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for Penn &

Tylers green

OCT/NOV 2021

issue 206

Our Autumn


● Around The Villages ● Church News ● Clubs & Societies

● Schools & Sports News ● Local History ● & Much More...




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...to the October / November 2021

edition of Village Voice...

Dear VV Readers,

After a very challenging 18 months, this autumn

holds the prospect of more village events and

activities, which were kicked off on 18th

September with the successful staging of the

Village Show. The winners, a report and

pictures can be found on P10 & P11. Upcoming

community events include 'A Woodland Open

Evening' on 1st October, and an 'EXPO', on

20th November, both organised by the

P&TGRS, see P5 for details.

As the various Covid related restrictions ease,

and our various Clubs and Societies are able to

plan programmes of events and activities, there

is an increased need for volunteers. If you are

interested in volunteering, you may wish to

volunteer for the various work parties which

will take place during the autumn. These

include Pond Clearing (see P7 for details),

Common Wood working parties (see P19 for

details), and Litter picking (see P6 for details),

or perhaps you could spare some time to be a

Village Care telephonist? A number of clubs,

Societies and organisations are looking for help.

The P&TGRS is working on a relaunch of

their website, and would welcome support.

Perhaps you have an interest in Planning? The

P&TGRS is also looking for someone to join

the Planning Committee. See P4 for details.

Having successfully staged the 2021 Show,

the 2022 Village Show team would welcome

new volunteers, so too would the Scouts.

Further afield, the Hazlemere Fete Committe are

looking for additional volunteers, for assistance

in planning for the 2022 Fete.

Finally, Village Voice was saddened to learn

of the death of Eddie Morton. On P17, Miles

Green has written a poignant tribute to Eddie,

who died in August. Eddie was an outstanding


Village Voice October/November 2021

photographer. He worked closely with Miles

Green for many years to create illustrations for

local history publications, VV articles, and

presentations. He generously shared his

photographs with Village Voice to illustrate

features, and Village events for over 20 years.

He will be sadly missed. Cathy O'Leary, VV Editor.


Our next Village Voice will be the December

2021 & January 2022 Christmas edition, with a

copy deadline of 1st November 2021. To send

your news, letters, photos, or enquiries to 'Ask

the VV Historians' email: vvoiceeditor@aol.com.

To send pictures, please send the highest

resolution / largest size file. For advertising

enquiries email: adverts@pennandtylersgreen.

org.uk. We hope to hear from you. Cathy O'Leary,

VV Editor. vvoiceeditor@aol.com


04 Around the Villages

13 Church News

19 Woodland & Green Spaces

21 Ask the VV Historians

26 Sports News

26 Schools News

30 Clubs & Societies

37 Fields in King's Wood Part 13

38 Noticeboard

55 Index of Advertisers

56 Village Contacts

In This Issue...

10 P&TG Village Show

17 In Memory: Eddie Morton

32 Chiltern Society Penn Walk


Village Voice October/November 2021




The natural flow of the year often feels aligned

to the school year, even if you are not connected

with education. This year that feeling is

stronger, especially as many of us are now

trying to return to as normal a life as possible

post Covid lockdowns.

As an example, the Residents Society is

currently planning two community events; our

Woodlands Open Evening on October 1st,

where all 150 tickets were reserved in just 10

days, showing the desire for villagers to get out

and be sociable.

By the time this edition hits your doormats,

our Friends of Common Wood campaign will

have launched and full details will be on our

website. www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk.

We are also providing an Expo for all local

not for profit groups, clubs and societies to

showcase what they offer to villagers on

Saturday November 20th 2-4pm at the Village

Hall. Do put this date in your diary to see the

breadth of activities available on your doorstep.

Our On-Line Media Committee is working

on a relaunch of our website and we hope to

have this live before Christmas. If you are

interested in web-editing or would like

experience of working on a community website,

do please contact us at info@

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. If you can use Word

and a web browser we can provide the rest of

the training. This is a perfect job to while away

those darker autumnal evenings. If you don’t

already receive the occasional email from us, do

sign up for our emails on our website – www.


As usual, the Planning Committee has

commented on several planning applications

locally which affect the wider community

interest. We are looking for someone to join the

planning committee; if you are organised and

have some time and an interest in matters which

affect the village, do please contact us at info@

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. You will not be

alone and we have lots of experience to impart.

As well as the Woodlands evening, the

Woodland Management committee is working

with the Woodland Trust on the management of

trees suffering from ash die back in the woods

and we may have to remove affected trees

where they are on the boundary of the wood or

close to paths. This will give us the opportunity

to thin the wood and also to replant with other

species such as Lime, Wild Cherry, Maple and

Rowan which are less susceptible to disease.

The Residents Society has also been working

with the new owners of Rayners, whose initial

priority has been maintenance of the grounds by

ensuring that neighbours who have had

problems with overhanging trees or damaged

boundary walls have these issues dealt with.

You may have noticed new security gates

behind the original 5 bar gates; these will be

decorated with a mural from a local artist and

we will feature these in a future issue.

Neighbourhood Action Group reported that

there was an overall reduction in crime of 24%

in the local area over the last year, due largely to

the fact that we have all been at home a great

deal more. As we go out more and the nights

draw in, don’t forget your home security.

If you have any comments or ideas for the

Residents Society, do please email us at info@

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. Madalyn Roker P&TGRS


The Village Hall

The Village Hall held its AGM in July and it

was lovely to see current hirers attending and

was a timely reminder that we are a community

building in the centre of the community.

We have been delighted to welcome some

new regular hirers to our current regular events,

please have a look at our website for update

regular events http://tylersgreenvillagehall.co.


4 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

For those of you who don’t know, we do have

an amazing stage, as well as a spacious kitchen

that could be used as a food hub. It would be

lovely to see the stage brought to life more, so if

this is something of interest to you please

contact us so we can work together to bring a

great facility back into community use

Email - tylersgreenvillagehall@gmail.com /

Tel: 01494 819990 E mma Byrne

Simpson Centre & Penn

Surgery News

Following the successful drive through flu

vaccination program that was held at

Beaconsfield Cricket Club last year, the

Simpson Centre and Penn Surgeries will once

again be using this facility for the flu vaccines

as well as smaller events at Hazlemere

Community Centre, The Simpson Centre and

Tylers Green Village Hall.

The initial dates at the Cricket Club were

planned for the weekend of the 25th/26th

September, however this was postponed due to

the late arrival of the vaccine. The delay has

been caused by unanticipated transportation

challenges including driver shortages. Seqirus,

one of the largest vaccine maufacturers, notified

GP surgeries around the country of the delay.

This has obviously created an unprecedented

workload on the surgery having already invited

1000’s of patients for the vaccine. Please keep

an eye on the website which will be updated

with new dates and further information. Patients

will be notified, by letter or text, as to when to

attend a clinic and it would be helpful if patients

came with a filled in form which can be printed

from the website under the Flu Clinic tab.

The new Surgery in Beaconsfield is still on

course to be finished early 2022. This will

provide a modern, purpose built medical facility

for the community. Please be assured that Penn

Surgery is not closing and will stay as a

‘satellite’ surgery. Penn patients will still be able

use the new surgery in the same way as they use

the Simpson Centre today.

The PPG and Penn Surgery will be at the


Village Voice October/November 2021

Village Expo on the 20th November, please

come along and have a chat with us and find out

what we do or what’s happening at your surgery.

We would also welcome new volunteers to join

our friendly group. Emma Mcphee

Village Care

After a long wait, Village Care is back up and

running as we did pre lockdown. It’s been a

slow start as life begins to normalise and people

are beginning to get out and about again.

The committee has decided to postpone the

tea party again because of concerns about the

continued Covid infection rates. However, not

to be discouraged, we have arranged to deliver

an afternoon tea box to the homes of those

clients who would like one, and hopefully they

will enjoy the thought of being together rather

than the physical presence as they tuck into the

teatime delights!

We have recruited 2 new telephonists, but we

always have room for more, so if you could

spare a few hours once a month, or could be a

reserve telephonist on an ad hoc basis, please

contact the Telephonists Coordinator Gillian

Watkins on 815693.

In the next edition of Village Voice we hope

to include a celebration of 35 years of Village

Care and it would be nice to include memories

from clients and volunteers past and present

- photos from tea parties, anecdotes (especially

funny ones!), or a few lines about how Village

Care volunteers have helped over the years. I

wouldn’t put anyone’s personal details in unless

requested to do so but you could send me an

email Anna@northleighhouse.com or contact a

Village Care duty telephonist on 816909 any

weekday between 10am and 1 pm. Anna Allen

Ashwells Update

Members of the Ashwells Forum working group

have had useful meetings with both the planning

officer responsible for the project and with the

consultant managing the Ashwells project for

the County Council as owners of the land.

