The Good Life – July-August 2021
On the cover – Jason Aamodt: Life as a Butcher. Local Hero – Andrew Nathan: Serving Veterans with a Purpose. Summer Recipes, Go Karts, Tattoo Sunscreens and more in Fargo-Moorhead’s only men’s magazine.
On the cover – Jason Aamodt: Life as a Butcher. Local Hero – Andrew Nathan: Serving Veterans with a Purpose. Summer Recipes, Go Karts, Tattoo Sunscreens and more in Fargo-Moorhead’s only men’s magazine.
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Raising Well-Rounded Humans<br />
One of the main roles I serve in within our family is as<br />
Chief Transportation Officer to all of my son’s various<br />
activities. I serve in this capacity year-round and the pay<br />
is abysmal. While the absolute last thing I want to do is<br />
get up at 6 am on a Saturday morning for practice, I find<br />
that the benefits far outweigh the costs.<br />
I’m striving to raise a well-rounded mini-human so he’s<br />
involved in pretty much every activity we can find. Soccer,<br />
basketball, football, church activities, art classes and swim<br />
lessons dominate the evening hours and weekend time<br />
slots. We have yet to enter the traveling sports team phase<br />
of youth sports participation, but I’m told its…hectic.<br />
I constantly remind myself, as I’m running out to my car<br />
during practice because we forgot his water bottle, that<br />
this will all pay off when he lands a sports scholarship one<br />
day, only to be reminded by a quick Google search that only<br />
about two percent of high school athletes receive sports<br />
scholarships…time to double down on music lessons?<br />
While sports remains king, I think that it is extremely<br />
important for kids to experience as many different<br />
interests as they can while growing up, before settling<br />
into their chosen passions. Music and theater play just as<br />
important a role in the overall development of our kids<br />
as sports. I was what some would refer to as, “hyper,”<br />
growing up and this resulted in my parents, in lieu of overmedicating<br />
me, putting me in every activity they could<br />
find. Thankfully, Fargo was and continues to be a great<br />
environment in which to explore all types of activities.<br />
Coming as a surprise to absolutely no one, my son is<br />
exactly like I was when I was a child and I am eternally<br />
grateful that this area continues to invest in its youth by<br />
offering a literal buffet of child-age activities. Below is a<br />
list of some of the activities we hope to participate in this<br />
summer.<br />
FM Rugby Club<br />
My son began asking if he could play, “football without<br />
pads.” It took me a minute to realize what he was referring<br />
to and then it dawned on me: rugby! Thus our rugby<br />
journey began. FM Rugby Club is a great option, offering<br />
rugby programs for all ages.<br />
Red River Valley Lacrosse Association<br />
Lacrosse programs are booming in the US and the sport<br />
is now more accessible than ever! Fargo is home to<br />
several local lacrosse programs, many of which provide<br />
the gear and equipment needed to play.<br />
Code Ninjas<br />
It's like playing video games…with a purpose! If your child<br />
is like is anything like mine, then electronics, tablets, and<br />
video games are all the rage. While YouTube and Fortnite<br />
are reign supreme, there are lots of coding programs and<br />
activities that combine the aspect of gaming with coding<br />
and computer science. Code Ninjas offers great childlevel<br />
coding experiences by making coding fun! Check<br />
out their website for a list of classes and programs,<br />
including Parents Night Out (I highly recommend)!<br />
Trollwood Performing Arts SchooL<br />
As a former theater geek, I could write an entire novel on<br />
the impact that Trollwood has had on my life, however,<br />
I do have a word count on this article. Suffice to say,<br />
Trollwood continues to offer the very best of theater,<br />
dance, and art through a combination of stage plays,<br />
theatrical classes, art classes, and an ever-growing list of<br />
offerings. Regarding more information, your best bet is<br />
to take your family to one of their summertime full-stage<br />
productions. <strong>The</strong>y are excellent! <strong>The</strong>n, visit their website<br />
and get your child involved.<br />
Elevate Rock School<br />
Music is extremely important in our family. Thankfully,<br />
the FM area is home to a host of musical opportunities<br />
for busy families. Elevate Rock School, which opened in<br />
2011, is located in Fargo and offers a full list of music<br />
lessons from beginner to advanced. Classes are available<br />
for almost all ages and they even offer a fully licensed<br />
daycare.<br />
In closing, I’d like to bring up a few universal parenting<br />
truths regarding bringing your child to various activities:<br />
– <strong>The</strong> parking always sucks.<br />
– Your child’s practice will always be at the earliest<br />
session on Saturday mornings.<br />
– Your child’s mouthpiece will always go missing, five<br />
minutes before you leave for practice.<br />
– Yes, you will be forced to sell pizzas door to door. Grin<br />
and bear.<br />
While these annoyances and inconveniences are<br />
rampant, overall, I think that its absolutely worth it in<br />
order to help your child grow and excel.<br />
As I mentioned, there are SO MANY great children’s<br />
programming options. Take a minute, check them out,<br />
and we will see you there! Cheers! •<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 3
JULY-AUGUST <strong>2021</strong><br />
VOLUME 9 | ISSUE 1<br />
2 24<br />
fathers - dad life<br />
raising well-rounded humans<br />
rocky mountain<br />
grilled t-bone steaks<br />
6<br />
10<br />
12<br />
16<br />
18<br />
wouldn't it be...Nice?<br />
Nice Barber CompanY<br />
oven fried catfish with radish,<br />
Asparagus & citrus salad<br />
red river kart club<br />
tattoo sunscreens<br />
protect your ink<br />
on the cover<br />
fargo's meat jesus<br />
jason aamodt<br />
co-owner of meats by<br />
john & wayne dishes on<br />
life as a butcher<br />
26<br />
30<br />
having a beer with<br />
owner & licensed<br />
