson’s Victory

James Dean has donated to Swaffham Heritage

this wooden kit model which took him three years

to build.

You might be surprised at how important Breckland

was for the Nelson family. Come in and see!

Tell Us about 2020-2021

A month to go (ish). Don’t forget to tell us your story

of lockdown. Don’t let this experience be forgotten.

• Photos • Videos • Poems

• Songs • Stories • Happy

• Odd • Sad • Funny

• Nature • Pastimes

Howard Carter snippets

no.3 /10: The siblings

Samuel John and Martha had 11 children. Their first

son, Morris Samuel, died as an infant and was buried

in Swaffham. Francis Adrian and Miranda both died

in 1870 as young children and Horace died in 1884

aged 17. All are buried with their mother in London.

Samuel and William were both professional artists in

London. William was buried in Swaffham churchyard.

He was one of only nine people who attended

Howard’s funeral. He died the same year.

Verney, a steel engraver and amateur artist, was

born in Swaffham but lived in London.

Amy, the only surviving girl, was a miniaturist. Her

daughter, Phyllis Joyce, inherited Howard’s estate.

Ernest attended Hamond’s Free School around 1881

and emigrated to Australia – a mining expert.

Edgar also attended Hamonds

at the same time. He was a clock

dial painter in Warwickshire. His

son, Samuel attended Howard’s


Howard was the youngest

sibling to reach adulthood. All

bar William pre-deceased him.

Friends of Swaffham Heritage

We are keeping our fingers crossed that the Covid-19

restrictions will be lifted before August, as we are

planning our annual Barbecue for Sunday 29th

August, the Bank Holiday weekend, at the Swaffham

Community Centre. Further details will be provided

in the next edition of the Swaffham Newsletter, or

look in our webpage, http://www.swaffhammuseum.



Before that we have our Annual General Meeting on

Friday, 16th July at 7pm in the Swaffham Community

Centre. Members of the Friends of Swaffham Heritage

are requested to attend when we will debate and

take decisions on changes to the Constitution of the

Friends of Swaffham Heritage. Non-members are

welcome to attend, you might decide to join us! We

will also be appointing new officers and committee

members of the Friends for the next two years.

If you want to know more contact the Secretary by

email at friendsofswaffhamheritage@yahoo.com

The 100 Club winners for May

• 1st – no 25 - £40

• 2 nd – no 87 - £20

• 3 rd – no 42 - £10

• Special prize – no 86 - £100 (Special prizes are

awarded in May and November)


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10 11

Do y


We haven’t been able to meet for some

time but we are now planning our AGM for:

Tuesday, 27 th July, 2 pm in the

Assembly Rooms, Swaffham

Will all our members who wish to re-join and

any new members please come along. For the

future, we are expecting to meet at 2 pm on

the last Tuesday each month for a talk or

entertainment in the Assembly Rooms, unless

we have planned a trip out.

We also welcome members who would like to

help on our committee.


befriending only

at present


Eligible patients live within a 10 - mile radius

of Swaffham–

• GP Surgeries, Flu, Diabetes, Asthma Clinic etc

• The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn

• The Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital

• Community Hospitals

• Other NHS appointments




‘To improve the quality of life of older people in Swaffham and

the villages nearby’

Join us Make a Difference

Could you be our Next Committee Member!

Swaffham Support Services

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Enquire 07393 981295 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Are You….

. Car owner/driver essential (Fuel

expenses paid)

• Can provide patients with a safe,

comfortable & timely transport

service to and from a clinic


• Good communication skills

• Caring and empathetic

• Enjoy meeting new people


Induction training provided

DBS & Reference checks

FOR AN INFORMATION PACK, CONTACT: ‘Having someone to take me to my

appointment, took away the worry’

Brad Stein – Befriending Service – 07412 775574

Donna Adcock– Hospital Buddy Coordinator – 07393 981290


SINCE 1999

Befrienders & Hospital Buddy Drivers Needed

In the current pandemic it is amazing how many people

have volunteered to help those that have had to shield

due to age or health. Hopefully, lots of you have found

this extremely rewarding and may like to continue as the

restrictions lighten. If you have enjoyed helping others

and have an hour or two to spare a week or enjoy driving,

we would love to hear from you. We need caring

compassionate people like yourselves to join our

fantastic team of volunteers to help elderly people to get

to medical appointments or just to stop an elderly person

from being lonely. Please call us for an informal chat to

see how you could help. Thank you.

Fakenham Rugby Club

Walking Rugby is Back!

Are you over fifty and looking for an exciting mixed

ability sport for both sexes? Then why not try out

Walking Rugby now that we have restarted our

weekly sessions on Wednesday evenings.

What is Walking Rugby?

Walking Rugby is a fun team game that is accessible

to people of all ages and abilities. It is attractive

to both ex-players and those who are completely

new to the game. Walking Rugby is a much simpler

version of the traditional game of rugby. It is much

less physical than a standard game of rugby, the aim

is to participate, compete and most importantly, for

players to enjoy themselves. All sessions will start and

finish with some gentle warm-up and warm-down

exercises to help with overall fitness levels. Sports

enthusiasts will enjoy the pace and competitiveness

of the game, while former rugby or netball players

will welcome the flexibility walking rugby offers. As

the name suggests, players must walk, not run but it

can still be played at a good pace.

Who is Walking Rugby For?

This is a game for both sexes, all abilities and is

suitable for anyone over 50. Since it is a competitive

passing game, it is particularly suitable for ex-Rugby

and Netball players, injured and rehabilitating

current players and those interested in Rugby but

without any experience! Those past retirement age

can still indulge in their passion without the full-on

contact - and those wishing to keep up their activity

levels can try a new sport. Walking Rugby is a great

leveller and players don’t need to be fit – as the club

will help newcomers with their fitness.

