Summer 2021 Publication

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causes are traumatic events from the past

(from life changing surgery to emotional

and physical abuse), low self-esteem,

others that are critical of the person’s

appearance, and not fitting in the Eurocentric

beauty standard.


Neurocognitive Function

There has been little research on the

neurocognitive functions of people

diagnosed with BDD. Concerning visual

memory, there have been studies that

conclude that people with BDD may have

visual memory deficiencies. In one study

of cognitive functioning, subjects were

asked to copy and recall a complicated

figure drawing. The BDD group recalled

more specific parts of the drawing

instead of the overall structure which

makes sense because BDD patients focus

on a specific part of their body. In

addition, there has been research about

organization and planning for people with

BDD, and a study by “K.R. Hanes found

that BDD subjects made more errors on a

search task, demonstrating deficits in

working memory, compared to healthy

controls. They also were slower on a task

measuring planning ability.”⁵ ⁶ A study

by Ulrike Buhlmann et al., found that

people with BDD were more likely than

healthy subjects to mistake neutral faces

as angry.⁷ This means that patients with

BDD have a harder time processing

emotions than healthier subjects. Lastly,

another study from Ulrike Buhlmann et

al. found that patients with BDD had

“more delayed responses to words such

as attractive and beauty compared to

more neutral words.”⁸

32| SUMMER 2021


Heritability is by far one of the most

limited studies concerning BDD, but

researchers found that “8% of individuals

with BDD have a family member also

diagnosed with BDD, a statistic 4–8

Visual Processing

times the

prevalence in

the general



there is a


with OCD

that comes

from family

studies. In

one study by

Phillips et

al., “7% of

BDD patients had a first-degree relative

with OCD.”¹⁰ Therefore, OCD and BDD

may be correlated and BDD itself may be


Researchers studied the ways patients

with BDD distinguished their own faces

compared to others’ faces. One study by

Jose A Yaryura-Tobias et al. showed that

BDD patients perceived distortions of

their own faces which were not really

there.¹¹ In another study by Ulrich

Stangier et al., BDD participants were

more accurate than healthy subjects in

detecting changes in beauty features of

others’ faces.¹² The studies showed that

people with BDD have a superior ability

to process details after it was found that

those with BDD were faster than healthy

controls at identifying others’ faces that

were upside down. These studies suggest

that BDD individuals have a greater

sensitivity to detecting details, which

may lead them to notice defects that are

unnoticeable to others.¹³


Currently, there is no way to prevent

body dysmorphic disorder, but since the

mental illness begins in adolescence

years, it may be easier to detect the issue

and begin treatment early.¹⁴ Some

treatments include psychotherapy which

is individual counseling that focuses on

changing a person’s cognitive thinking

and behavior. There is also exposure and

response prevention which uses thoughts

and real-life situations to prove to the

patients that their view of themselves is

not accurate. Medication can also be used

as antidepressants. For example,

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

(SSRIs) may help treat body dysmorphic

disorder as it increases serotonin (a

hormone that controls overall well-being

and happiness) in the brain. Lastly, there

is group or family therapy which allows

family members to learn to understand

body dysmorphic disorder and recognize

the signs and symptoms of the BDD



Overall, body dysmorphic disorder is an

illness with harmful effects if undetected

or left untreated. Due to limited

information known, it is very difficult to

receive help and diagnose people with

BDD. However, people should be aware of

BDD and empathize with people with this

illness and be cognizant of their

symptoms. More resources should be

funneled to researching BDD so help can

be provided for those who suffer from


Chainwit, Wikimedia Commons


[1] "Obsession." International

Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences,

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