funeral director<br />
jim boulger<br />
local hero<br />
serving veterans<br />
with a purpose<br />
andrew nathan desires<br />
to leave everything on<br />
the line<br />
<strong>The</strong><br />
Urban Toad Media LLP<br /><br />
Dawn Siewert<br /><br />
Darren Losee<br /><br />
Jeff Benda<br />
Meghan Feir<br />
Paul Hankel<br />
Ben Hanson<br />
Krissy Ness<br />
Alexis Swenson<br />
Emma Jean Vatnsdal<br />
Darren Losee<br /><br />
READ A PAST ISSUE<br /><br />
@urbantoadmedia<br />
@urbantoadmedia<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine is distributed six times a year by<br />
Urban Toad Media LLP. Material may not be reproduced without<br />
permission. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine accepts no liability for<br />
reader dissatisfaction arising from content in this publication. <strong>The</strong><br />
opinions expressed, or advice given, are the views of individual<br />
writers or advertisers and do not necessarily represent the views<br />
or policies of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong> Men’s Magazine.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 5
Nice Barber Company is bringing small town America back<br />
to the service industry, one shave at a time<br />
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. in early 2020,<br />
very few thought much of it. Sure, there were a select<br />
group of individuals who knew the possibility of what<br />
could happen to the country in the upcoming months, but<br />
one thing was for certain — life as we knew it was about to<br />
change, possibly forever.<br />
What followed was months upon months of new<br />
guidelines and rules, mandates and ordinances, all<br />
designed and redesigned to keep communities safe<br />
through something nobody quite knew how to handle.<br />
And while the fear of the unknown continued to grow, the<br />
hustle of everyday life seemed to come to a standstill.<br />
Offices began setting up at home. Morning commutes<br />
went from taking 15 minutes to drive across town (if<br />
you’re lucky), to sliding into the office chair as the clock<br />
strikes 8 a.m., after traveling a few feet from the kitchen to<br />
the living room. Online shopping became king, as words<br />
like “social distancing” and “masking” became ubiquitous<br />
and everyone began to really recognize what six feet was.<br />
Sounds like the perfect time to set up shop in the service<br />
industry, eh?<br />
Branden Ashmore thought so too. And after Fargo-<br />
Moorhead residents came out from behind their screens,<br />
there was no better time than the present to help them<br />
look their best.<br />
Through the smell of freshly-brewed beer and cedar<br />
planks, Ashmore has created a haven of manliness within<br />
the southeast corner of the newly-formed, hallowed halls<br />
of Fargo Brewing Co., and business has been Nice.<br />
“I’ve had many different jobs,” said Ashmore, co-owner<br />
and master barber of Nice Barber Company in Fargo, N.D.<br />
“But my most frequent and last job, I was a bartender.”<br />
Years of long nights and even longer weekends, with little<br />
time to see family and friends was taxing on Ashmore.<br />
Not only that, he was also dabbling in photography at the<br />
time, shooting weddings, concerts and motorcycle rallies<br />
— helping ensure his time card was never clocked out.<br />
“I just got burnt out to the point where I just wanted time<br />
to hang out with family and stuff like that again,” he said.<br />
“And my uncle used to always tell me that I’d make a great<br />
barber, but I was like ‘I will never run my fingers through<br />
a man’s hair for a living.’”<br />
"My uncle used to always tell me that I’d make a great barber, but I was like<br />
‘I will never run my fingers through a man’s hair for a living." - Branden Ashmore<br />
As silly as the thought of running his fingers through a<br />
man’s hair for a living sounded right away, Ashmore says<br />
the more he thought of it, the more it made sense — a<br />
service industry job, whether it’s bartending or barbering,<br />
is no different from another service industry job.<br />
Nice.<br />
Ashmore completed his training at Moler Barber College<br />
in September 2019, and began working at Everett’s<br />
Barbershop in downtown Fargo shortly thereafter.<br />
<strong>The</strong>n COVID hit. Workers stayed home and haircuts<br />
became scarcer and scarcer.<br />
“We were laid off for three months, and we’re sitting at<br />
home,” Ashmore said. “And the next thing you know, we’re<br />
back to work. We’re busy for two, three weeks, then we<br />
started plateauing. I was the newest barber over there<br />
too, everyone else was established, so I was getting<br />
two, three, four haircuts a day — if I was lucky — and it<br />
kind of made me think about, well, what if? What if this<br />
ainchild that Jade Nielsen and Ian Johnson and I<br />
had talked about was worth trying out? I really didn’t<br />
have any intentions of leaving Everett’s, it just kind of<br />
happened. I just had to try to take the chance.<br />
<strong>The</strong> shop opened along with the grand opening of<br />
Fargo Brewing Co. on April 20, <strong>2021</strong>. Ashmore says<br />
business was booming the first few weeks, but has<br />
started to settle down now that they’ve gotten into the<br />
groove of things.<br />
“It’s pretty consistent,” he said. “We have highs and<br />
lows because, you know, we’re a new shop.”<br />
But even though Nice Barber Company is a new shop,<br />
Ashmore and his fellow barber, Scott Ehresman,<br />
want to bring in that something that harkens back to<br />
“the good old days.” Less like going to the dentist, and<br />
more like visiting an old friend down at the hardware<br />
store in small-town North Dakota.<br />
“We’re all Midwestern, small town people,” Ashmore<br />
said. “And Nice was kind of created because —<br />
especially with this pandemic and how everybody<br />
started treating each other, you’re trying to be distant<br />
from everybody, everything started feeling really cold.<br />
<strong>The</strong>re was no feel of community or togetherness or<br />
anything.”<br />
After a bit of brainstorming, Nielsen, Johnson<br />