In the last issue of VV we reported that


Village Voice October/November 2021

Buckinghamshire Council has decided to

choose a single developer to do all the

preparatory groundworks, including roads and

utilities, as well as designing and building the

houses. 10 developers have expressed an

interest, and the process of selection is now at

the sifting brief stage to decide the 3 to 5 firms

which will shortly receive an Invitation to

Tender. Their responses will then be reviewed

considering, cost/return, design, and quality etc,

with a target to select one developer by the end

of the year and with the following timescale:

• Sign contract Jan-Mar 2022

• Plan and present proposal by Sep 2022,

including public consultation

• Planning consent Jan-Mar 2023 with work

starting on site and lasting up to 2 years.

• Developer to take over widening Cock Lane

We are promised “a gold standard project!”

Meanwhile detailed exchanges on the draft

Design Code are continuing. Miles Green Chairman

Ashwells Forum

Litter Picking Working Party

The P&TGRS and PCC have organised a

community Litter Picking working party to take

place on Saturday 6th November 2021 from 10

a.m. to 12 noon. Why not come along? Meet at

the Red Lion at 10 a.m. Equipment such as

pickers, bags and high viz will all be available

Madalyn Roker P&TGRS / Nicole Johnson PCC

Sports & Social Club

During the autumn the club have planned events

to cater for all tastes and they are as follows:

Friday 15th October at 8 p.m: Comedy Night

- Tickets are £10, booking is required.

Saturday 30th October from 6 p.m: Annual

Firework display: Adults(over 16) @ £10

Juniors(6-16) @ £ 8, Under 5’s are Free This

is a combined Halloween/Guy Fawkes night.

Children and adults are encouraged to attend in

Halloween / Guy Fawkes themed costume and

face painting. Other attractions;

*Fairground rides for smaller children

*Tea & coffee plus mulled wine .

*An outside bar will also be available

*BBQ (with vegan option)

We hope the village to come out in force to

support this event which will enable us to make

a donation, as we always do, to charity. A

karaoke in the clubhouse will follow the

firework display, all welcome. TICKETS



Friday 26th November at 7.30pm: 80’s Disco

£5 per person at door - Fancy dress optional!

Friday 10th December at 7.30pm: Christmas

quiz night. £7 per person, max tables of 6, with

booking advised.

The club contact for all these events is Jack

Woodstock on: Mob: 0770-184708, e-mail:

jackwoodstock@gmail.com We hope you will

support your local club. Thanks Tony Hurst, Chair

Buckinghamshire Council Update

Things were a little quieter over the summer

period but from September we resumed full

committee meetings.

Buckinghamshire Council is working with

the government regarding Afghan Refugees. We

have set up “Helping Hands for Afghan

refugees” and are working closely with Heart of

Bucks to see what is needed and how to

coordinate local efforts. If anyone wants to offer

any assistance please look at the webpage to see

where to go: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.


Bin collections are still causing an issue with

the lack of HGV drivers, and for the past month

and now carrying on the Council has asked

residents to put their food waste in the black

bins for collection rather than them being picked

up separately. If you want to you can still use

the separate brown caddys, but only put them

out with the general rubbish week and not every

week. I hope by the time you read this it will

have been resolved but at the moment this is

until further notice.

Beaconsfield and Chepping Wye community

board are progressing with their three action

6 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

groups. Highways and Traffic, Supporting

Economic Recovery and Improving the

Environment. The meetings are open to all and

we would love to hear from any residents keen

to get involved and ideas for projects are always

welcome. Please email bcwcb@

buckinghamshire.gov.uk for more information.

Katrina Wood, Buckinghamshire Councillor for Tylers Green

& Loudwater Ward

Chepping Wycombe Parish Council

Residents will be aware of the Dog Poo bin

saga! Following the update in the last VV, I am

sad to say the new contractor we had found did

not prove any more reliable than our original

one. So we are now on our third contractor and

so far so good. It is far more expensive than we

were paying so the costs have tripled but

hopefully we will be able to continue providing

the service to our dog walkers in the Parish that

we all want to see.

I mentioned last time that the Parish were

going to look at some waste bins with lids for

Ashley Park recreation ground and also a

novelty bin to encourage children to put their

litter in bins rather than drop it. I am pleased to

report that the agreement has passed the initial

committee stage and now needs to go to Full

Council in October for final sign off. At the

same committee we have initially agreed to the

installation of two new benches outside the

fencing around the childrens play area and if

approved at Full Council these will be installed.

We have recently had a willing volunteer

from our new member for Flackwell Heath to re

-invigorate our facebook page and we are trying

to post up to date information and articles of

interest. Please take a look and follow us You

can find us at Chepping Wycombe Parish

Council. Katrina Wood, Chairman CWPC

PPC Village Pond Clearances

Penn Parish Council invites local volunteers to

come and help with our village pond clearances

Locals will be working alongside Chiltern

Society Rangers, and volunteers. It's a really fun


Village Voice October/November 2021

way to do conservation work in the community,

and to learn about the ecology and history of our

local village ponds, of which we have seven,

and to meet new people.

We meet on site and work in small groups

from 10am-12noon, stopping for a break

mid-session. There is a range of tasks, so

something for everyone to enjoy. Coffee and

cake is provided but please bring your own

disposable cup if possible. Stout boots or

waterproof shoes and gardening gloves are

recommended, and dress appropriately if it's

chilly weather.

• 11 December: Potters Cross Pond, Penn

• 22 January: Widmer Pond, Penn (opposite

The Red Lion)

• 12 February: Wash Pond, Beacon Hill

• 12 March: Gawde Water, Penn Street (off

Horsemoor Lane) Nicole Webster. Clerk to the PPC

Penn Parish Council

I hope by now you will have received a flyer

about the Penn Parish Neighbourhood Plan

being prepared by the Council and local

volunteers. Preparing a Neighbourhood Plan

will ensure our Community's voice is heard by

Buckinghamshire Council, and I encourage you

all to sign up for the Parish's survey via the Penn

Parish website and complete it when it arrives.

Please register your email, so we can send you a

questionnaire to find out how you want Penn

Parish to develop over the next 20+ years. You

can sign up now at www.pennparish.org.uk/


Penn Parish Neighbourhood Area

Penn Parish

Neighbourhood Plan




Neighbourhood Development Plans are protected by law.

Penn is preparing a Neighbourhood Plan which will identify the needs of

our community in terms of:-

Development – influencing new housing, workplaces, shops, recreational

and leisure facilities.

Infrastructure – green open spaces, play facilities, surgeries, schools.

Penn Parish, civil parish, with its five settlements of Winchmore Hill,

Penn Street, Forty Green, Knotty Green and Penn is our designated

Neighbourhood Plan area. This flyer is a ‘heads up’ of our wish to involve

all parishioners, local residents societies and neighbouring parishes, and

to seek their views.

To ensure your views are heard, sign up:-

1. Via the website www.pennparish.org.uk/neighbourhoodplan.htm;

2. Via Street Champions;

3. At our Stand, at the following events:-

- Winchmore Hill Village Show, on the Common, Sept 4th

- Knotty Green/Forty Green, ‘Come and Find out More’ at the

Recreation Ground, Sept 5th, and

- Penn & Tylers Green Village Show, Tylers Green Village Hall, 18th


4. Contact the Parish Clerk, email clerk@pennparish.org.uk or call

01494 815458.

Our questionnaire will ‘go live’ in September,

to capture your views, on which the plan will be based.


Sign up NOW at www.pennparish.org.uk/neighbourhoodplan.htm







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Village Voice October/November 2021

Penn Parish - Neighbourhood Plan Explained

by Chris Granville

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

A Neighbourhood Plan gives communities direct

power to develop a shared vision for their

neighbourhood and shape the development

and growth of their local area. Penn Parish

Council believes now is the right time to prepare

a Neighbourhood Plan given the pressure from

Government to build more housing.

Why do we need a Neighbourhood Plan?

Buckinghamshire Council, are developing a new

county wide plan. The purpose of our

Neighbourhood Plan is to give us a voice to

influence the County Plan by identifying

acceptable new development and infrastructure

that will be needed over the next 20 + years in

Penn Parish.

Our Neighbourhood Plan will help us identify

and address very local priorities and reach a

consensus on acceptable development, the

design of housing, and the infrastructure to

meet our future community needs.

When will we prepare the Neighbourhood


In September 2021 we will survey local residents

to get their views and priorities. This will inform

the preparation of the plan which we anticipate

will take 18 months to complete.

Where does the Neighbourhood Plan refer to?

Within Penn Parish, there are 5 separate

communities, Penn, Penn Street, Winchmore Hill,

Forty Green and Knotty Green. It is important

that the Neighbourhood Plan captures the

priorities for each community.

Who is preparing the Neighbourhood Plan?

Penn Parish Council has set up a working group

of local Parish Councillors representing each of

the 5 main communities in the Parish. They are

supported by local volunteers to help survey

residents. The project is recognised by the

County Council and will use professional

support, as required, to develop the plan. The

final Neighbourhood Plan will be submitted to

local residents for approval in a local referendum

before being submitted to Buckinghamshire

Council. Once it is accepted, or 'made' our plan

will become a documents Buckinghamshire

Council's Planning Officers must consult in

reaching decisions on planning.

