Summer 2021 Publication

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policies enacted to limit the spread of the

current COVID-19 pandemic, including

lockdowns, reassignment of resources,

healthcare staff, and equipment. The

World Health Organization (WHO)

estimates that a 3-month lockdown

followed by a 10-to 12-month recovery

phase will result in a huge increase in TB

cases, with 6.3 million new cases and 1.4

million TB fatalities registered between

2020 and 2025. According to the

modeling studies, the COVID-19 pandemic

is expected to lead to a 25% reduction

globally in expected TB detection for a 3-

month time span, given the levels of TB

service disruption seen in several

countries. Consequently, we can expect a

13% increase in TB deaths, thus sending

us back to the levels of TB mortality seen

5 years ago [7]. This could possibly be a

conservative estimate because it excludes

other potential pandemic effects, such as

the transmission of TB, disruptions in

treatment, and worse prognosis in

patients with TB and COVID-19 infection.

As a result, an additional 1.4 million TB

deaths could be recorded between 2020

and 2025 [8]. All measures should

therefore be taken to ensure continuity of

care so that patients who require TB

treatment, both preventative and

curative, have access to services.

[2] Wu F, Zhao S, Yu B, Chen YM, Wang

W, Song ZG, et al. A new coronavirus

asso-ciated with human respiratory

disease in China. Nature.2020;579:265–

9. DOIExternal LinkPubMedExternal


[3] Hopewell PC. Factors influencing the

transmission and infectivity of

Mycobacterium tuberculosis: implication

for clinical and public health

management of tuberculosis. In: Sande

MA, Root RK, Hudson LD, editors.

Respiratory Infections. New York:

Churchill Livingstone Inc.; 1986. P. 191–


[4] Meyerowitz EA, Richterman A,

Gandhi RT, Sax PE. Transmission of

SARS-CoV-2: a review of viral, host, and

environmental factors. Ann Intern Med.

2020;•••:M20-5008; Epub ahead of print.

DOIExternal LinkPubMedExternal Link.

[5] D. Visca, C.W.M. Ong, S. Tiberi, R.

Centis, et al. Tuberculosis and COVID-19

interaction: A review of biological,

clinical and public health effects.

Pulmonology. 2021 (Vol 27, Issue 2, Pages




(Image Credit: DW)

Khundi, M., Dodd, P., Ku, C., Kawalazira,

G., Choko, A., Divala, T., Corbett, E.,

MacPherson, P. (2021). Effects of

Coronavirus Disease Pandemic on

Tuberculosis Notifications, Malawi.

Emerging Infectious Diseases, 27(7), 1831-




(Image Credit: eMedicineHealth)


[1] WHO. 2019. Global tuberculosis

report. World Health Organization,





[6] Mousquer, G. T., Peres, A., &

Fiegenbaum, M. (2021). Pathology of

TB/COVID-19 Co-Infection: The phantom

menace. Tuberculosis (Edinburgh,

Scotland), 126, 102020.



[7] Cilloni L, Fu H, Vesga JF, Dowdy D,

Pretorius C, Ahmedov S, Nair SA,

Mosneaga A, Masini E, Sahu S,

Arinaminpathy N. The potential impact

of the COVID-19 pandemic on the

tuberculosis epidemic a modelling

analysis. EClinicalMedicine.

2020 Oct 24;28:100603. doi:

10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100603. PMID:

33134905; PMCID: PMC7584493.

[8] Soko, R., Burke, R. M., Feasey, H.,

Sibande, W., Nliwasa, M., Henrion, M.,

Adwaith Hariharan is a junior at

Biotechnology High School in New

Jersey. He is interested in the

intersection of technology, sciences,

and social entrepreneurship. This drive

has him giving back to his community

through research involving AI, Machine

Learning, and health analytics. As a

STEM DEI advocate, he strives to create

and lead STEM conferences, hackathons,

and science camps to empower

youth, underprivileged, and neurodivergent

students around the world.

22| SUMMER 2021

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