and Ashmore kept coming back to the same idea:<br />
‘Wouldn’t it be nice?’<br />
“<strong>The</strong> word (nice) just kept popping up in everything<br />
we talked about,” he said. “We wanted to bring that<br />
sense of unity and community to a business and it<br />
just worked. At first we were kind of hesitant on it, but<br />
the more and more we thought about it, it just made<br />
perfect sense. I mean, we’re here, we’re a business,<br />
but we’re here to become a staple of the community.”<br />
Nice Barber Company is located inside Fargo Brewing<br />
Company. Stop in for a beer and a visit — the shop is<br />
open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. •<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 9
Serves 4<br />
<strong>The</strong> Red River of the North is home to over 70 species of fish, but my 5-year-old<br />
daughter and I love to catch and eat the whiskered warriors known as channel<br />
catfish. With spring officially here, it was time to turn in those winter soups and<br />
heavy casseroles and bring back a perfect light salad to pair with some fresh fillets<br />
from the one that didn’t get away.<br />
Ingredients:<br />
4 (4 to 6-ounce) skinless catfish fillets<br />
1 egg, beaten<br />
1/2 cup Panko bread crumbs<br />
1 ½ teaspoon Old Bay seasoning<br />
16 asparagus spears, cut into long, thin strips<br />
1/3 cup orange slices<br />
1/3 cup pink grapefruit slices<br />
2 green onions, chopped<br />
2 radishes, sliced thin<br />
2 Tablespoons mayonnaise<br />
1 Tablespoon honey<br />
¼ teaspoon poppy seeds<br />
¼ teaspoon dry mustard<br />
1/8 teaspoon each salt & pepper<br />
Zest and juice from half of 1 orange<br />
Directions:<br />
Preheat oven to 4250 F. Spray baking sheet with cooking spray. In a shallow dish, stir<br />
together the bread crumbs and Old Bay seasoning. Dip catfish fillets in egg, then<br />
place them into bread crumb mixture and coat liberally; place on greased baking<br />
sheet. Bake for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, make the salad. In a bowl mix together<br />
asparagus, orange, grapefruit, green onion, and radish. In separate small bowl<br />
make your dressing by combining mayonnaise, honey, poppy seeds, dry mustard,<br />
salt, pepper, and zest & juice from half of 1 orange. Whisk together, pour over<br />
salad, and toss well. When fish is done, take out of the oven, place one fillet on a<br />
plate and garnish with ¼ of the salad. Repeat with remaining<br />
plates and serve immediately.<br />
Jeff Benda is an avid outdoorsman and family man who spent 25 years in the restaurant<br />
and catering business. He now focuses his time as a home cook and professional wild<br />
game recipe creator. He hopes that by sharing and celebrating the food he creates<br />
with fish and wild game, he can highlight the great contribution so many hunters<br />
and anglers have made to conservation in this country, and reflect the freedom we<br />
have to enjoy America's great outdoors. For more recipes, visit his website:<br /> or follow him on Instagram: @wildgameandfish<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 11
For more than 12 years, Red<br />
River Kart Club has been<br />
hosting drivers young and old.<br />
<strong>The</strong>ir youngest members begin<br />
at age five. However, this club<br />
accepts drivers of all ages,<br />
some being as old as 70 years.<br />
This club can be a feeder<br />
program where the kids can go<br />
onto drive modified or sprint<br />
cars.<br />
Located on the Red River Valley<br />
Fairgrounds, in the northwest<br />
corner, you will find the track,<br />
paved in asphalt, which is onetenth<br />
of a mile.<br />
When this program began,<br />
there weren't nearly as many<br />
drivers as there are today; a<br />
lot of it had to do with cost.<br />
"My nephew raced karts at the<br />
Red River Valley Fairgrounds<br />
many years ago, and it didn't<br />
seem like a lot of kids were<br />
involved in it at that time. It<br />
was getting expensive. We<br />
were looking for different<br />
avenues to be able to save<br />
people money," said Nick<br />
Skalicky - President of the<br />
Red River Kart Club. "At that<br />
time, there was a different<br />
engine package that came out,<br />
that really catapulted us, and<br />
was very affordable to have.<br />
So now the karters coming<br />
in, even at age five, are buying<br />
the nicer karts that have all<br />
the adjustments - so they can<br />
run that same kart throughout<br />
their whole career."<br />
Six years ago, Red River Kart<br />
Club became a non-profit. It is<br />
not about making money but<br />
providing a club for kids to<br />
race and have the whole family<br />
involved. What is even better<br />
is the community support. It<br />
Located on the Red River<br />
Valley Fairgrounds, in the<br />
northwest corner, you will<br />
find the track, paved in<br />
asphalt, which is one-tenth<br />
of a mile.<br />
is a pleasure to see companies<br />
donating funds and equipment<br />
that go directly to keep the club<br />
up and running.<br />
In addition to speaking with<br />
Skalicky, I had the pleasure of<br />
talking to Jeremy Clark. Clark has<br />
two boys in the Red River Kart<br />
Club, Alex, 10, and Andrew, 8.<br />
"We have been racing for years,"<br />
said Clark. "Alex has over 100<br />
feature wins, and Andrew has<br />
more than 30 wins."<br />
Clark used to race when he was<br />
younger, but you can see that the<br />
passion never left, and it has been<br />
instilled in his boys.<br />
When it comes to getting prepared<br />
for a race, you better believe this<br />
is a family affair.<br />
"<strong>The</strong> boys have their list of things<br />
they need to check and clean<br />
during the week, and they work<br />
on getting the trailer loaded the<br />
day of the race," mentioned Clark.<br />
"<strong>The</strong>y check their own tires and<br />
are responsible for taking them<br />
on and off. Additionally, they each<br />
have their own tote, and it is their<br />
responsibility to make sure they<br />
have all their gear in there, and if<br />
it is not in there, they don't get to<br />
race."<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 13