How do we capture local resident’s views and


priorities to inform the Neighbourhood Plan?

In September Penn Parish Council will deliver a

leaflet to every household in the Parish. This will

explain the purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan,

the process to develop the plan and will invite all

residents to comment on their priorities.

Priorities will be captured by an online survey,

with the alternative of a paper based survey for

residents without internet access, or who prefer

to respond in writing.

We want everybody to be able to make their

views known. Many streets in the Parish have

already developed informal networks of

neighbours for local communication on

initiatives such as Neighbourhood Watch and

also in response to the very local challenges

faced during the Covid Pandemic. We will use

these connections to make sure everyone knows

about and can contribute to the Neighbourhood

Plan. To do this, we propose to set up a network

of locally known ‘Street Champions’ to help

circulate messages and distribute the survey.

The leaflet delivered to each household explains

to sign up for the online survey, by registering on

the Parish website, so you can share your views.

The survey will be delivered by email, and we are

asking residents for their contact and email

address. The Parish Council adheres to strict

GDPR security protocols.

Sign up NOW at www.pennparish.org.uk/


Local neighbourhood ‘Champions’ will play a

vital role delivering the leaflets, making contact

with neighbours and assisting if they have

queries or would prefer to request a hard copy

of the survey. Hard copies can be requested by

emailing info@pennparish.org.uk or by calling

01494 815458.

Anti social parking is a subject which is often

raised with the Parish Council's Highways

Committee. But at this time of year, the problem

is particularly acute. The Parish is surrounded

by a large block of farming land and parking is

a serious issue on village roads, especially if it

prevents passage for large farm vehicles. I

would respectfully remind residents to be

considerate and mindful of local farmers when

choosing where to park vehicles, so as not to

impede their operation. Mike West, Chair


Village Voice October/November 2021

P&TG 2021


After having to miss last year’s Village Show

due to Covid, we were delighted to be able to go

ahead with this year’s show. As people came to

place their entries in the morning, you could see

the joy in being able to compete against friends

and neighbours again (some of the rivalries go

back for years!).

The gardeners all commented about 2021

being the hardest year for ages to grow produce,

let alone keep flowers in good condition to be

able to display on the day. Our judges were

impressed by the efforts people had made to

grow almost perfect sweetcorn, green peppers

that were the size of a large hand and amazed by

the quality of the trug of mixed vegetables.

Hilary Standbridge was a clear winner this

year with the most points across all classes,

domestic, preserves, flowers, fruit and veg,

winning the Cuthbert Cup, Ramsay Trophy and

Robinson Trophy. Andrew Barrow, with his

stunning dahlias and cacti, secured the Gobert

Cup and Trot Foster Cup. Our photography

judge Mike Reed entered for the first time with

his pale pink rose and won the Jubilee rose

bowl. A new entrant, Angie Lescott, won the

Horn Trophy for the best decorative class with

her autumnal wreath using cones, dried leaves

and fresh foliage. Another new winner was

Diane Stewart with the most points in the

novice section.

The Gurney family had a very successful day

in the junior entries with Lily securing the

Boyles Trophy (Best entry in the junior section)

for her “memory jar” about her guinea pig, as

well as winning best junior photo with her photo

of her guinea pig sitting on a head to win the

Price Trophy. Her sister Poppy won the

Timperley-George Cup for the most points in

the junior classes with her wonderful tin can

lighthouse (including flashing lights!) winning

the Laing Trophy for Best Young Designer. The

Warby family had a quieter year, but Alex did

win the Millar Cup as runner up in the junior


Another new entrant, Scott Barrett, won the

Village Voice Trophy for his photo from the

common looking towards the Red Lion in a

summer setting, while Marina Jeffery displayed

a pretty boiled wool grey rabbit with brown

boots to win the Jollye Cup for the handicraft


Moving on to the preserves, Heather Cooper

impressed the judges with her chutney, while

Diana Cresswell won the WI cup for her

Bakewell tart and Philip Cooper won the Ken

Stevens Trophy for his chocolate mocha

roulade. The judges commented on its taste and

texture and were keen to eat it all! Ruby

Deadman won the Ann Wolfe Young Cook’s

Trophy with her vegetarian quiche (with

homemade pastry).

A big thank you to many of the local

businesses who kindly donated some lovely

raffle prizes; their support is greatly appreciated.

10 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Rather than paying an entry fee this year,

visitors were asked to donate to the One Can

Trust – a local food bank which does great work

supporting people in need. Their Operations

Manager Jo Belshaw collected a small

mountain of cans and produce, along with just

over £300 of cash donations, all of which was

gratefully received as she expressed in a

heartfelt speech of thanks.

In 2022 we will be running a summer show

and will be sharing the date shortly and the

schedule early in the new year. Watch out for

Village Voice October/November 2021

more articles in Village

Voice, follow us on our

Facebook page and

keep an eye on our

website (www.pennand

tylersgreenvillage show.


See you next year! (or if you’re keen to

volunteer a little of your time, please get in

touch with a committee member by emailing


Photographs: Scott Barrett

Penn & Tylers Green Village Show - Prizewinners 2021

THE CUTHBERT CUP :“Victor Ludorum” : Most points all classes

Hilary Standbridge

THE GOBERT CUP : Best entry in the flower classes

Andrew Barrow

THE TROT FOSTER CUP : Most points in the flower classes

Andrew Barrow

THE JUBILEE ROSE BOWL : Best entry in the rose classes

Mike Reed

THE RAMSAY TROPHY : Most points in fruit and vegetable classes

Hilary Standbridge

THE HORN TROPHY : Best entry in the decorative classes

Angie Lescott

THE ROBINSON TROPHY : Most points in domestic classes

Heather Cooper

THE WHITE TROPHY : Best entry in the preserve classes

Heather Cooper

THE DORIS JENNERY TROPHY : Best entry in the painting classes

Rose Stockwell

THE KEN STEVENS TROPHY : Best entry in the men’s classes

Philip Cooper

THE WI CUP : Best cake in show

Diana Cresswell

THE JOLLYE CUP : Best entry in the handicraft classes

Marina Jeffrey

THE VILLAGE VOICE TROPHY : Best entry in the photographic classes

Scott Barrett

THE BOYLES TROPHY : Best entry in the junior section

Lily Gurney

THE TIMPERLEY-GEORGE CUP : Most points in the junior section

Poppy Gurney

THE MILLAR CUP : Runner up in the junior section

Alex Warby


Ruby Deadman

THE PRICE TROPHY : Best junior photographer

Lily Gurney

THE LAING TROPHY : Best young designer

Poppy Gurney


Diane Stewart

Junior 1 11-13 Poppy Gurney

Junior 2 9-10 Poppy Gurney

Junior 3 5-8 Not awarded



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Holy Trinity & St Margaret's

As I write this, I have just taken the funeral for

Eddie Morton. There is a fuller tribute to him in

this edition of Village Voice but I did just want

to note what a delight it has been for me to get

to know him a little over the years. I started the

service by observing that his photographs were

amazing but as he was trying to offer a window

into the world, his photographs were often

offering us a window into Eddie’s heart and


I then took the family services at Holy Trinity

and St Margaret’s in the morning, buried a

couple’s ashes at the Greenacres Woodland

Burial site in Jordans at lunchtime and got back

in time for the Pet Service at Holy Trinity in the

afternoon. I do often tell people that being a

vicar is the best job in the world as each one of

these is an amazing privilege (although at my

age, maybe not all in one day!).

By way of special services, our Harvest

Festival Services at on Sunday 2nd of October

at 9.30am at St Margaret’s and 11am at Holy

Trinity. If you cannot make the service you can

always leave gifts (of the non-perishable

variety) in either Church porch.

Which reminds me to remind you that Holy

Trinity and St Margaret’s are open each day

from around 9am to early afternoon. People

have been praying in Holy Trinity for over 800

years now and if you are able to quiet yourself

in there for a while, you do become aware of

that. It is the Lord’s House.

We are back to a roughly normal service on

Sundays including Junior Church at 9.30am.

The Services continue to streamed on Facebook

(search for ‘St Margaret’s Tylers Green’, give it

a moment to load and then scroll down) and can

be viewed live or afterwards. Alternatively,

there is an audio only service accessible from

our website holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk and


Village Voice October/November 2021

look under Services and Events for Services and


Our Tuesday Coffee Mornings have resumed

and we are delighted to welcome the walking

group each week.

Remembrance Sunday is the 14th November

this year and our morning services will include

an act of Remembrance by the respective War


Finally, we are very much hoping to hold our

Christmas Tree Festival again this year. It will

be on 27th and 28th November, that being the

First Sunday of Advent. Blessings, Revd Mike Bisset,

www.holytrinityand stmargartes.co.uk

Penn Free Methodist Church

Once a fortnight I am making a

live video presentation (usually

on Thursdays at 2pm) which can

be viewed on both Facebook and

Youtube. The Facebook page is

called ‘Britain’s Only Hope - the Gospel’. The

title of the live show is ‘The 33:12 Report’. This

is based on Psalm 33:12, which reads, “Blessed

is the nation whose God is the Lord”. These live

shows, which are up to 30 minutes in length,

can also be seen as recordings afterwards on the

two platforms.