Kit and Equipment

Players need no specialist equipment, but

participants must wear suitable clothing. Sessions

will take place on the pitch and no studs/boots are

required, just trainers with a good tread as the grass

can be slippery on some evenings. Sessions will only

last an hour so why not come and try out the game.

For further information contact Jeffrey Pearce by

e-mail: jdpearce@btinternet.com

What a Year It Has Been...

For many of us, 2020 and the start of 2021 was a

tough time. It saw many restrictions, lockdowns and

even loneliness for some. For others it has been a

time where they could appreciate the smaller things

in life, family, close friends and the natural world

around us. At the beginning of the lockdowns, I

found myself, like many others, lacking in work and

having ample time with nothing much to do. I began

to reignite an old passion of mine; art. I started by

drawing pictures of well known characters such as

Bugs Bunny, Mickie and Minnie Mouse, Nemo and

Dory and many others. This in turn led to painting and

photography. I would go out on a walk, take pictures

of the scenery and from those or any other pictures I

could source, I began to paint. Many people showed

great interest in my creations and one day, when

talking to my older sister, it was mentioned that I

should try and sell them. Alongside this, my sister

also began to do lots of baking so we collaborated

and made The Little Hutch. This was just a small, run

down little rabbit hutch that we put out with some

daily treats and artwork for people to enjoy when

out on their walks. At the beginning we thought

nothing of it, when gradually more and more things

were beginning to sell, and sell out faster. We created

a bigger version that still, to this day stands out on

Dulgate Lane with daily treats such as jams, biscuits

and fresh eggs, alongside my artwork of cards. From

the success of The Little Hutch we have each decided

to create a side business to continue this delight to all

- Vale Art and Creations was made. We would all like

to thank each and every customer that has stopped

by at The Little Hutch, to purchase goods, to write

personal notes and for the shear loyalty you have all

given us. We hope that this has given everyone that

little bit of joy and hope in these difficult times, like

it did us. We send out many thanks.

Office currently

closed to visitors,

please contact us

on 07393 981295


We are here to improve the quality of older

people’s lives in Swaffham & the villages nearby

Tel: 07393 981 295

EMAIL: swaffhamsss16@outlook.com


The Community Centre, Campingland, Swaffham. PE37 7RB

Community Hospital L of F's

I hope many of you may now have had your second

dose of vaccine. The situation in care homes has

improved and it is good news that at least more direct

contact with loved ones is now possible. Let's hope

the final restrictions have been lifted in June.

Our NHS colleagues, as ever, are doing a great job

with current patients and the situation at the hospital

has improved. We are still awaiting update on the

hospital's plans to be obtaining more local washing

machine facilities so that more can be handled inhouse.

We will see if we can help this in any way

IMPORTANT DATE: We will be holding our AGM on

Monday 19th July at 2pm at the Hospital. Papers are

available, so let me know if you would like these/or

wish to attend.

There is still no sign of us being able to commence

any fundraising activities, so I continue with my

suggestion that if you would like to help, a good way

is to participate in our coin collection. The idea is to

ask you all to consider whether you would like to have

a jam jar or tin at home in which you might donate

any spare change over the coming weeks. It would

be a small way of recognising the fantastic service our

NHS colleagues are giving over this difficult period.

If you would like to do this, donations could be left

at hospital reception or if you ring me I can arrange

collection. We have had some continuing response

to this and I would like to thank those of you who have

already contributed.

Repeating the news that the Rotary Club in Swaffham

plan to hold a Charity Golf Day on Monday 19th July.

The proceeds are to be split between us and another

local charity. So...all you budding golfers...if you would

like to participate, put this date in your diary and

contact Rotary to express your interest.

Nothing further to report at the moment on any

capital schemes.

We have been maintaining and improving the garden

so as to keep it as attractive as possible. It is looking

really good, so thanks to our volunteers.

Back on fundraising, we hope when possible to

restart our coffee mornings at the Methodist Church.

Also does anyone have a special interest or hobby

or specialist knowledge on a subject that they think

might interest others? If so, why not give me a ring

to see whether there might be interest in holding an

event based around it.

We are really keen to attract new people to join

our small committee (especially after the loss of a

member). Do ring me for an informal chat, I promise

it won't be too onerous, so why not give us a try?

It is important that we all follow the latest

Government guidelines, so stay safe and well.

Colin Houghton (Chairman)

01760 336 025

Swaffham Men’s Shed

Come down and join us at Swaffham Men’s Shed at

the Rugby Club on North Pickenham Road. We are

currently working to improve our existing shed facility

and carrying out some community projects, such as

repairing a garden trolley for the Family Action ESCAPE

Project, fixing a door and building a ramp for the patio

access to the club room at the Rugby Club. We are

open Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am till 12 noon and

Thursday evenings 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

We have also been asked if we can do a weekend

session so are looking to open on Saturday mornings,

but need a leader for this session to be responsible

for opening up at the start and locking up when we

finish. Anyone that fancies the job (or for membership

Swaffham & District Camera Club

The competition evening in May was for images in Swaffham Library, The Pightle, Swaffham PE37 7DF Tel:

The the competition following two evening categories in May was "Yellow" for images and "Open". in the following two 01760 categories 721513"Yellow" and

"Open". Worthy Worthy winners winners were:- were:- "Daisy" "Daisy" by Stephen by Stephen Ward Ward and and "Bring Opening on the times: Ladies" Tuesday by Alan Peggs. and Thursday 10am-7pm,

Both "Bring images on the are Ladies" reproduced by Alan below. Peggs. Both images are

Friday 1-7pm and Saturday 10am-4pm

Visit to:

reproduced below:

• Browse the shelves

• Book to use a library computer as well as study space

• Pick up handy Grab and Go bags of books for adults

and children that library staff have selected and collect


• Collect a free COVID LFD kit, toiletries or sanitary


• Parents can use the baby-weighing scales to weigh

their baby or toddler

• Digital support - face-to-face help with getting online

with sessions every Thursday, 4.30 and 5.45pm (call

queries) please contact us on 07395 028 399.