<strong>The</strong> responsibility that this sport<br />
incites is no joke. Aside from the<br />
boys making sure they have fulfilled<br />
their part, mom and dad also have<br />
a laundry list of things to get done<br />
before each race. Whether that is<br />
making sure everyone is organized<br />
and fed to working on the karts after<br />
work to ensure they drive safely and<br />
accurately.<br />
"It is definitely a family sport; it's not<br />
like any other sport where you can go<br />
drop them off at practice." Laughed<br />
Clark. "You are probably more<br />
invested than they are."<br />
Clark gave the boys a leg up by building<br />
a track on their property. Furthermore,<br />
the precision, ability, and overall<br />
intelligence it takes to operate these<br />
vehicles cannot be overlooked."It has<br />
been a lot of fun," said Clark. "And they<br />
boys really enjoy it."<br />
It is important to mention this is<br />
not a male-dominated sport."<strong>The</strong>re<br />
are a lot of girls who have gone on<br />
to be very successful," mentions<br />
Skalicky.<br />
<strong>The</strong> Red River Kart Club has<br />
produced many racers that have<br />
gone on to drive modified or sprint<br />
cars. Many can be found racing at<br />
the RRV Fairgrounds, Norman<br />
County Raceway, or Buffalo River<br />
Speedway. "I have had kids that<br />
have won national titles that<br />
have come out of the kart club,"<br />
exclaimed Skalicky.<br />
It is incredible to see a club excited<br />
about the youth in their community.<br />
Family and community mean the<br />
same thing when you are a part of<br />
the Red River Kart Club.<br />
"<strong>The</strong> good life to me means –<br />
seeing the kids grow from where<br />
they started with us and watch<br />
what they chose to do with their<br />
life, whether that be racing cars or<br />
not," said Skalicky.<br />
"We try to teach them life lessons<br />
about competitiveness; even<br />
though it is a singular sport, it is<br />
still a team sport." •<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 15
tattoo sunscreens<br />
protect your ink<br />
protect your skin and your ink with these sunscreens<br />
Keep your new tattoo out of the sun and<br />
direct sunlight. Allow your new tattoo<br />
to completely heal before applying<br />
sunscreen.<br />
<strong>The</strong> sun is a<br />
tattoo's worst<br />
enemy.<br />
<strong>The</strong> most best thing you can do to<br />
protect your tattoos is to stay covered<br />
with loose clothing and avoid direct<br />
sunlight. New tattoos are open wounds,<br />
and sunscreens can cause irritation if<br />
they are not fully healed.<br />
Things to look for when<br />
choosing a sunscreen:<br />
• Application Method<br />
(spray or lotion)<br />
• SPF - Sun Protection Factor<br />
• UVB and UVA Protection<br />
• Water and Sweat Resistance<br />
• Moisturizing<br />
1. Neutrogena ® Ultra Sheer ®<br />
Dry-Touch Sunscreen Broad<br />
Spectrum SPF 100+<br />
Goes on easily and absorbs<br />
quickly for an invisible, lightweight<br />
feel on your skin.<br />
Formulated with Helioplex ®<br />
Technology, it offers superior<br />
broad spectrum protection<br />
from aging UVA rays and<br />
burning UVB rays.<br />
$15.99 |<br />
2. Banana Boat ® Ultra Sport<br />
Clear Ultramist ® Sunscreen<br />
Spray SPF 100<br />
Provides powerful protection<br />
that absorbs quickly and<br />
won’t run into your eyes. This<br />
lightweight, clear spray is<br />
designed expressly for sport<br />
enthusiasts and other active<br />
folks who need sunscreen<br />
staying power in the sun!<br />
$11.99 |<br />
• Reapply sunscreen every two<br />
hours, no matter the SPF.<br />
• Wait at least six weeks<br />
before applying sunscreen<br />
to a new tattoo.<br />
• Protect your ink with SPF 50<br />
or higher.<br />
• Keep extra sunscreen in your<br />
car and office for on-the-go<br />
coverage.<br />
3. Panama Jack ® Continuous<br />
Spray Sunscreen - SPF 100<br />
Escape Everyday ® ... Our<br />
Panama Jack continuous<br />
sunscreen sprays delicately<br />
combines antioxidants with<br />
moisturizing oils and a tropical<br />
fragrance in a reef-friendly,<br />
broad spectrum UVA/UVB<br />
formula. With SPF 100, this<br />
Panama Jack water resistant<br />
(80 minutes), UVA-UVB<br />
sunscreen lotion is best for use<br />
by very fair/extremely sensitive<br />
skin types that tan slowly and<br />
burns easily.<br />
$13.00 |<br />
4. Coppertone ® Sunscreen<br />
Lotion Sport SPF 50<br />
Designed to stay on strong<br />
when you sweat, this highperformance<br />
sunscreen<br />
protects you from the sun with<br />
a durable and water-resistant<br />
formula (80 minutes) that<br />
leaves a light, breathable<br />
feeling on your skin.<br />
$11.99 |<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 17
Co-owner of Meats by John & Wayne<br />
Dishes on <strong>Life</strong> as a Butcher<br />
People always say, You know, he's quite the<br />
character. With no detectable filter or lack of selfconfidence,<br />
there may be no more of a character<br />
in town than Jason Aamodt, known by his proteinloving<br />
groupies as "<strong>The</strong> Meat Jesus." It's a fitting<br />
moniker for the co-owner of Meats by John and<br />
Wayne, one of Fargo's most beloved butcher shops<br />
that have been serving up hand-cut and homeprocessed<br />
selections of beef, pork, poultry, fish<br />
and wild game since the mid-2000s.<br />
"It was a friend of mine and long-time customer<br />
that walked in one day and threw that name at<br />
me… Meat Jesus," Aamodt recalled. "It just stuck.<br />
I was like, 'That's it!' That's what I'm going to<br />
brand myself as from here on out."<br />
Aamodt originally had dreams of getting into the<br />
broadcasting business, and with a background<br />
in advertising and marketing, he knew the<br />
importance of branding. While John and Wayne<br />
— the original founders of the company — had<br />
little interest in that side of the business, it came<br />
naturally to Aamodt… as did his natural hard work<br />
ethic.<br />
<strong>The</strong> 'Third Wheel' Grabs the Mic<br />
Aamodt was the "third wheel," as he described it<br />
when he first got hired, and he was only supposed<br />