To give a taste of the different topics covered,

here are four of the episodes so far broadcast:



1. Does God deal differently with different


2. Does God respond to the prayers of

specific nations?

3. How is prayer related to economics,

agriculture and national stability?



1. The state of the country in the early 18th


2. The anointed, vigorous preaching of the

early Methodists

3. The social consequences of gospel




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1. Jeremiah denounces Judah for failing to

fear the God who controls the climate.

2. Major changes in the climate have taken

place throughout human history.

3. God controls the climate in every

generation according to how nations

honour Him.


1. The evidence for the Flood all around us

2. How seaworthy was the Ark?

3. How many animals were on the Ark?

4. Does it matter what we believe about the


To see the recordings of the above shows

please go to Youtube and type in 33:12 Report

in the search box, of if watching on Facebook,

go to www.facebook.com/britainsonlyhope .

The main church website is www.

realchristianity.org, which is a very useful

resource with news and various posts on the

church’s activities and articles on some of the

burning issues of our time. Our sermon

recordings website is www.soundcloud.com/

penn-free-methodists .

Our Sunday services are at 11am and 6.30pm

and our midweek for prayer and Bible study is

on Wednesdays at 8pm. Needless to say, all are

most welcome. For more information about the

church, please go to www.realchristianity.org

Pastor Peter Simpson. Minister. revps@icloud.com

Tylers Green Methodist Church

As I write, we celebrate the start of the

Methodist New Year. To quote from a letter

from our Circuit Superintendent Minister, Nick

Thompson: “We look back on a year that has

not been easy – mourning with those who have

lost loved ones, and thinking of those whose

major life events have not been celebrated as

they might have hoped. We look forward in

hope that the vaccination programme will mean

that we are not all sent back into isolation. I am

confident that a plan for a vision and mission

from each of our chapels to their local


Village Voice October/November 2021

communities will take root in the coming year,

and bear fruit”. What a challenge! We, as a

church have a few ideas up our sleeve for the

coming year, which we will share in due course.

We were all really sad to lose another of our

dear church friends: Helen Panchen of Ashley

Drive,who has battled with cancer for nearly

three years and sadly passed away at the end of

August. She was such a lovely lady, always

cheerful, helpful and caring. We will miss her

very much and our thoughts and prayers go out

to her grown up daughter and son, Lucy and

David. We are still mourning the loss of Peter

Stevens who passed away at the beginning of


We welcome back our Minister Vida Foday,

who spent the month of August visiting friends

and family in Ghana. It was a much deserved

break for Vida, as she spent a large part of this

past year, supporting our Superintendent

Minister, who was suffering from Covid and

Long Covid. This was on top of Ministering her

three churches.

As we enter the season of ‘Mists and mellow

fruitfulness’ we look forward to celebrating

harvest, when we give thanks to God for His

bountiful gifts to us. This year, due to the

shortage of preachers, our harvest thanksgiving

service will be a Local Arrangement, when our

Worship Leaders and others will prepare and

lead the worship, on 26th September. As in

recent years, our gifts will go to the Whitechapel

Mission who do such amazing work for the

poor and homeless in London.

We welcome back the Village Preschool into

our premises, after their summer break. We

hope the leaders have had a good, and welcome

break. They do amazing work with the little

ones and we wish them a happy and successful

year. We are so happy to have them all as part of

our community. Geraldine Nelson. Steward / Worship


Hold the Date:

Carols on the Common - Monday 20th Dec 2021





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1947 - 2021

Eddie Morton lived in

Tylers Green for all the

50 years of his married

life and only a few years

ago was pleased to discover

from Ron Saunders that his Morton ancestors

had come from Penn. He was born in

Watlington, Oxfordshire in 1947 although his

parents were living in Saunderton and he grew

up there. He was the only child of a father who

had been blinded by a bullet in the First World

War and followed his father into the building

trade, starting as a carpenter, then in

management and finally running his own

business in partnership with his wife, Ros.

He married Ros in 1971 and they lived first in

The Chase for ten years, then in New Road, and

finally, from 1987, in Wheeler Avenue. They

had two sons, Gavin and Martyn, who survive

him, and one daughter, Samantha, who

tragically died, aged 23, in a white-water rafting

accident in Thailand in 2006.

Photography was his life-long passion and he

was very proud to be able to add ARPS

(Associate of the Royal Photographic Society)

after his name. He had prepared his submission

for Fellowship (FRPS), the highest distinction

they award, with a group of photographs he

titled as ‘London Skyline in Infrared’, but was

thwarted by both Covid lockdown and illness.

He had also been awarded FDPS (Fellow of the

Disabled Photography Society – he had lost the

sight in one eye in a childhood accident). For

many years he was a leading member of both

Amersham and Wycombe Photographic

Societies. He would go to endless trouble to get

his pictures as perfect as possible.

Serendipity arranged for me to meet him on

the Common in the late 1990s and our


Village Voice October/November 2021

rewarding collaboration as colleagues and

friends provided photographs and amended

maps to bring the text alive in a long series of

local history publications, Village Voice articles

and presentations. He started in 2000 with Penn

& Tylers Green in Old Photographs for which

his task was to take a series of photographs

along the road from Beaconsfield to Hazlemere

exactly matching those of a century earlier and

he relished the challenge.

We also spent many hours photographing

every aspect of Penn Church, all the family

portraits in Penn House and in the magnificent

Curzon house at Kedleston Hall in Derbyshire.

He particularly enjoyed visiting and

photographing most of the houses in our

Conservation Area for Mansions and

mudhouses. He also prepared the illustrations

for several presentations with Lord and Lady

Howe and the late Jean Rollason in Penn

Church, at the Quaker centre in Jordans, in our

Village Hall and elsewhere.

My own 180-page family history, in two

parts, was immensely enhanced by his

photographic and

photoshop skills. He

designed the covers, set

out long family trees

embellished with

coloured links, enhanced

the many illustrations,

and resized and doctored

the many maps. Nothing

was too much trouble

and I could not possibly

have done it without

him. He was, in short,

P&TG’ s much valued

leading photographer for

many years and will be

greatly missed.

Eddie remained

strong and healthy until

his 70s when cancer

struck and eventually

defeated him. Miles Green


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What a contrast

from a year ago!

The wood was

well populated

with people

walking in the


discovering the

beauty and

looking for the


although the

latter may have been missing at time due to

numbers. With lockdowns eased the wood has

returned to its regular users hopefully giving

respite to the wildlife. I have seen shrew, young

Roe Deer. A strange bird call suggests we have

Ravens nesting in the wood but I have not

spotted them yet. There seems to be plenty of

Rabbit in Farther Barn Field and the Buzzards

swoop around above on the lookout for a less

alert one to provide a meal.

Thank you to the small core of volunteers

who have been helping with the removal of wild

parsnip and Ragwort in Farther Barn Field. We

are obligated to control Ragwort to prevent it

seeding onto neighbouring grazing land, Wild

Parsnip because its sap is nasty causing blisters

on skin and if we don’t it will take over the

field. We will have to continue next year to

continue the battle. If you can help please email


The cattle are back in the field and if you do

not see them then they are likely to have buried

themselves deep in the hedge out of the sun or

rain. Their names are Pigeon, Coral, Turkish

and Hoopoe who is daughter of Pigeon. They

are very docile and if you have been to Odds

Farm you may have seen them there. The breed

is British White and can claim direct links with


Village Voice October/November 2021

the ancient indigenous wild white cattle of Great

Britain. It is planned to keep them till the end of

October. These cows are used as conservation

animals and can also be seen at Stoke Common

and Burnham Beeches keeping down the scrub.

A tree safety survey identified a number of

trees needing attention or monitoring. These

will be marked in some way. Some may need

felling, others having limbs removed but

because of their proximity to paths we have to

make them safe. Please comply with any

warnings or instructions.

The poo bag scourge continues. Clearly there

are people who having gone to the bother of

picking up their dog’s poo then lob it into the

bushes or hang it from a branch. It is amazing

that no one has ever spotted this phantom but if

you do, please let me know.

A recent report on Facebook identified

smashed glass near to Rushmoor entrance, a

fellow volunteer collected it and made it safe.

There was a significant amount as it had been

smashed into small pieces and very sharp

shards. A cut to a dogs leg can be life

threatening if it cannot get to a vet quickly and

this mindless action creates unacceptable risk.

Common Wood is privately owned and the

Residents Society part has been registered for

permissive public access. The parts not under

our ownership are not registered so please

respect their privacy, no fences have been

erected to ensure wildlife can move freely .

During October we plan to get an all- weather

surface on the Burrows Path. Any help would

be welcome so if you can barrow, dig or rake

we would welcome support - send an email to


Work parties will take place on October 2/3,

November 6th & 7th and December 4th & 5th.