01760 721513 to book)

A Men’s Shed is a larger The version competition of a evening man’s shed in May in was for images in the following two categories "Yellow" and

To find out more about any of our services the library

his garden, but instead "Open". of working Worthy alone winners it is a were:- place "Daisy" by Stephen Ward and "Bring on the Ladies" by Alan Peggs.


helpline number is 01603 774777. We continue to

to get together, share Both knowledge images are and reproduced skills, or just below.

offer a range of eBooks and activities online. Please

have a cuppa and a chat – a place to “meet, make

check www.norfolk.gov.uk/libraries as well as “What’s

and mardle”. We are a member of the UK Men’s Shed

At last some fine weather arrived in time for the clubs first socially On distanced in Norfolk photo Libraries” shoot of https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/

the year

Association. Look us up on Facebook: https://www.


which took place at Linford arboretum. Vista's seen in members viewfinders included Lake side

facebook.com/groups/swaffhammensshed or visit

Let the kids go wild with reading this summer

views, some with picnickers and bathers in the foreground, and a Visit Technicolor your local array library of flowering to register your children for

our web page at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/

shrubs Our Outdoor shoot in July will be in and around Castle acre. the Each Summer outdoor Reading shoot Challenge is for children aged 5 –


specifically themed around a different subject and technique where 11 and of course pick up we their can all free learn packs new from 10th July. Every

At the moment we have mainly wood working tools

tricks. During this period monthly competition evenings will remain week on there Zoom will platform. be different June's activity-sheet available

and equipment, but are open to suggestions for

throughout the summer holidays. These activities will

theme being "Apparatus" and also the ever popular "Open" section

whatever activity members want to carry out, subject

be in a bag of books hand selected by staff although, of

of course to finances. We have so far had interest

The club programme looks further forward to September and beyond




it hopes

can also

to be



their own books.

shown for chess, wine making, metal work and

This year the theme of the challenge is World Wildlife

reconvene 'Bring for its regular on meetings the Ladies'

indoors, al-beit under any regulations in force at the time, at its

pottery, amongst others.

Heroes and is running in partnership with the Reading

new venue The Churchill Room at the Swaffham Conservative Club

We would also welcome any donations of tools and

Agency and the World Wildlife Fund. If your child loves

nature, the environment, animals, bugs and slugs this

equipment or materials such as wood that people

The club assists and encourages photographers of all abilities. challenge is the perfect opportunity to foster a love

may like to make.

For At last further some information fine weather please contact arrived us in by time e-mail for at the richardludlow@compuserve.com

of reading. Most importantly the Summer Reading

If you haven’t come down At last before, some fine we weather will be at arrived the in time for the clubs first socially distanced photo shoot of the year

club's first socially distanced photo shoot of the year Challenge is fun and engaging for children. In addition

Rugby Club Fun Day on which Saturday took 3rd place July at – Linford it will arboretum. be a Vista's




in members

place at


Lynford arboretum.

included Lake




it can support your child to keep up with their reading

good opportunity to come views, and some meet with us picnickers and see what and bathers in the in foreground, member's viewfinders and a Technicolor included array lake-side of flowering

during the long summer holiday and nurture a life long


we are all about. shrubs Our Outdoor shoot in July will be in and some around with Castle picnickers acre. and Each bathers outdoor in shoot the foreground,


love of books with all the benefits that brings.

The Library and Information Service is also hosting some

specifically themed around a different subject and and a technique Technicolor where array of course of flowering can all shrubs. learn new Our exciting children’s author and storytelling events online.

Including award winning author, vet, and wildlife

tricks. During this period monthly competition Outdoor evenings shoot will remain July on will the be Zoom in and platform. around June's Castle

theme being "Apparatus" and also the ever popular Acre. Each "Open" outdoor section shoot is specifically themed enthusiast Gill Lewis and children’s TV presenter, author

around a different subject and technique where of and vet Jess French. To find out more and to book on

The club programme looks further forward to course September we can and all beyond learn new when tricks. it hopes During to be this able period to our events visit our Norfolk Libraries webpage and

reconvene for its regular meetings indoors, al-beit monthly under competition any regulations evenings force will at the remain time, on at its the follow the links to the Summer Reading Challenge.

new venue The Churchill Room at the Swaffham Zoom Conservative platform. Club June's theme being "Apparatus"

and also the ever popular "Open" section. The club

The club assists and encourages photographers


of all abilities.

looks further forward to September

For further information please contact us by and e-mail beyond at richardludlow@compuserve.com

when it hopes to be able re-convene

for its regular meetings indoors, albeit under any

regulations in force at the time, at its new venue The

Churchill Room at the Swaffham Conservative Club

The club assists and encourages photographers of all

abilities. For further information please contact us

by e-mail at richardludlow@compuserve.com

12 13

Swaffham Library News

Beauty @ the Barn

Come and explore the wide

range of treatments and

therapies available.

Beauty treatments are offered

on an exclusive one to one

basis within a private salon.

Set within the grounds of an

18th century barn in Swaffham,

the relaxing salon boasts a unique,

contemporary environment.

At Beauty @ the Barn you leave your

cares and worries at the door and

embrace a time when you can focus

on your well-being and enjoy the full

pampering experience.

To book your appointment call or text

or email eileen.childs@ymail.com

Find us on Facebook: Beauty-at-the-barn

With a little help

from my friends

At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our

residents and their families.

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.




