Summer 2021 Publication

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(Interview conducted by Eugenia Calvo Prieto)

What drew you towards the study of epidemiology/epidemiological science?

I am a virologist with training in veterinary medicine and epidemiology. As most

of the emerging infectious diseases are of animal origin, I was very interested to

understand the drivers that facilitate their emergence and spread.

Your research interests focus on the mechanisms of influenza transmission among and

between different reservoirs, potential virus-host interactions and pathogenicity. What

types of influenza viruses do you study and what are some interesting findings?

I study animal and human influenza viruses.

For animal influenza viruses, such as avian influenza and swine influenza, we are interested to

understand why some of these viruses can cross the species barrier and infect humans. For example,

H5N1 or H7N9 avian influenza viruses can cause severe infections in humans with high case fatality

rates. Close contact with infected poultry at the human-animal interfaces, such as live poultry markets,

is an important risk factor. Our study at the live poultry markets detected avian influenza viruses in

airborne particles and from contaminated surfaces, suggesting the risk of exposure to these viruses

via aerosols and fomites.

We studied the 2009 H1N1 human pandemic influenza virus that originated

from swine influenza viruses that lacked the sustained human-to-human

transmissibility; we identified viral factors that contributed to its efficient

transmissibility in humans. In addition, we use animal models to investigate

the size range of airborne particles that mediate human influenza

transmission. Since last year, our research has been extended to work with

the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19. We work closely with a

multidisciplinary team to study the relative significance of different modes of

influenza transmission.

You also examine the molecular determinants that can confer antiviral resistance, can you

explain what these determinants are?

8| SUMMER 2021

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