They start at 10.00am and are about 2 hours.

In October we will be launching the Friends

of Common Wood to support us in the

conservation of this Ancient Woodland for the

enjoyment and benefit of us all. If you would

like further information send an email to info@

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk - enjoy! Mike Morley


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It had looked like being a quiet August for

the VV 'Ask the Historians' team, until an

email was received from Marcus Budgen...

Frances Coombes (1889-1916)

Marcus is currently the custodian of Francis

Coombes Death Plaque or “Dead Man’s Penny”

(pictured). Over 1.3 million plaques were

produced and presented to the next of kin. Many

have subsequently been lost as I know only too


Francis was born in Tylers Green in 1889 and

was killed on the Somme in 1916, he never

married so it is likely that his plaque was sent to

his mother. He is

remembered locally

on the St. Margarets

War Memorial and

by tree No.23 on

Church Road Tylers

Green At the time

of his death he had

moved to West

London but much

of his family

remained in Tylers

Green, both in

Kingswood Road

and St. Johns Road,

his older brother,

Frederick served in

and survived the

Great War and lived

locally until his

death in 1968

Marcus is

interested in

returning the plaque

to a relative or close

friend of the


Village Voice October/November 2021

Coombes family so if anybody has any

knowledge of their current whereabouts, please

contact us.

Co-incidentally, Francis is linked to another

story being developed by my colleague Miles

Green, in November 1830 the Buckinghamshire

Machine Breakers riots took place along the

Wye Valley when many of the paper mills were

attacked and damaged by rioters fearing for the

loss their old manual jobs. Many of the men

involved were convicted and later transported to

Australia, one who was involved but not

transported was Benjamin Francis who was the

Grandfather of Francis’s mother Mary Ann

Coombes (nee Perkins c1851-c1922) her

mother being Esther Francis (c1824-c1899)who

had married James Perkins at Holy Trinity Penn

in 1845. A more comprehensive history of the

riots and their impact locally will appear in

future editions of the Village Voice. Ron Saunders


Village Voice October/November 2021



P&TG Lawn Tennis Club

At the tennis club we have enjoyed a good

summer of tennis, most leagues are now

drawing to a finish and we held our annual club

championships at the beginning of September.

Photos enclosed of this years worthy winners:

• Ladies singles Robyn Went beat Amy


• Men’s singles Ollie Godwin beat Neil James

• Ladies doubles Amy Finnemore-Gibbs and

Clementine Fox retained their title from last

year by beating Alexandra Hedley and Ella


• Men’s doubles Neil James and Kvin Pryce

beat Stephen Gasper and Vimal Thohan

• Mixed doubles Ollie Godwin and Alexandra

Hedley beat Neil James and Amy Finnemore-


It was a busy day for some!

We enter the Bucks Babolat Summer league,

and in the men’s summer league our men’s 3

pair finished mid table and congratulations go to

the 2 pair who won their division. Our ladies

enter four teams across the Babolat league, with

a 3 pair in division 2 triumphant in top spot,

well done ladies! We also run 3 further teams

who are all near the top of their leagues with

the end in sight. Thanks to everyone who has

represented the club over the summer months

and to all of the captains for their hard work and

commitment. Special mention must go to Miles

Nicholls who volunteers his time each season to

arrange all of our matches across the club.

Looking forward to autumn we are starting to

arrange the winter vets leagues and our annual

AGM which will be held in November as usual.

More details to follow.

NEW MEMBERS – October 1st sees the half

way mark of our membership year and the start

of our winter reduced fees. If you are interested

in joining us, or would like to get in touch

22 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

please visit our website at www.clubspark.lta.

org.uk/PennTennis or email ptgtennisclub@

gmail.com for more information. Kate Noble

P&TG Cricket Club

The 2021 season has been a truly memorable

one for the Cricket Club. Playing numbers have

been excellent throughout, our 1st XI were

edged into the Runners-up spot in the League

by Cadmore End and the social side of the Club

has never been better. The only thing missing

was a baking hot summer but maybe next year

will add that ingredient.

The Club has been rebuilding on the playing

side since 2019 and the 1st XI now has one of

the lowest average ages of any team in the area,

with a large majority of those players having

come through the Colts structure at the Club.

Added to that, we welcomed several new

locally-based players to the Club this year, all

discovered during a recruitment drive over the

winter months.

The outcome of all of these efforts is a

healthy Club built on a fun and inclusive

environment. As well as the league cricket that

we have played this year, there has been a

welcome return of Sunday friendly cricket after

an absence of 5 years and this has provided

further playing opportunities for players of all


On the social side, the Club ran a successful

6-a-side tournament and an over-25s v under-

25s match to round off the season. These were

memorable days for the Club and helped to raise

money for charitable causes.


Village Voice October/November 2021

The early part of the season also featured the

Colts who turned up in huge numbers at

coaching nights on Thursday and Friday. Such

were the numbers that we were grateful to our

friends at the Hit and Miss in Penn Street who

shared their facilities with us on Thursday

evenings so that we were not overcrowded at

our own Ground. A thriving Colts structure is

the bedrock of any community Club and the

opportunities that it provides local children with

the chance to enjoy the game of cricket safely.

Off the pitch, a huge thank you is due to all

those who have helped with the ground and

facilities this Summer. Terry Bentley, Chris

Judge and Nick Parry have led the way and

have been ably supported by various volunteers

who have willingly given up their time to

ensure that everything looks good and is ready

to go each weekend.

Finally, we held an end-of-season awards

ceremony after the final League matches with

the winners listed below:

• 1st XI Player of the Season: James Woodhead

• 2nd XI Player of the Season: Kenzie


• Chairman’s award: Max Begley and Charlie



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• Colt of the Year: Will Barber

If you are interested in playing cricket

yourself next season or on behalf of your sons

or daughters, you can get in touch with either

Nick Barber at nick.barber@sjpp.co.uk (adults)

or ptgcccolts@gmail.com (juniors). Jon Wilson,


P&TG Football Club

Season is now up and running. After all the

administrative player registration (we have

processed more than 800 registrations in a very

“wobbly” FA registration system) and ground

maintenance works, we are ready for the

football again for young and old after the

summer break. The existing partnerships with

local schools have been renewed to ensure that

we have secured the additional training and

match venues for all our teams.

The various leagues our young and “old”

players apply their football in include the South

Bucks Mini Soccer Conference for the Under 7

to Under 12 year groups, the Wycombe and

South Bucks Minor Football League for the

Under 12 to Under 18 year groups, the

Berkshire County Girls Football League for the

Under 7 to Under 16 year groups, the Spartan

South Midlands Football League and Uhlsport

Hellenic League for the men age groups and

finally the Thames Valley Counties Women’s

Football League for the Ladies and Under 18

Ladies teams. If you are interested, you can

follow their results and table positions on the

FA-Fulltime system.

The season

kicked off with our

traditional “Curry

Night” held at the

clubhouse recently.

It was great to see

all the junior girls

and boys and senior men and ladies’ teams

presented and back together again for the first

time since lock down. It has been a long time

and it was really good to see everyone. Also, to

be able to exchange ideas and experiences again


Village Voice October/November 2021

across all the age groups, seniors to juniors

(male teams and female teams) over a curry and

a pint is invaluable. It was just great to see

everyone in person rather than on Zoom and

without having to constantly say “you are on

mute”. We are looking forward to the next

Curry Night and hopefully all the teams have a

good start to the season.

The seniors kicked off earlier than the juniors

and our First Team had a mixed start but it is

starting to go into the right direction. After the

lateral move imposed on our club by The FA

travelling has drastically increased and made

match preparation more difficult. The best

example was our trip to Raunds Town recently,

where kick off had to be delayed by 30 minutes

as the team got stuck 90 minutes in a traffic jam

on the motorway.

The Reserves had a good start and at the time

of writing were undefeated. The Ladies Team

are now in the top division of their league after

gaining promotion at the end of their title

wining season 2020/2021. The first game ended

in an encouraging draw.

It is just great to see everyone enjoying a

game of football in our villages of Penn &

Tylers Green and relishing the exercise after the

difficult times for all. Andreas Latta

Sports & Social Club


P&TGSSC invites new members to join to

enjoy the excellent facilities on offer.

Set in a wonderful setting in the heart of the

village and so accessible to all, with the added

benefit of being within walking distance for the

whole village. Whether it’s popping in after an

exhausting dog walk across the corn fields or

just passing by you can expect a warm welcome

from Jack and his staff, and the regulars are

pretty friendly too! Enjoy the added benefits of

membership in the form of a further reduction

on the already cheaper drinks we offer! On a

nice day you can enjoy the views and relax on

the extensive patio area. Current Annual fees

are: Family @ £40, Joint @ £30, Single @ £30.