With a little help

The Paddocks



With a little help

from my friends


With a little help


At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s Light why we personalise refreshments The Paddocks available.

from my friends

each day to meet the individual needs of our


residents and their families.


And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.

The Paddocks

1:58/2:45 WITH 1:58/2:45 A LITTLE HELP WITH FROM A MY LITTLE FRIENDS www.castlemeadowcare.co.uk



At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our

residents and their families.

And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.


Swaffham & District Mental Health Assoc Ltd.

Swaffham & District THE MERLE Mental BODDY CENTRE Health ANNUAL Assoc GENERAL Ltd. MEETING

to be held at



07971 011087

Treatments offered by Eileen

Childs PhD, MGNT, MGBT

over 30 years experience in weight

loss counselling

Beauty Treatments Include:


12th April

Book now!





At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just

carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends


to be held at

Merle Boddy Centre

Hopefully we are nearing the end

of what has been a sad and stressful

time. We opened last September after

more than six months of closure, during which we

were supporting our clients with phone calls and

shopping runs.

We restored Day Centre services with determination

and careful diligence. Our room was changed around

to accommodate two bubbles of five persons apiece,

with a designated support worker for each bubble.

Excess furniture has to be kept in storage, with

individual tables having to be purchased.

Swaffham & District Mental Health Assoc Ltd.


The number of clients was restricted, and we were

and still are sanitised up to our eyebrows, but we

have stayed open. We are all very proud of being

able to offer a full day of safe fun and enjoyment,

each weekday, for all our clients. They also enjoy a

good two course meal and other treats as part of

the day’s structure. We also have space available for

games and activities, which our clients enjoy.

Light refreshments available.

Facials Tinting

With a





Manicures Gel Nails

Light refreshments available.


from my friends

from my friends

At The Paddocks Care Home, we’re not just


SWAFFHAM COMMUNITY carers, we’re friends – and sometimes our friends CENTRE The Paddocks

need a little help. That’s why we personalise

each day to meet the individual needs of our



residents and their families.


And hearing their laughter is music to our ears.

MONDAY 12 th JULY at 7.00 pm

Let’s hope we can soon restore some more capacity

and will then fully return to our pre-Covid situation.

We have been very well supported with funding

from Norfolk County Council and this has enabled

us to stay in sound financial status, despite all the

prevailing issues.

Perhaps we will see you at our forthcoming AGM –

see details on page 14.

Swaffham Jazz Club

These are uncertain times when it comes to planning

ahead for live events. All Norman and I can do is to

hope that if/when restrictions are lifted in June they

are not brought back again by the time we hope to

open! We have decided to aim for a start date of

Tuesday 10th August with Lee Vasey and Friends

as our guests at the Conservative Club, 23 London

Street, PE37 7DD, starting at 7.30 pm and £10 on the

door. We look forward to seeing you.

Norman 01760 722 384

Geoff 01366 328 730


Upward and Onward for Magpie Centre

With the gradual lifting of

lockdown restrictions, things

have been getting back to

normal for participants, staff

and ponies at the Magpie

Centre, home of West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled

Association. After many months of lockdown, riders

were able to return early in May, and the smiling

faces said it all. Carriage driving resumed on May 12,

and Aynsley Calvert, aged 36, who has autism and

has been riding and carriage driving at the Magpie

Centre for more than 20 years, said: ’It was brilliant. I

rode Ava out on a hack, and then I took Tonto out for

a drive. I can’t tell you how happy I am.’

As restrictions regarding care homes are lifted,

Magpie Centre volunteers will be visiting care homes

to encourage residents and their carers to participate

in Tea With a Pony mornings, in which care home

residents, plus their carers, can enjoy tea, cakes and a

chat, plus meet and greet some of our lovely ponies.

Also, participants will soon be able to visit the newlyconstructed

Sensory Garden, which is wheelchairfriendly,

and provides scents, sounds and textures

for participants to enjoy.

Magpie Centre Needs Volunteers

Are you healthy and active? Might you be able to give

us a hand? Activities at the Magpie Centre, home of

West Norfolk Riding for the Disabled Association,

have been returning to normal, in line with the

gradual lifting of lockdown restrictions.

Riders have returned with great enthusiasm, and the

Centre is currently awaiting delivery of three new

mounts: two ponies and one horse, a weight-carrier

for adult riders. The horse will be privately-owned

but on working livery at the Centre. Now the hunt

is on for volunteers to help with the rides, which run

from Monday to Friday lunchtime.

If you enjoy fresh air, the countryside and making new

friends, while helping the community – this one’s for

you! The Magpie Centre, situated in the picturesque

grounds of Wallington Hall, near Downham Market,

and which has an indoor school, provides more than

100 riding and carriage driving lessons a week to

people of all ages, who are living with a wide range

of physical and learning disabilities.

We need volunteers who can lead a quiet pony in

lessons, and/or who would be prepared to ‘sidewalk’.

The role of the sidewalker is very important. He or

she walks beside the rider to help them maintain

balance and helps to communicate the instructor’s

directions to the rider. No previous experience is

necessary, as all training will be given, so if you have

a couple of hours to spare each week, please call the

Centre on 01553 810202, visit our website: www.rdawestnorfolk.org.uk

or email magpiecentrewnrda@

hotmail.co.uk to find out more.

We look forward to hearing from you and can

promise you a friendly welcome!

Nar Valley Ornithological Society

Saturday 10th July, 8.00am - 2.30pm, NarVOS Stall on

Market Place, Swaffham, to promote Swift Awareness

Week. Come and have a chat to find out more about

Swifts - and NarVOS.