to be part time. But the day he showed up, the<br />
other employee quit, and Wayne said "Well, looks<br />
like your full-time... starting now." As the saying<br />
goes, he never looked back, working his way up<br />
over about 15 years to become a third owner in<br />
the business.<br />
With a knack for self-promotion, Aamodt would<br />
preach to anyone and everyone within shouting<br />
distance about Meats by John & Wayne. To this<br />
day, he says, they find it hard to pay for advertising<br />
considering how steadily they grew almost purely<br />
on word-of-mouth referrals.<br />
"John and Wayne always wanted a place for regular<br />
people who wanted good meat for a good price<br />
with different selections," Aamodt said proudly.<br />
"<strong>The</strong>y created the old school butcher setup.<br />
Made everything in house, cut in house, beef<br />
was ground in house from full muscle meat.<br />
Everything that goes into our processed<br />
products, we're throwing in ourselves."<br />
Soon enough, though, the Meat Jesus<br />
was tapped to get the word out to new<br />
audiences.<br />
"Wayne handed me the golden<br />
microphone when we finally decided to<br />
advertise," Aamodt said. "To watch it<br />
grow from then to now... the wordof-mouth<br />
and then moving into<br />
being the spokesperson, it's been<br />
magic."<br />
Insider Tips & Tales<br />
When you've got the butcher's<br />
uninterrupted attention leading<br />
into peak grilling season, you get<br />
unvarnished access to the insider<br />
tips. With zero hesitation, Aamodt<br />
declared both his favorites, as well as<br />
Favorite cut?<br />
"New York Strip.<br />
Dude, it's got the<br />
right amount of<br />
marbling, just fatty<br />
enough to stay juicy,<br />
and you get to eat it<br />
all without risking the<br />
giant heart attack…"<br />
the top customer picks he sees week in and week<br />
out. But not before a quick story on the injuries<br />
he's seen over the years.<br />
"Dude I've seen people's hands get caught<br />
in saws, cuts that down to the bone, hands<br />
in slicers, guys run over by cows," he said.<br />
That one needed a bit more context: "So<br />
my first job in this business was at a plant,<br />
and one day a guy in the slaughterhouse<br />
got trampled by a cow. And this dude<br />
was as big as the cow."<br />
So maybe the best tip? Keep your blades<br />
sharp, but your eyes even sharper. On to<br />
the meat of the story...<br />
"Favorite cut? New York Strip," he said.<br />
"Dude, it's got the right amount of<br />
marbling, just fatty enough to stay juicy,<br />
and you get to eat it all without risking the<br />
giant heart attack… as much!"<br />
What about the most popular product walking<br />
out of the shop every day?<br />
"Ribs, without a doubt. Still to this day, we take<br />
the most phone calls on ribs," Aamodt said. "It's<br />
the Wednesday special — been that way since<br />
the beginning. That was the thing that started to<br />
bring people in. Everything else is popular, but<br />
those are what people call for on Wednesdays.<br />
We cook two 250 pound batches a day now!"<br />
And speaking of ribs, here's a tip you can put<br />
to use immediately to improve your BBQ game:<br />
always divide your cook into two. "If I buy one<br />
rack, I always cut them in half and do one with<br />
sauce and one without," Aamodt explained. "With<br />
ribs, you can smoke, grill, bake… they're so versatile.<br />
In the end, they're always kind of the same, but always<br />
awesome and very forgiving for less experienced cooks."<br />
Meat Jesus Prep Tips:<br />
BEEF<br />
I'm very impatient, so I'm a season right before I go on<br />
the grill kind of guy. <strong>The</strong> biggest piece of advice is just<br />
to pay attention to the grill, and to your meat. You've<br />
spent a lot of money on that meat, so don't ruin it.<br />
PORK<br />
Pork fat is so lusciously good. People forget about it<br />
too much. Everyone is all about burgers and steak, but<br />
don't forget about that lovely pork chop. <strong>The</strong>y're easy.<br />
It's clean. You don't have to cook well-done anymore.<br />
Pork is safe. You can have some juice and not be<br />
worried about it as much anymore.<br />
and summer. I like to just put a big pad of butter and<br />
some salt, pepper, garlic in foil, let it cook, and simmer<br />
in that butter. Deep-fried shrimp? Who doesn't love it?<br />
Salmon is a low and slow. <strong>The</strong> fat in salmon is like a<br />
ribeye, you want it to melt down and keep that salmon<br />
moist.<br />
Buffalo jerky is totally phenomenal. I'd never tried it<br />
until I had started here. That said, my favorite wild<br />
game that I've gotten to eat is moose. It's easy to dry<br />
out, though, so keep an extra close watch on it. •<br />
I love the bone. <strong>The</strong> bone-in chicken — thighs and<br />
legs — with BBQ sauce just rock. My go-to chicken<br />
dish is legs and thighs on the grill. I grew up on<br />
that. Chicken breast is so versatile, and I do love<br />
homemade chicken tenders with your own breading<br />
and hot sauce like boneless chicken wings. Also,<br />
get yourself some Two Gringos 'Chupacabra Rub'… I<br />
cut up any and all leftovers, throw that on and turn<br />
it into fajitas.<br />
FISH<br />
I'm a local river and fish guy. I grew up on Devils'<br />
Lake. That's what we did. Walleye and perch, winter<br />
"<strong>The</strong> biggest<br />
piece of advice<br />
is just to pay<br />
attention to<br />
the grill, and<br />
to your meat.<br />
You've spent a<br />
lot of money on<br />
that meat, so<br />
don't ruin it."<br />
- Jason Aamodt<br />
ocky mountain<br />
grilled t-bone steaks<br />
This recipe tastes great over the campfire or on your grill at home.<br />
Pepper-rubbed T-Bone Steaks are served with flavorful Charro-style beans.<br />
• 2 beef T-bone Steaks (1 inch thick)<br />
RUB<br />
• 1 tablespoon black peppercorns<br />
• 1 teaspoon green peppercorns<br />
• 1 teaspoon pink peppercorns<br />
• 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder<br />
• 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan sea salt<br />
• 1/4 teaspoon white peppercorns<br />