Village Voice October/November 2021



Tylers Green Middle School

Dear Village Voice,

As we begin the Autumn Term there is most

certainly a different feel to school life. The

optimism and smiling faces have refreshed

everyone and the start to the new term has been

busy. Our pupils have returned in good spirits,

eager to settle back into school routines. We are

looking forward to the year ahead which we

hope will be one that enables us to re-establish

those school routines and habits which will

support our pupils to be successful in all areas.

We recognise that the last 18 months or so

have been particularly challenging for our

pupils, staff and their families. The 'lockdowns'

sometimes happened with little warning and

impacted on us all in various ways. In many

ways, our community has developed in new

educational technology skills and resilience and

these skills shall provide the building blocks

over the coming months to ensure we are able to

face future challenges, feeling more equipped

and empowered.

At TGMS, we have been able to say goodbye

to bubbles and seen a welcome return to all the

pupils working on the same timetable, being

able to mix at break and lunchtimes and join

together for assemblies.

The new Year 3 pupils have impressed us all

in how well they have settled in. Unable to have

an induction day in July, we held a special open

morning on 2nd September when the rest of the

pupils were still at home. This has helped

everyone, children and parents, to settle in and

more quickly an feel a part of the community.

Looking forward the rest of the term, we have

enrichment days planned which are funded

through our charitable REACH Fund. The

generosity of our parents in making donations to

the school enables all middle school children, in

all year groups, to benefit from these

experiences such as Anglo Saxon Day (Y5),

Rocks and Fossils Workshop (Y3), Egyptian

Day (Y4) and Brazilian Dancing (Y6).

We plan to host open mornings for

prospective parents in November. Having been

unable to do this over the past year, it is a

positive step and an important one in supporting

parents in Penn and Tylers Green to make the

correct choice of school for their children as

they move into KS2. The dates are Wednesday

10th November and Tuesday 23rd November

from 9.00am until 10.30am. Please make a note

of the dates and contact the school for more

information or see our school website. www.

tylersgreenmiddle.bucks.sch.uk Vanessa Pinkney


Tylers Green First School

It was absolutely amazing to welcome our

children back into school in September – they

bounced through the gates so excited to be here.

As there has been new guidance from the

Department for Education, we have fewer

restrictions than before. This means that we

have been welcoming parents back onto the

playground every day to drop off and pick up

their children. Our children looked so smart in

their uniforms. It has been lovely to be able to

have the children all play together on the

playground, so they can see their friends and

siblings in other classes. We have also been

able to restart our hot school meals service with

delicious meals every day.

We continue to work on our school travel

plan, in partnership with TGMS, and we are

actively encouraging our parents to park at a

5-minute distance and walk or scoot the rest of

the way to school. We hope that the newly

painted zig zag lines, along with our banners,

help to reinforce this message – for the safety of

our children. We are launching several new

initiatives this term to also reinforce this key


Over the summer holidays, the final stage of

our internal redecoration was completed. All of

26 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

the classrooms and the office areas of the school

have now been given a fresh new coat of paint

and the school is looking much tidier. We also

had the final section of our smart wooden fence

installed along the edge of the playing field,

meaning that we now have a secure boundary,

which matches the stretch along the playground.

The old climbing tower was removed too, and

will be replaced soon with new equipment.

We are anticipating our new library build in

the very near future, and we think it is going to

be fabulous. You may recall that the library was

in the old school room – this was changed into a

Year 2 classroom in 2020. More on this in the

next issue!

In July 2021 the school received a wonderful

gift from a previous teacher – I wonder if any of

the readers remember her? Mrs Sarkissian had

collated photo albums for the school’s centenary

celebrations, and kindly donated these along

with some historical facts about the school. We

have put these with our precious school log

books. Our Year 2 children will be thrilled to

use these first hand resources when they study

the history of the school.

This term, Year 2 are learning about “Earth

and beyond” and are very excited to find out all

about astronauts and the Moon landings. They

have settled back very quickly and are taking

their responsibilities as the oldest children in the

school very seriously.

In Year 1, the children have been learning

about “Food Glorious Food” and have made

play pizzas and delicious real ones. They have

certainly come up with some interesting flavour


Our new cohort of Reception children have

started their transition programme to settle them

in to a flying start at school, including stay and

play sessions so that the parents are able to meet

each other, as this wasn’t possible in the

summer term.

Applications for Reception places for

September 2022 open on the 2nd November

2021 and close on the 17th January 2022. If

you are interested in a Reception place with us,


Village Voice October/November 2021

then please contact Mrs Turner in the school

office as we would like to offer a school tour so

you can see us in action. Jude Talbot BA (Hons),

PGCE, MA (Ed) Heateacher 01494 813201

Village Pre-School


After 34 years of

service, Glyn

Goodman retired

in July. She had a

lovely and

emotional send

off. Thank you

Glyn for the many,

many years of

service that you

dedicated to us, you will really be missed!

After saying goodbye to 24 children in July,

this term, we are happy to welcome 14 new

children & their families. Numbers of children

are looking good for the time of year and I am

still receiving enquiries and hosting visits to

prospective new parents and their children.

We have lots of staff training coming up,

some core training and some CPD. It is

important for us to keep up to date.

The changes to the EYFS (our curriculum)

that are coming into force from September are

looking exciting and will hopefully mean that

the staff are able to spend more time with the

children and less time doing paperwork!

Our Forest School and extra curricular

activities will all begin again during the week

commencing 13 September.

We are looking forward to an exciting new

school year, hopefully, less challenging than the

last two! The lifting of more restrictions means

that we are able to comfortably offer free-flow

again between the indoors and outdoors. The

children are already enjoying the freedom.

Finally, it looks like we will be able to go

ahead with the outside canopy so watch this

space for photos when it’s completed! We are

very grateful to the Church for agreeing to it.

For all enquiries, please contact Nicky Lovegrove on 01494

817093 or: thevillagepreschooltylersgreen@outlook.com


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Little Oaks Nursery Schools

Happy New Year! September always feels like a

brand-new start and can be such an exciting

time – but starting nursery does come with some

mixed emotions, for both parents and children.

For a child, entering a new environment filled

with unfamiliar teachers and children can cause

both anxiety and excitement. Parents might

have mixed emotions about whether their child

is ready for nursery.

During the pandemic, we weren’t able to run

transition events as fully as we would like – the

aim of these being to assuage some of these

anxieties and prepare both parents and children

for the new routine. In 2020, we introduced

video introductions to key people along with

songs and of course our now-established

YouTube channel in place of face-to-face

meetings and visits.

Fast forward a year, and finally we could

invite our new families into nursery the day

before the start of term, which we know has

helped with what have been amazingly smooth

starts for almost all children. Hurray for their

brilliant parents who have clearly prepared them

well for what’s ahead!

For those parents of little ones still to take that

first step towards nursery, here’s a little wisdom

from our years of experience…

• To ease your child’s

fears, spend time

talking with them

about nursery

before it starts. In

the months and

weeks before

school, gradually

introduce your

child to activities

that often take place in a classroom. A child

who's used to scribbling with paper and

crayons at home, for example, will find it

comforting to discover the crayons and

paper in the nursery classroom.

• If possible, visit the nursery with your child a

few times before they start. This can ease

concerns about this unfamiliar territory.


Village Voice October/November 2021

You’re also likely to be able to meet leaders,

other teachers and hopefully your child’s key

person. It’s a chance to ask questions about

routines and common activities. You may

then decide to introduce some of those

routines and activities at home so they

become familiar. Whilst you’re there,

encourage your child to

• Explore and observe the surroundings and

choose whether to interact with other


• Asking about settling-in procedures will help

you to be ready for what to expect when the

time comes.

• Whilst acknowledging this important step

your child is taking and providing support,

too much emphasis on the change could

make any anxiety worse. Young children

invariably pick up on their parents' nonverbal

cues. When parents feel guilty or worried

about leaving their child at nursery, children

will sense that. So the more calm and assured

you are about your choice to send your child

to nursery, the more confident your child will


• On Day One: When you arrive on the first day,

calmly reintroduce the teacher to your child,

then step back to allow the teacher to begin

forming a relationship with your child. Your

endorsement of the teacher will show your

child that he or she will be happy and safe in

the teacher's care.

• If your child clings to you or refuses to

participate, don't get upset — this may only

upset your child more. Always say a loving

goodbye, but once you do, leave promptly.

Don't sneak out. As tempting as it may be,

leaving without saying goodbye can make

children feel abandoned. A long farewell, on

the other hand, might only reinforce a child's

sense that nursery is a bad place. Keep in

mind that most children do well after their

parents leave.

• Whether your child is eager or reluctant to

go to nursery, make sure that a teacher is

ready to help with the transfer when you

arrive. Some children will run in without so

much as a wave, whilst others may prefer a

hug and a few minutes with their favourite

nursery adult as they start their day.

Ruthie Pocock


Village Voice October/November 2021



Guiding in P&TG

Hello VV readers! We are currently enjoying

welcoming some normality in the district, which

our Trefoil Guild are very appreciative of, when

meetings resumed indoors from September.