Wednesday 28th July, 7.30pm, Indoor meeting at the

Assembly Rooms, 1 Market Place, Swaffham, PE37

7AB. Subject to easing of Covid restrictions. More

info at www.narvos.org.uk

Please come along to this illustrated talk by Lyn

Ibbitson-Elks, entitled:

Terns and Seals

Lyn is a very busy person! She volunteers with the

RSPB to help with the Little Terns near Sea Palling and

she is a warden with the Friends of Horsey Seals. Lyn

will talk about the progress of the Little Terns and the

work of the Friends of Horsey Seals to support the

Grey Seal population. Please join us for this evening of

coastal wildlife insight and the admirable work being

done to sustain it. Visitors most welcome. Admission

£4 on the night if you are not a NarVOS member. For

more information about this meeting or NarVOS call

Ian Black on 01760 724092.

Swaffham History Group

One of the members of our Swaffham History Group,

Ric, has spent over a year completely digitizing and

fully indexing the Photographic Archive comprising of

40 photographic albums for the Swaffham Heritage

Centre. The albums contained 6,667 images, 2,335

slides and 4,454 Negatives. Some of these images

were less than pristine and Ric developed the skills to

digitally repair some very seriously damaged images,

restoring them to almost their original state.

He took on an even bigger challenge recently that of

digitizing the Heritage Centre main document archive,

the majority of which is contained in medium sized

archive boxes, which before he started digitizing

the photographic albums found that they were not

indexed. He started in late September 2020 and has

now just completed the 97th Archive box.

To date Ric has scanned 5,788 documents containing

over 58,000 individual pages. Whilst completing this

task he removed any items harmful to the archived

documents. This consisted of 898 Ferrous Staples,

231 Ferrous Paperclips, 18 Ferrous Dressmaking Pins,

12 Ferrous Treasury Tags and 16 Brass Plated Paper

Fasteners, all of which could damage the sometimesvery

fragile documents. Some of these ferrous items

were replaced with stainless steel staples, as some

had progressed into a rusty state. More worryingly

he removed 89 Adhesive Velcro Dots and 126 pieces

of Blu Tack from original documents. Therefore,

preserving these documents for future generations to

come. For further details regarding our group please

phone 01842 879140 or Email jbaz@go-plus.net

Foulden White Hart Share Prospectus

We are battling hard and keeping the dream alive and

return our Pub back into life. Whilst the 3rd planning

application goes in to change our pub into houses,

we are hurrying about our business!

It's the launch day for the Foulden White Hart Share

Prospectus! It's not just any old pub, it's not even an

M&S pub, but it is our only pub which we want to

make to the heart of our village.

This is an opportunity, for as little as £100, to be part

of the team which will make a difference. As I have

said many times before, we want the pub to be more

than the traditional hostelry. We want it to bring back

lost services, as well as to provide services the village

never had before. So, what's next? We have already

£25000 pledged, so the bandwagon is rolling!

Please visit the website below to read more and get

hold of the application forms, the business case,

prospectus, and community benefit plan :

http://fouldenwhitehart.com/prospectus/ or

you can get in touch via E mail: stephen.ward@

fouldenwhitehart.com or Tel: 01366 328567

The target is £160,000 so hurry up before it all

goes! For those further afield – fear not! The art of

changing South African Rand, Australian Dollars, Sri

Lankan rupees, Zambian Kwacha etc into Sterling has

not been lost in the last bout of Plague. (We’ll even

accept Euros!). Feel free to spread far and wide!

Yours Sincerely,

Stephen Ward, Chairman

The White Hart Inn Community Benefit Society Ltd

Photo courtesy of Lynn News

Book Group at West Acre Theatre

The First Wednesday of the

month at 7pm

What can the book group do

for you?

• Introduce you to authors

you've never heard of and

a variety of books that you

haven't tried before.

• Re-introduce you to old


• The opportunity to discuss

your ideas (and lots of other things too!) with people

who have read the same book.

• A chance to make new friends.

• A reason to get out of the house - and let's face it,

we all want to do more of that! All of this can be yours

in a safe, friendly environment.

• The book group links in closely with the Lit events

held at West Acre Theatre and provides an opportunity

to meet authors face to face.

Books We Have Read This Year To Date:

• 'Hamnet' by Maggie O Farrell

• 'Girl, Woman, Other' by Bernardine Evaristo

• 'Where the Crawdads Sing' by Delia Owens

For more information, please contact Lynette

Brinsdon: e: lynettesa@aol.com t: 07900 570765

We look forward to welcoming you.

• Are you interested in

helping in the community?

• Do you enjoy

meeting new people?

• Whether it's helping with

food collections, putting on

events, or enjoying the social

programme, why not join the

Swaffham Lions?

• Membership is open to all

Give John a call on

01760 337403

for more info

Swaffham & District Lions

In April 2018, the Lions Clubs

International Board of directors

decided to end the sponsorship

of any new Lioness Clubs. They

also recommended that all combinations of Lioness

districts and administrative roles, should no longer

be supported at any level. The transition for those

long-valued members, to new clubs and groups, has

to be completed by the 30th June this year. There

will be no Lionesses after that point.

So, 30 years on from their formation, we welcome

Swaffham Lionesses as members of the Lions global

community. As importantly though, we gain nine

new members for Swaffham and District Lions Club,

bringing with them new ideas and experience, as

well as the wish to work together for the benefit of

our communities.

This fresh arrangement, allows the "new Lions

Members" to meet as a separate club, now named

Swaffham and District Lioness Lions Club branch.

The President is Nicola Claxton and their Secretary

is Karen Nye. Swaffham and District Lions will, in all

respects, be the Parent Club.