• 3 juniper berries<br />
• 1/2 pound pancetta, chopped<br />
• 1/2 cup diced onion<br />
• 2 teaspoons minced garlic<br />
• 1 can (15-1/2 ounces) pinto beans, drained and rinsed<br />
• 1 can (10-1/2 ounces) no-salt added Mexican-style<br />
diced tomatoes<br />
• 2 fresh poblano chile peppers, fire-roasted, seeded,<br />
peeled and chopped<br />
• 1/2 cup reduced-sodium beef broth<br />
• 1 medium jalapeno pepper, diced<br />
• 1 tablespoon chili powder<br />
• 1 teaspoon ground cumin<br />
• 1/2 teaspoon roasted ground coriander<br />
• 1/2 ounce 70% dark chocolate, broken into pieces<br />
1. Combine Rub ingredients in a spice grinder. Pulse on and<br />
off until grind has sand-like consistency. Set aside.<br />
2. Cook's Tip: You may substitute 1/8 teaspoon ground white<br />
pepper for 1/4 teaspoon white peppercorns.<br />
3. Preheat large cast iron skillet on medium-high heat for 5<br />
minutes. Add pancetta; cook 7 to 10 minutes until crisp,<br />
stirring occasionally. Using a slotted spoon, remove pancetta;<br />
set aside. Pour excess oil from pan. Return same skillet to<br />
heat; add onion and garlic. Reduce heat to medium; cook 3<br />
to 5 minutes until onions are translucent, stirring often. Stir<br />
in pancetta, beans, tomatoes, poblanos, broth, jalapeno, chili<br />
powder, cumin and coriander. Reduce heat to low; simmer 15<br />
to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add chocolate during last<br />
5 minutes of cooking; stir until combined.<br />
4. Meanwhile, press Rub evenly on steaks. Place steaks on<br />
grid over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill, covered, 11 to 16<br />
minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 15 to 19<br />
minutes) for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness,<br />
turning occasionally. Remove bones and carve steaks into<br />
slices. Serve with Charro Beans.<br />
5. Cook's Tip: To broil, place steaks on rack in broiler pan so<br />
surface of beef is 3 to 4 inches from heat. Broil 15 to 20 minutes<br />
for medium rare to medium doneness, turning once. Rest 5 to<br />
10 minutes before slicing off of bone.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 25
Jim Boulger isn’t your typical<br />
36-year-old guy. Hot dogs are his<br />
favorite cuisine. In high school, he<br />
jammed to movie soundtracks in his<br />
car. He also works at a funeral home.<br />
As the fourth-generation owner and<br />
licensed funeral director of Boulger<br />
26 / THE GOOD LIFE /<br />
Funeral Home in Fargo, Boulger has<br />
continued the legacy his ancestors<br />
started in 1897. Starting at the age of<br />
12, Boulger mowed the lawns of his<br />
father’s business, which eventually<br />
led to accompanying his dad on<br />
transfers and vacuuming the carpets<br />
and cleaning bathrooms in the<br />
funeral home (tasks he still does to<br />
this day).<br />
He wasn’t always certain he<br />
wanted to meander the funereal<br />
path of his predecessors, so he<br />
attended St. Thomas and earned<br />
a business management degree
<strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong>: If you were to rename<br />
the word “coffin,” what would<br />
you call it? I heard one guy call it<br />
“a to-go box for the Lord.”<br />
Jim Boulger: Maybe an underground<br />
condominium.<br />
GL: If any animal could be as big<br />
as a horse, what animal would<br />
you choose?<br />
JB: An English bulldog. I own<br />
one and her name is Blanche.<br />
If she were bigger, it would be<br />
incredible.<br />
GL: Would it be intimidating to<br />
have her extra large?<br />
JB: No, you talk to her and she<br />
rolls on her back. Is that possible<br />
as a horse?<br />
GL: I think so.<br />
JB: Do they sleep standing up?<br />
GL: I think they can sleep standing<br />
up, but aren’t they usually like,<br />
“Ehhh,” and they kind of sleep<br />
shifted to one side of their hip like<br />
this?<br />
JB: I bet they make that sound too.<br />
As a kid horses never scared me,<br />
but now I’m old and they freak<br />
me out. Thinking about what I do<br />
for a living, people die in really<br />
strange ways, so that’s always my<br />
fear; I don’t want to be the funeral<br />
Meghan, attempting to<br />
recreate—from memory—<br />
the stance of a sleeping<br />
horse. She got it wrong.<br />
HA-HA!<br />
before graduating with a degree in<br />
mortuary science from the University<br />
of Minnesota.<br />
Fourteen years later, as we sat<br />
outside of Brewhalla in the heat<br />
of one of the hottest Fargo June<br />
evenings in memory, no regrets were<br />
in sight. We chatted about how being<br />
a funeral director is a good fit for him,<br />
how it certainly isn’t for everyone,<br />
how much he enjoys working with<br />
his dad, and what kind of animal he’d<br />
love to have transform into the size of<br />
a horse.<br />
director that was kicked in the head by a horse. Every time<br />
I’m doing something where I’m like, “Is this normal because<br />
if I die right now…”<br />
GL: If you could make up a national holiday, what would it<br />
be and how would you want people to celebrate?<br />
JB: My favorite food on the face of the earth is a Chicago hot<br />
dog. It has to be done right. So mine would be National Hot<br />
Dog Day.<br />
GL: What was the most scarring movie you ever watched<br />
as a child?<br />
JB: Oh, I can 100 percent tell you it was “Poltergeist.” To this<br />
day, I still sleep with a cover over my head with a little spot<br />
for breathing. I wish that wasn’t true, but it is. Everywhere I<br />
go I do it. My wife is like, “You do it so quickly,” and I’m like,<br />
“I’ve been doing it for 30 years.” My feet cannot be out of<br />
the bed because somebody will grab them. I’m convinced. I<br />
sleep with three comforters. I need to be cocooned.<br />
To this day, I still sleep with a cover over my<br />
head with a little spot for breathing.”<br />
GL: I definitely did that too with just a little breathing hole<br />
for my nose, so we have that in common. I don’t remember<br />
when I forced myself to stop.<br />
JB: I got a lot of crap in college from my buddies and<br />
I think they took a picture of me once, but I’m like,<br />
hey—I’m still here and I’m not haunted.<br />