They have started off with a challenge which

amongst other activities includes recognizing

landmarks. Some of the Guild have not seen

each other for over a year, so there was much

chat, catching up and some emotional reunions.

They did meet in August to celebrate Anglia

region’s 50th Birthday in a garden where they

enjoyed a picnic, quizzes and crafts during a

lovely afternoon and not forgetting a very

beautiful birthday cake! Luckily the weather

was very much on their side. They now look

forward to a varied and interesting programme

for the rest of the year, including their usual

Christmas dinner which was so greatly missed

last year. The Guide pack will be returning on

the 29th September after a summer break, and

now have an exciting programme planned,

including ice breaker activities, a challenge

evening, becoming paper pilots making

airplanes and other seasonal activities. There are

currently spaces available in Guides if anyone

would like to join. Go to https://www.



and follow

the steps to


This is my

last piece

for VV

writing on

behalf of


in the district. I’m off to start a new chapter

training as a nurse, so I would like to take the

opportunity to thank you for reading my

articles, it’s been a pleasure to share the local

Girlguiding news with you all. Wishing you all

much happiness and good health of course!

Katie Barnes

Explorers, Scouts, Cubs & Beavers

At the time of writing, the Summer holidays are

drawing to a close. Restrictions across the UK

have been easing regards covid, so with the start

of the new term looming things will continue to

improve with meetings for all Beavers, Cubs &

Scouts being organised. Please check on the

ptgscouts.org.uk site for news & update & all

things Scouting in the village.

It’s a persistent cry but please don’t forget we

are still on the look out for volunteers, we need

your help. It’s easy, just call or mail or message

and ask how you can get involved. There will be

a lot of local boys and girls looking forward to

getting back together or starting anew with

scouting, let’s make it continue to happen.

Some dates for your diaries: our jumble sales

are provisionally booked for Saturday 23rd

April and Saturday 8th October. 2022. Let’s

hope we can actually run them! Watch out for

more details nearer the time. Paul Wicks. 815715.


Morning WI

Following a very disappointing August

weatherwise, we happened to pick a lovely day

to have a lunch at Hazlemere Golf Club. This

was not a formal lunch but around 20 members

turned up and running several stayed on and sat

outside for a while afterwards for a good gossip.

We shall be returning to our usual meeting

place in September when we are having a talk

by Bill Hamilton about his 'News' adventures.

Our AGM will be in October which on this

occasion will doubtless be brief followed by

some social time.

We have our birthday in November and this is

still bring planned followed the next month by

30 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

our Christmas meeting so it is all go as they say!

Should you feel like making new friends and

having another outlet come and visit us. There

is no need to join we welcome visitors. If you

do not want to come on your initially give me a

call and we could have a chat. We meet at

P&TG Sports & Social Club. Elm Rd. 10am

for 10.15am. until noon, on the 3rd Wednesday

of the month. Maybe we shall have the pleasure

of meeting YOU! Sheila Sparrow 01494 812163

Evening WI

At long last things are getting somewhere nearer

to 'normal'. In August we were able to hold a

meeting in the Village Hall, when 25 members

were given an interesting slide presentation of

the wonderful butterflies found in the Chilterns.

We are now planning to continue meeting in

the hall as long as the conditions allow. We are

so lucky to be able to meet in such a large hall

that accommodates us so comfortably. We are

looking forward in September to have an

introduction to Yoga and Meditation and then in

October, which is also our AGM, we are to be

introduced to the Alchemy of Food. In

November the talk is titled Feel Great from the

Inside Out, how to make the most of your look

and feel great. At our meeting in December we

are going to learn about Modern Jive and maybe

those feeling energetic will be able to have a go.

We’ll also find time to have something a bit

stronger than tea and eat something a little more

fattening than biscuits!

On the 6th November we are holding the

popular Christmas Craft Fair in the Village Hall

where various local crafts people will have a

stall. We will be operating a one way system

this year in deference to Covid. Hopefully,

everything else will be as normal including the

WI Cake Stall and refreshments. We also plan

to have representatives at the Village Expo,

which is also in the Hall, on November 20th

where we will join organisations from the

Village and the local area to give out

information on our clubs.

If you are interested in our WI and would like


Village Voice October/November 2021

to join in any of our meetings, we meet in the

Village Hall on the 2nd Thursday of the month

at 8pm. Contact Hilary Forbes on hforbes@

pennsoft.co.uk or 816438. As noted above, the

hall is large and thus you are able to sit and

move at a distance from others if you so wish.

Everyone is encouraged to take a lateral flow

test before coming to the meeting out of

courtesy to others attending (that’s the free one

from the chemist). Lydia Andrews

Penn Pond Waders Golf Society

Since our last update, we have held a very

well-attended event at the lovely Gerrards Cross

GC. The weather was kind to us once again and,

in keeping with all our 2021 events, we

managed to comfortably fill their capacity limit

of 36 players.

Jason Philp made it two wins on the trot with

a superb score of 39 points, playing off a

reduced handicap of 6.6. Playing off a handicap

of 22.2, Martin Bailey also weighed in with an

impressive 39 points, only to be beaten by Jason

on countback. Our 2021 captain Ben Childs

took a respectable 3rd place with 37 points,

playing off 16.5.

Following the cancellation by Hindhead GC

of our September event, our next visit will be to

Berkhamsted GC in late October – see schedule


Our remaining 2021 Schedule

14th October 2021 Remedy Oak GC

15th October 2021 Ferndown GC

27th October 2021 Berkhamsted GC

26th Nov 2021 Ashridge GC

If you are interested in joining our friendly

Society or coming along as a guest at any of the

above 2021 events, please contact our Secretary

Bob Teuton on 07973 137446. With certain

restrictions still being imposed by some golf

clubs, we will try our best to accommodate

potential new Waders at any of the great golfing

venues above. For more information, visit our


John Horton


Village Voice October/November 2021



The following article / walk was produced

by Andrew Clark and appeared in a

recent Chiltern Society magazine.......

It features a walk that visits the newly planted

Jubilee Wood and several historic villages, and a

couple of shorter options.

• Length: 10 miles/16km, with shorter 5 and 6

mile options

• Terrain: Easy walking on good paths with

numerous gates and stiles. The main route has

two main uphill sections with a total ascent of

820ft/250m and one on both shorter routes

with a total of around 490ft/150m each

• Start & finish: The Red Lion, Elm Rd, Penn

HP10 8LF Grid Reference SU 907937

• Food & drink: The walk passes by or near to

The Red Lion and Crown Inn in Penn, The

Royal Standard of England in Forty Green,

The Plough and The Potters Arms in

Winchmore Hill and The Hit or Miss in Penn


• Maps: OS Explorer 172, Chiltern Society 6

& 13

• Parking: Alongside Widmer Pond opposite

The Red Lion


With the Red Lion pub behind you, turn left

along the narrow lane and continue alongside

the main road to Slades Garage. Cross to the left

of the garage, walk along Beacon Hill for 660m

and take the path on the left opposite


1. Cross the stile, go through the wood and

cross the next stile into the Chiltern Society’s

Penn Jubilee Woodland reserve. Head straight

across the field, through a gate and on for 250m

to a path on the left. Turn left along the left-hand

field edge and, just before entering the wood,

turn right along a permissive path. At the end,

turn left into the wood to a T-junction, turn right

for a few metres and fork right on the Chiltern

Way to a stile at the corner of the wood. Cross

and turn left over a second stile into a field.

2. The route follows the Chiltern Way

Berkshire Loop for almost a mile. Cross the

field and a stile onto a lane. Turn right along it

for 60m and take the path on the left opposite

the farm buildings. Cross the first stile, keep

straight ahead over the second, and turn right

along a wide track. In the next field, turn

immediately left downhill and up the other side

to cross the stile at the top. Follow the path

through woodland, bear right down the

left-hand field edge and up over a stile on the

left into the next field. Stay in the same direction

up and along over two further stiles and through

a gate onto a lane. Turn left up to the The Royal

Standard pub.

3. Turn right towards the pub car park and

immediately right along a narrow lane to a

gravel driveway at the end. Turn left through a

gate, fork left and follow the path through three

further gates into a wood. Walk forward a few

metres, fork left, follow the path along the edge

of the wood for 550m and through a gate onto

an unmade lane. Walk up the lane to a path on

the left just after a pair of metal field gates.

4. Turn left along the path to a lane, Pauls

Hill. Turn right up and along past the church to

the main road. Cross the road, turn right along

the pavement and take the path straight ahead at

the entrance to The Crown Inn car park. Turn

left along the field edge and left again along the

bottom of the car park into the woods. Follow

the path round to the right, continue downhill

then straight across the field to a major path

junction. *The optional shorter route starts here.

5. Turn right along the wide track on the

Chiltern Way which the route follows to

Winchmore Hill. At the lane, turn left and

immediately right through a gate into a field.

Turn left along the field edge and through a gate

on the left onto a busy lane. Cross, go past the

gate opposite and bear right uphill along the

field edge and into the next wood. Inside, fork

32 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

left to a surfaced driveway and turn left up it.