We all look forward to new projects and events

together and to the Club Branch realising it's own


Tony Lakey

Swaffham & District Lions President



Ashill & Holme Hale Garden Club

Website: ashillgardeningclub.wordpress.com/

Email: ashillholmehalegardenclub@gmail.com

Early Summer - and it is not only the buds opening

By the time most readers see this newsletter the Garden

Club should have just held its first monthly meeting

of 2021 on June 24th when award winning garden

designer Chris Deakin will have talked on designs

for smaller gardens. Our July monthly meeting will

be held on Thursday July

22nd at 2.30pm in Holme

Hale Pavilion where Dr Ian

Bedford will present a talk

on how useful wasps are for

our gardens entitled “the

trouble without wasps”.

We have sufficient space to

apply any social distancing

measures required and still

accommodate all members.

New members are also most welcome. Our Annual

Flower Show for 2021 will be held on Sunday July

25th which is open to all members and the general

public from 2-4.30pm to view all the entries and have

a lovely cuppa and cake, so come along for a floral


In the meantime now that summer has arrived in our

gardens, with roses blooming and the vegetable patch

producing nutritious bounty, there are lots of jobs to

keep us active in the garden.

Gardening jobs for June and July

Vegetables, Fruits & Herbs:

• Feed tomatoes and peppers using a high-potassium

liquid fertiliser every 10-14 days once the first fruit has

set. Pinch out side shoots of cordon tomatoes.

• Towards the end of June or early July check your first

early potatoes, once you see flowers open on plants,

by gently forking around one plant to see if tubers

have reached the size of a hen/duck egg. If so lift your

first potato crop of the year.

• Pick cut-and-come-again salads and herbs regularly.

Check early sowing of beetroots and carrots to see if

ready for harvesting.

• Put up shading in your greenhouse to help stop the

temperature getting too high. Open windows, vents

and doors on hot days and damp down the floor.

Wildlife Gardening:

• To support bees let herbs flower to provide pollen

for them. Bees love oregano, thyme and chives. Plant

borage and leave it to seed for next year.

• Remove unsightly thread algae from ponds by

twisting it around a stick. Remove blanket weed and

leave on the side of the pond for a day or two to

give any creatures a chance to get back in the pond.

Blanket weed can then be composted.

Swaffham WI

On 4th August we will be at the

booked lunch at Lynford Hall. In

September we will resume meetings

at the Community Centre for 2.30pm & for future

months. The September speaker will be Ian Davidson

on 'Entering Competitions'. Obviously it will be good

to get-together again.

The Pickenhams' WI

Over the past year, life has of course

been a bit different for our WI, and so

in April we were very pleased to be

able to meet in groups of 6 in members' gardens, with

one group meeting in St Andrew's Churchyard, North

Pickenham. We were blessed with a warm, sunny

afternoon and as our President, Carolyn, said: "It was

brilliant to see ‘real life’ smiling faces instead of our

usual ‘screen’ version".

Our main meeting in April was held on Zoom, when

we were joined by Christopher Peskett - representing

the charity 'Doctors without Borders', also known as

'Medecins sans frontiere' (MSF). Chris told us about

his overseas work as a nurse with the group, whose

goal is to give medical care to those living in conflict

zones, including Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Sudan,

South Sudan, Congo ... to name but a few. MSF also

responds to natural disasters, such as, earthquakes,

floods and diseases. The group gives a voice to the

voiceless and in 1999 the MSF won the Nobel Peace

Prize. It was an inspirational talk - to see more go to

'MSF UK' online.

On 18th May we met at St Mary's Church, Houghton

on the Hill, where the Guides were pleased to once

more show us the interior of this beautiful and historic

church. We each took our own chair and picnic and,

although there were a few drops of rain, we had

another sunny afternoon.

Our future plans include:

• Tuesday, 22nd June at 2.00pm - meet at St Andrew's

Church, North Pickenham - our speaker will be George

Cooper, speaking about his interesting adventures

volunteering with the Sea Palling Lifeboat;

• Tuesday, 6th July at 2.00pm - our speaker on Zoom

will be Helen Green, Girl Guide Archivist, explaining

the history of Girl Guiding in Norfolk;

• Tuesday 13th July at 2pm at St Andrew's Church,

North Pickenham our speaker will be Steve Burns (Dr

Vinyl) from BBC Radio Norfolk - pick a year from 1960-

1989 and he will play clips of all the tracks that topped

the charts for that year.

If anyone would like information or help, please

contact: Carolyn Vincent, President of The Pickenhams'

WI on 01760 755089 or Melanie Cousins, Secretary,

on 01760 440456.



Iceni Partnership is pleased to be a part of the Norfolk County Council Big Norfolk Holiday Fun

programme providing free places to families eligible for means tested free school meals,

these places will be available to book from early July.

Throughout the 4 day programme, the children will learn about where our food comes from,

the importance of healthy eating and how to plan and prepare simple, balanced meals.

The programme is completely FREE and all equipment will be provided.

Each day the children will be provided with a mid morning snack and 2 course lunch.

All of which they will make themselves (with some adult guidance, of course!)

To hear more about the programme sign up on the web site below,

or give Iceni Partnership a call on 01760 722 800


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President’s Corner

Swaffham As I write this, voices are


being raised cautioning

against lifting all the limits imposed on social contact

to control the spread of Covid19. As you read this you

will know what, if any, controls the Government has

decided to continue and for how long. Fortunately, we

have planned that our Charity Golf Day on Monday

19th July is compliant with the requirements in force at

Step Three of the road map. If there are some further

relaxations allowed for social contacts, they will be

a bonus. We are looking forward to a day which our

golfers enjoy and will also benefit Norfolk and Waveney

Mind, Swaffham Hospital League of Friends and Rotary


Hopefully all restrictions will be long past when we

reach our 25th Art Exhibition at the Assembly Rooms

on 29th – 31st October. Already four local schools have

said they want to participate. More details about this

and other initiatives in future editions of the Newsletter.