GL: What’s your heat tolerance for spicy foods?<br />
JB: Absolutely nothing, but I’ll eat it and suffer. I<br />
remember the first date I went on with my wife. We<br />
were in St. Paul and I was trying to impress her, so I<br />
went to this Thai place acting like I knew what it was.<br />
I was sweating and she was like, “You look like you’re<br />
miserable,” and I was like, “I am, but I’m enjoying it.”<br />
I’ll never forget that. And now I’m 36 and on stomach<br />
medication. What’s going on? Am I 70?<br />
GL: In the event of an EMP where we lose all electrical<br />
power, what would be one of the old-school skills<br />
you would offer to people, besides your current<br />
occupation?<br />
JB: You’re asking me what talents I have, and,<br />
apparently, there aren’t a lot.<br />
GL: What skill would you decide to learn right away?<br />
JB: I’d have to learn how to make a fire right away. I<br />
order a lot of food, so I’d have to learn how to cook<br />
better. I can hunt and I’m a fairly good fisherman. I<br />
can negotiate fairly well, so if we’re bartering at<br />
that point I could do that. And I’m not squeamish<br />
on things, so if we need to do something, I’m okay,<br />
whatever that involves.<br />
GL: What’s one of your favorite memories as a kid?<br />
JB: My dad and I used to go to the Bitterroot<br />
Mountains in Montana and go fly-fishing every year.<br />
We’d spend a week or 10 days hiking and fly-fishing.<br />
We still do it. My dad’s getting a little older, but I want<br />
to keep going out there with him.<br />
GL: What does living the good life mean to you?<br />
JB: Having a family that loves and supports you,<br />
although the definition of “family” might not mean<br />
kids or a marriage to some people. <strong>The</strong> “good life” is<br />
doing what you like to do and being a good person<br />
while doing it. I like to think I make a difference. •<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 29
Andrew Nathan Desires to Leave<br />
Everything on the Line<br />
Andrew (“Drew”) Nathan is an Employment Coordinator for the Fargo Veterans<br />
Affairs Department carrying out his personal life mission of serving others.<br />
After graduating college, Nathan enlisted in the Army. With three jobs to choose<br />
from, Nathan became an Intel Signals Analyst. His first assignment was serving in<br />
Korea for a year. Afterward, Nathan submitted his Officer Candidate School (OCS)<br />
packet and was selected for OCS in February 2001.<br />
During his Infantry Basic Officer Leader Course in Fort Benning, G.A., 9/11 took<br />
place. “Our Infantry Officer Basic instructors came out to tell us there was something<br />
happening. As infantry, we realized we were probably going to have to the<br />
Middle East. Training picked up exponentially after that,” said Nathan.<br />
Nathan was then required to complete further education. He passed Airborne School<br />
following his first attempt at Ranger School. Nathan was assigned to the 82nd Airborne<br />
Division as a Platoon Leader and was deployed to Afghanistan on January 2, 2003.<br />
Deployment<br />
From the moment their boots hit the ground, the 82nd was in continuous motion. <strong>The</strong>y<br />
were responsible for finding weapons and capturing high value targets, putting the soldiers<br />
in constant danger. Due to the well-established network within country, capturing high value<br />
targets was complicated—oftentimes the platoon would arrive mere minutes after the target<br />
escaped.<br />
“In February we were told we’d been assigned a big mission to capture a very high value target.<br />
We didn’t know who we were getting. We linked up with a 2nd Ranger regiment and a Navy Seal<br />
team for a joint operation. We were getting ready for a combat air mission,” said Nathan.<br />
<strong>The</strong> platoon jumped on the night of February 25th, 2003 to provide security and secure the landing<br />
zone for the Navy Seal team. “We came to find out that the Navy Seals had captured the high value<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 31
target. We found out later the target<br />
was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,<br />
the mastermind behind the 9/11<br />
attacks,” said Nathan.<br />
Nathan finished deployment in<br />
<strong>August</strong> 2003 and entered Ranger<br />
School again. “It was career ending<br />
to not pass Ranger School. I ended<br />
up graduating in February 2004<br />
which was a big accomplishment of<br />
my time in the military,” said Nathan.<br />
Getting Out<br />
Soon after graduation, Nathan<br />
completed a tour in Iraq and<br />
returned to the States exhausted.<br />
Nathan’s decision to leave the<br />
military was a difficult, but sure<br />
one. “I loved the military, but I<br />
was burnt out, so I decided to get<br />
out. One of the things that had me<br />
decide to get out was that I got<br />
engaged. I had two combat tours<br />
32 / THE GOOD LIFE /<br />
and made my goal of becoming an<br />
Airborne Ranger, what more do I<br />
need to do?,” said Nathan.<br />
He returned to North Dakota and<br />
married his now wife, Fara. Still,<br />
leaving a life of service completely<br />
was out of the question for Nathan.<br />
Within three months of leaving the<br />
military, Nathan began drilling on a<br />
“weekend-warrior” basis with the<br />
North Dakota National Guard.<br />
“I had a really hard time. I was<br />
dealing with a lot of issues along<br />
with being newly married and<br />
starting a whole new job. I didn’t<br />
know what was going on with my<br />
own self. If you don’t get help right<br />
away and aren’t using the resources<br />
that are available, it can be quite<br />
damaging. I had a really tough time,<br />
but I got some help through the<br />
V.A.,” said Nathan.<br />
National Guard Service<br />
Nathan held multiple jobs within<br />
the ND National Guard, but<br />
missed combat. When he had the<br />
opportunity to deploy with the<br />
Minnesota National Guard in 2009,<br />
he transitioned to the MN National<br />
Guard to complete a deployment in<br />
Iraq from 2009-2010.<br />
Nathan was tasked with helping<br />
establish a bazaar in Basrah, Iraq.<br />