Our ability to raise

funds to support good

causes has been severely

restricted for well over a

year. Nevertheless, we

have been able to make

a couple of donations

recently. First, to the East

Anglian Air Ambulance

(EAAA) urgent appeal to enable the life-saving service

to permanently carry blood on board its helicopters

and rapid response vehicles.

I guess I am not alone in experiencing mixed emotions

when I see that big yellow bird in the sky, especially

when I realise the pilot is looking for a suitable place

to land. Concern that someone I might know is facing a

life-threatening situation tempered by reassurance that

literally in minutes they will be in a hospital emergency

department and will be receiving expert care en route.

Administering blood products on-scene and in-flight

can give the patient the best chance of surviving

to hospital, by increasing oxygen delivery and clot

production so Swaffham Rotary is delighted to support

this appeal.

Our other donation is to the End Polio Now appeal.

Rotary’s pledge for a polio free world was made in

1985 when there were 125 polio endemic countries

and hundreds of new cases every single day. Thanks

to Rotary, and the support of our partners in the

Global Polio Eradication Initiative, there are now just

two countries still classed as endemic: Pakistan and

Afghanistan. To finish the job over 2 billion doses of

oral polio vaccine still have to be administered, to

more than 400 million children in over 50 countries,

each and every year. In the past few years, only two

countries have reported cases of polio caused by the

wild poliovirus but no child anywhere is safe until every

child has been fully vaccinated. We are fortunate that

donations to the Rotary End Polio Now are matched 2

to 1 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

If you want to find out any more about our Club, please

mail me club_president@swaffhamrotary.org.uk.

John Wallace


In Touch With Your Town

'In Touch with your Town' is put

together by the Town Clerk Richard

Bishop or occasionally by the Deputy

Town Clerk Claire Smith. It deals with

some of the most topical items of

the day and the odd item where the Council want to

share information with the Town.

Heroes of Swaffham – Winners Announced

Swaffham Town Council have announced the winners

of their ‘Heroes of Swaffham’ awards, following

nominations received from the general public and

judging by a panel of Town Councillors.

The winners are:

• Triumph over Adversity award of the year – Esme

Lambert (junior) - The Mayor Cllr Judy Anscombe and

Cllr Lindsay Beech a member of the judging panel

met 4 year old Esme Lambert and her family at the

Buttercross to hand over her ‘Triumph over Adversity

award’. Esme was diagnosed with a malignant brain

tumour called Ependymom II in 2018, she has had

several surgeries and intensive chemotherapy from

then until May last year, having her Hickman line out

in October. She is now in remission, but has missed so

much time with her family and friends, she has faced

everything with a smile on her face and is a worthy

winner of this award.

• Volunteer of the year – Darren Benit was also

presented with his Volunteer of the year award.

Darren always dreamed of starting an organisation for

people with mental health problems. He wanted it to

be called ‘Safe Space’ and in February 2020 his dream

became a reality when the group was constituted.

www.safespacenorfolk.uk His volunteering started at

the Assembly Rooms Christmas Lunch, this has moved

on and now Darren helps out in the community at the

homeless shelter in Kings Lynn, doing shopping for

people, gardening or odd jobs, but his ‘Safe Space’

group which now has funding through the National

Lottery is where he really makes a difference.

The Mayor Cllr Judy Anscombe reported to Councillors

at the Full Council meeting on 9th June, she stated “It

was nice to meet with some of the worthy winners


of the Heroes Awards earlier this week, it was a

shame that circumstances has made this difficult for

us.” After the meeting, she stated “All of our Heroes

Award Winners are deserving of their awards and we

as a Town should be proud of their achievement and

highlight their contribution to the Town, whilst we

respect the wishes of some of the winners who did

not want publicity, we are in the process of making

sure that they receive their awards safely.”

Other winners:-

• Charity Fundraiser of the year - Janet Webb started

fundraising for Save the Children back in 2005 and

what started as part of a group, now continues as

an individual effort, as she organises events herself

and does all the admin single handed. Her coffee

mornings are legendary in Swaffham and she has

raised several thousand pounds in the process for

Save the Children Fund.

• Carer of the year - Kerry Furnass gave her

unwaivering support to a friend, helping them

through the grieving process following the sudden

and tragic death of their partner. For obvious reasons

some of these details are too personal to publicise, but

Kerry’s selfless act of kindness could not go unoticed

and are rightfully recognised in the award for carer of

the year. The family are incredibly thankful.

• Neighbour of the year – Nayna Bass and Hills

Genn (Joint winners) - Mum of 2 Nayna Bass is

joint Neighbour of the Year with Hills Genn. Nayna

arranged the Santa Sleigh around Swaffham as she

was concerned children would miss on seeing Santa

last Christmas, in order to lift everyone’s spirits. She

and a small team also walked the streets for three

nights prior to Christmas and raised over £600 for the

local foodbank. Other examples in her estate was to

arrange a Pumpkin hunt for Halloween. The feedback

from the community was heart-warming. Hills Genn

generated a huge source of emotional support from

the community for the family of ‘Esme Lambert’,

through fundraising (a Funday, sponsored events

at school an much more), social media and moral

support. Raising over £12,000 in the process. Being

there as a neighbour, as a friend with a big heart, the

family will be forever grateful.

New Town Councillor Co-opted at Swaffham

34 year old Mum of two Nayna Bass was co-opted

to the Town Council on Wednesday evening 9th

June. Councillors had to select a replacement for

Brendan Holmes, who resigned recently, due to

pressure of work. Four Swaffham residents put their

name forward for co-option and Councillors made

their choice, voting for Nayna to join the Council

for the remainder of the meeting after signing her

declaration of office and to serve out the two years

remaining in the current term of office up to May

2023. Swaffham Town Council are now back up to

their full quota of 13 Councillors. Nayna was given a

very warm welcome by the Mayor Cllr Judy Anscombe

and her fellow Councillors.

Nayna Bass in her resume said “I am extremely

passionate about the community and playing an

active role in it. I feel there needs to be a big focus on

providing opportunities

and projects for the

younger members of

the community. We

have many wonderful

business owners within

the Town who could

donate their time to

our children and really

give them something to

strive for in life.” The day

after the meeting Newly

Elected Town Councillor

Nayna Bass said “I was over the moon to be accepted.

I can’t wait to have some positive involvement.”

Town Clerk Richard Bishop stated “The first hurdle is

over for Nayna by being co-opted to the Council, our

second co-option of the year, following on from Cllr

Kurt Oliver back in February. The next stage is getting

up to date with what is already in the pipeline, but

there are high hopes that both our newbies will be

able to contribute in a positive way. I really look

forward to working with them both. I think it was

a very smart move, that Nayna tactfully reminded

Councillors of their advancing age and a lack of a

youthful representative, just before they elected her

on to the Council, so, interesting times ahead.”

Meetings And Live Streaming

We are back at the Town Hall for meetings, but as

the Covid opening up has been postponed by the

Prime Minister now until 19th July. So, unfortunately,

we have to exclude the public from our Full Council

meeting on 14th July. We have not had much success

with the Live streaming of the meetings in May and

June. The first occasion in the Assembly Rooms was

marred by sound issues then a Wi-Fi signal failure;

the second occasion the laptop went into a full

upgrade mode for an hour, overlapping the start of

the meeting, so again an ‘epic fail’, sorry about that.

Fingers crossed for a third time lucky, and we get

everything to work on 14th July. As stated last month,

we will persevere with this, as we want to enable as

many people as possible to be able to login from the

comfort of their own homes and follow democracy in

action at a local level.

Annual Town Assembly

Our annual town assembly is scheduled for Thursday

29th July at 6.30pm in the Assembly Rooms, as

this is a better venue for this public meeting. The

assembly will be a slightly different format this year,

as we are theming the event ‘THE GREEN AGENDA

FOR SWAFFHAM’ and will release further details on

our website and through social media, when the full

programme is finalised. If you could put the date in

the diary, as there will be an ‘OPEN FORUM’ during

this meeting to give residents a chance to ‘Have their

say’ on whatever subject they would like to raise.

Celebrate Norfolk Day 2021 at Swaffham Market on

Saturday 24th July.

Our market offers the very best of Norfolk produce.

You will find locally sourced food, plants, handmade

artisan crafts, clothing, and beauty products. All

amazing quality and amazing prices.

Support the towns Sustainable Swaffham initiative

too by leaving your car at home and walking into

town if you can. Bring a recyclable bag or basket

with you to carry your purchases. Recycle your

unwanted household items at our fabulous Auction

or buy vintage jewellery, books, tools, glassware, and

ceramics from our lovely market traders.

Swaffham Town Council invite you to support Norfolk

Day 2021 by wearing yellow and black (the colours

of the Norfolk Flag) or dressing up as your favourite

Norfolk character. Come to the Buttercross at 1pm

and the best dressed residents will receive prizes to

commemorate the day.

Look forward to seeing you all at the market, dressed

to impress and helping to support our local economy

on July 24th!

Swaffham Town Council

Tel: 01760 722 922


Town Hall opening times:

Monday 9.30am – 1pm. 1.30pm – 4pm

Tuesday - Friday – 9.30am – 1pm


Town Council Committee

meeting dates - JULY 2021

• Mon 12th – Market, Events & Tourism – 6.30pm.

Town Hall

• Wed 14th – Full Council – 6.30pm. Town Hall

• Wed 21st – Assets & Open Spaces - 6.30pm.

Town Hall

• Mon 26th - Finance Full Council – 6.30pm.

Town Hall.

• Tue 27th - Planning & Built Environment –

4.00pm. Town Hall

• Thurs 29th - Annual Town Assembly – 6.30pm.

Assembly Rooms.

The Town Council

Mayor - Cllr Judy Anscombe


Deputy Mayor - Cllr Stewart Bell


Cllr. Lindsay Beech


Cllr. Nayna Bass


Cllr. Wendy Bensley


Cllr. Paul Darby


Cllr. Graham Edwards


Cllr. Colin Houghton


Cllr. Shirley Matthews


Cllr. Kurt Oliver


Cllr. Ian Pilcher


Cllr. Les Scott


Cllr. Jill Skinner



Richard Bishop – Town Clerk


Claire Smith – Deputy Town Clerk


Breckland District Council


01362 656 870. For all enquiries regarding: Planning,

Refuse Bins, Housing, Recycling, Licensing & Benefits

Your Breckland District Councillors:

Cllr. David Wickerson

01760 725 741



Cllr. Ian Sherwood

07795 236 878



Cllr Ed Colman - also your Norfolk County Councillor

07940 406 356

ed.colman@breckland.gov.uk / ed.colman.cllr@norfolk.gov.uk

Highway issues

Norfolk County Council – www.norfolk.gov.uk

– 0344 800 8020

For Highway issues & faulty street lights:

- Highways - please give the location of the issue and

a telephone number where further information can

be obtained.

- Faulty streetlights – please give the precise location

of the light and the number on the column.

Alternatively visit the website and search for Highways

or Street Lights to report your concerns.

Even ironing!

Tracy: 01362 820 966

Caroline: 01953 882 154

Mobile: 07927 161 201







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Furniture, Flooring

& Bed Centre

Lancaster Way

Business Park, Ely


T: 01353 669754

Furniture, Bed Centre

& Homestore

Bridge Street

Downham Market

PE38 9DS

T: 01366 382213



*Furniture, beds, mattresses and upholstery are available to order online.

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