“It helped create inter-connection<br />
between soldiers and Iraqis. <strong>The</strong>re<br />
were camel rides, hookah bars, and<br />
a date palm tree—we called it ‘<strong>The</strong><br />
Oasis’. We were supposed to be<br />
turning the country over and now<br />
the Iraqis would have established<br />
this business center. I had a little<br />
part in that,” said Nathan.<br />
Following that deployment, Nathan<br />
returned to the ND National
Guard with the Air Defense Artillery<br />
battalion in Grand Forks. His<br />
battalion was called to complete a<br />
domestic deployment in Washington<br />
D.C. Resulting from the 9/11 attacks,<br />
there are defenses established to<br />
defend against any further attack on<br />
the National Capital Region. Nathan’s<br />
battalion was the first ND National<br />
Guard unit to take a tour in Washington<br />
D.C. from 2013-2014.<br />
“I was the Operations Officer for that. It<br />
was a pretty cool thing how everything<br />
came around; I was involved in<br />
Afghanistan fighting the war on terror<br />
and then defended domestic soil,” said<br />
Nathan.<br />
Following this deployment, Nathan<br />
transitioned to the Army Reserve at<br />
Fort Snelling, Minnesota. He began<br />
instructing a Master’s level doctrine,<br />
strategic planning, military history, and<br />
leadership to Captains and Majors.<br />
Rounding out his last five years in the<br />
ND National Guard, Nathan instructed<br />
Command Staff before retiring <strong>August</strong><br />
5, 2019 with the rank of Lieutenant<br />
Colonel.<br />
“In those 22 years, I sought every<br />
aspect of the military. I was fortunate.<br />
Not everybody gets these opportunities;<br />
I was just in the right place at the right<br />
time,” said Nathan.<br />
Patriot Assistance Dogs<br />
“I struggled really horribly with active<br />
duty to civilian transition although I<br />
was still a civilian. This part of me that<br />
was so ingrained in me for 22 years<br />
was gone. If you don’t bridge that or<br />
fill it with something else...that’s the<br />
wrong move. <strong>The</strong>re’s a void,” said<br />
Nathan.<br />
This led Nathan to a conversation with<br />
longtime friend Ray Pizarro who is a<br />
board member and former client of the<br />
Patriot Assistance Dogs organization.<br />
Based in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota,<br />
Patriot Assistance Dogs (PAD) provides<br />
highly trained, certified psychiatric<br />
service dogs to qualified U.S. Military<br />
veterans. <strong>The</strong> cost of training each dog<br />
is roughly $15,000-$20,000 and all<br />
donated monies go directly toward the<br />
dog and veteran selected.<br /> / THE GOOD LIFE / 33
Learn more about Nathan’s ride across North Dakota:<br /><br />
Nathan and Pizarro decided to<br />
fundraise for PAD through a bike ride<br />
across North Dakota. Adrenaline<br />
junkie Nathan trained for the three<br />
day ride for a year with a goal of<br />
raising $50,000. <strong>The</strong> inaugural<br />
ride was <strong>August</strong> 7-9, 2020. Nathan<br />
biked while Pizarro provided<br />
support along the route. Nathan’s<br />
son, Jerod, also biked intermittently<br />
and provided coaching, water, and<br />
nutrition.<br />
While the original plan was to bike<br />
along Old Highway 10, between the<br />
stretches of unpaved and nonexistent<br />
road, Nathan and Pizarro adjusted<br />
their plan to make I-94 their primary<br />
route.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> last 25 miles was a downpour<br />
and tornado warning; it was looking<br />
like I’d have to end the ride and<br />
not accomplish the mission. I was<br />
getting a lot of road rash and was<br />
ripped up pretty bad. I ended up<br />
getting a flat tire and had to use<br />
my son’s tire to finish. I was in an<br />
incredible amount of pain, soaking<br />
wet, tired, and hungry,” said Nathan.<br />
34 / THE GOOD LIFE /<br />
It was all worth it when the final<br />
tally came in at nearly $30,000<br />
raised to support PAD. “I’m doing it<br />
for the idea that dogs help Veterans<br />
with their Traumatic Brain Injury,<br />
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,<br />
general adjustments, getting into<br />
the civilian world, being a healthy<br />
individual, and repairing their lives.<br />
I’ve seen how much these dogs help<br />
Veterans,” said Nathan.<br />
This year’s ride is <strong>August</strong> 13-14,<br />
<strong>2021</strong>—two days to bike roughly 370<br />
miles for a goal of raising $75,000.<br />
Anyone is welcome to bike alongside<br />
Nathan by joining at I-94 exits, but<br />
he’s especially hoping for more<br />
bikers on the last 22 miles from<br />
Casselton to Fargo. In Casselton,<br />
there is a planned stop at the<br />
Memorial Bridge. Those 22 miles<br />
honor the 22 service members<br />
who die by suicide each day (US<br />
Department of Veteran Affairs).<br />
“If I can get a bunch of Boy Scouts<br />
that ride with me to the end that<br />
would be great. Boy Scouts earn a<br />
merit badge for biking different mile<br />
levels. I have high expectations for<br />
this year and am hoping to get more<br />
people involved,” said Nathan.<br />
Nathan’s service would be empty<br />
without the consistent backing his<br />
wife, Fara, and son, Jerod, offer. “My<br />
wife is a saint. She’s been through<br />
two deployments where I haven’t<br />
been around and has put up with a<br />
very crazy schedule with me being in<br />
the military. She supports me 100%.<br />
I wouldn’t be able to do what I do if I<br />
didn’t have my family and community<br />
behind me,” said Nathan.<br />
<strong>The</strong> <strong>Good</strong> <strong>Life</strong><br />
Nathan’s outlook is heavily informed<br />
by his faith.<br />
“<strong>The</strong> good life is being at peace with<br />
God and your fellow man. What<br />
are you doing to glorify God and<br />
help your fellow man? Especially<br />
in today’s world — everything’s so<br />
polarized. I’m not perfect at it, but<br />
I have a strong belief and purpose.<br />
I know that Jesus is Lord. Also, I<br />
enjoy a good single malt scotch,”<br />
said Nathan. • / THE GOOD LIFE / 35