Just before the left-hand bend, bear right off the

driveway and straight ahead over a crossing

path. At the end, turn right through a gate and

cross the lane past a pond, Gawde Water.

Continue ahead through two gates onto the

grass of Winchmore Hill common.

6. Turn left past the children’s play area, cross

the road and walk down to the bus shelter. Cross

to the path opposite and stay in the same

direction through two gates into a wood.

Continue along the left-hand edge and through a

gate into a field. Fork left across the field and

pass through two more gates to a road in Penn

Street. Cross the road and bear right past the

village hall along a lane signposted to Penn and

Beaconsfield. At the corner continue straight

ahead past the barrier into Penn Wood.

7. Walk directly ahead for 100m, turn left

along a wide track for a further 100m and


Village Voice October/November 2021

follow it round to the

right. Stay on this

wide track for 1.6km,

passing The Penna on

the way, then go down

through a gate onto a

busy road. Cross it

into Common Wood

and follow the main

path ahead as it first

descends then climbs

to a noticeboard near

the edge of the wood.

8. Facing the map

on the noticeboard,

bear right for a few

metres and turn right

along a wide path

along the edge of the

wood. Where the field

on the right ends, cross

straight over onto a

smaller path and

follow it for 180m to a

junction and fork left.

Where the signed

‘long trail’ turns left, continue straight ahead and

down to a lane. Bear right across it, take the

path uphill and round to the left to leave the

wood into a field. Cross straight over and

through a gap in the hedgerow to where the

shorter optional walk re-joins from the left.

9. Continue ahead, follow the track round to

the right past the farm buildings and continue

along to return to the Red Lion and the

completion of the walk.

*Optional shorter route – Turn left along the

wide track for 200m and bear right to the top.

Turn left along the hedgerow and left again at the

end to re-join the main route at waypoint 9.

There is also the opportunity to make it a

figure-of-eight walk by reversing the shorter back

to waypoint 6 and then following the main route.

A copy of this article and a larger scale map

can be found on the P&TGRS website: www.

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. (continued overleaf)



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Penn Walk Points of Interest

These history notes have been compiled

with the assistance of Miles Green of the


Penn has a long and important history. At the

time of Domesday Book Penn shared the same

lord as Taplow. In the 14thC the village was

home to England’s leading floor tilers. Their

products were used all over the South East in

royal palaces like Windsor Castle, The Tower

and the Palace of Westminster, as well as many

churches and manor houses. The walk starts

from Widmer Pond which was once marked the

boundary between the Saxon Hundreds of

Burnham and Desborough. On the corner of

Beacon Hill is Slades Garage, once the site of a

blacksmith's forge. Beacon Hill itself was one of

a chain of beacons connecting the south coast

with the midlands to give warning of invasion.

A Penn Diamond Jubilee Wood is one of 60

Diamond Jubilee woods created by the

Woodland Trust to mark the 2012 Diamond

Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. In 2014 the

management of the wood and meadows passed

to the Chiltern Society and since then our

members and volunteers have planted and

maintained many native trees. In Spring and

Summer, the site is resplendent with wild

flowers, butterflies, mammals and birds which

makes the site popular for both naturalists and


B Lude Farm appears in Domesday Book as

a small manor. On August 12th 1944, a USAF

B17 Flying Fortress bomber named the

Tomahawk Warrior crashed by the Farm at 7am

shortly after take-off. All the crew, nine young

men, were killed in a massive explosion. They

are remembered by name on 11 November

every year at Penn Church.

C Royal Standard of England: An attractive

pub, originally a Victorian beerhouse set in an

older building. The village of Forty Green gets

its name from the Anglo-Saxon for the 'jutting

forth island of land' which is encircled by

Ridings Lane.


Village Voice October/November 2021

D Holy Trinity Church is a 12th century

Grade I listed building. Six of the grandchildren

of William Penn, the Quaker founder of

Pennsylvania, are buried in a large family vault

under the centre of the nave. Buried in the

churchyard is David Blakeley, shot in 1955 by

Ruth Ellis, the last woman to be hanged in

England. The ashes of Donald Maclean, one of

the Cambridge spies, were spread over his

parent’s grave. On the corner of Pauls Hill is a

former telephone box which has been converted

into a local history information point. In May

1913 the church organ was set alight by


E Winchmore Hill is unusual in that it was

once not only divided between three parishes of

Amersham, Coleshill and Penn but was also in

the counties of Buckinghamshire and

Hertfordshire. At the turn of the 20th century

most inhabitants were employed in farming,

chair making and pottery.

F Penn Street gets its name from a

combination of two old words . ‘Penn’ very

probably means an enclosure. Celtic for 'hill' is

much less likely. ‘Street’ derives from a Saxon

word meaning a road used by the Romans.

There was such a road running from a nearby

villa to a main Roman road south of

Beaconsfield. The local church, Holy Trinity,

was built in 1849.

G Penn Wood is owned by the Woodland

Trust and, along with Common Wood, is one of

the largest areas of ancient woodlands in the

Chilterns AONB. It was once part 4,000 acres

of common land called Wycombe Heath. The

wood is classified as semi-natural Ancient

Woodland, meaning they have been woodland

for over 400 years. It was designated a Site of

Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in 1951.

H Common Wood is owned by the Penn &

Tylers Green Residents Society. With backing

from the Woodland Trust, the Chiltern Society,

the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Onyx

Environmental Trust and Penn Parish Council

they managed to raise the funds to buy the

wood. Andrew Clark


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The final instalment...

King’s Wood has been owned by CWPC since

they purchased it in 1922 for £850 with a loan

and public subscription after it narrowly

avoided clear-felling for housing. It had been

protected during the Middle Ages by being a

part of a 4,000 acre common heath and some

rights of common still remained until it was

registered as Village Green in 1976. It became

Ancient Woodland in 1995.

The entire wood is unexpectedly based on

chalk, not on the underlying clay with flints

which is typical of Chiltern woods. Chalk was

the preferred soil for the earliest farmers from

the Neolithic period onwards, as it is lighter,

well-drained and more easily tilled.

LiDAR maps unexpectedly reveal straightedged

earth lynchet boundaries of some ten

fields, There is a uniform direction of slope

within each field and on the Tylers Green side of

the wood the fields are all south-facing.

All the historical evidence available - two

Saxon references, Domesday Book, medieval


Village Voice October/November 2021

and later manorial records, indicates that it is

very unlikely the fields were being tilled during

or after the Saxon period and so supports a

Roman or earlier origin for the fields. There was

a Romano-British farmstead in the Micklefield

valley only 600m from King's Wood, and at

nearby Ashwells. Wycombe is a Roman

place-name and there is a proposed Roman road

broadly following the line of the A40, with two

villas on the Rye beside a fast-flowing stream.

The Micklefield farmstead also produced

evidence of pre-Roman two-way ploughing. A

still earlier date for the fields is suggested by an

early Bronze Age (c.1800 BC) crouched burial

close to the farmstead.

Fields in West Wycombe Park, which were

assessed by English Heritage as pre-historic or

Roman, are close to the size of some of the

King's Wood fields. Oliver Rackham has found

that such fields and strip lynchets can to be of

Neolithic origin and were in use throughout the

Bronze Age 'surrounded by great banks, the

product of immense labour,' which is a fair

description of the King's Wood banks, There is

also the possibility that the King's Wood fields

could be evidence of the Bronze Age planned

countryside at a time when land first began to be

thought of as a form of property.

The field boundaries have survived because

they have not been ploughed since the Romans

departed. Archaeological evidence is

needed to assign firm dates to the

fields, but a reasonable hypothesis is

that tilling started with south-facing

Neolithic strip lynchets on the eastern,

Tylers Green side, later expanded by

the addition of the straight-edged

fields, perhaps in the Bronze Age as

part of a wider planned countryside,

and used continuously into the Roman

period. When the Romans left, the

fields were abandoned and within a

generation they became a woodland.

A full account can be found in

Records of Bucks, Vol 60 (2020) Miles



Village Voice October/November 2021







P&TGRS Woodland Open Evening

Harvest Festival Services

Common Wood working parties

S&SC Comedy Night

S&SC Annual Fireworks Display

Date for your Diary!

Platinum Jubilee Village Celebrations from Thursday

Evening 2nd June to Sunday Afternoon 5th June 2022.

Hazlemere Fete

This year the fete committee had hoped to deliver

the 160th Hazlemere Fete. However, a large fete with

over 120 events and activities requires around 6 - 8

months of planning time and as 2021 progressed it

became difficult to go ahead on August Bank Holiday

Monday. We could not, for instance, get a firm

decision on providing marquees at an affordable

price, so the 2021 event was cancelled. In February

2021 the Committee requested another flypast from

the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight ( BBMF ).

As Hazlemere Community Centre had planned an

open day, we are pleased to say a Spitfire paid a visit

on August Bank Holiday Monday and did a figure of

eight around the local villages including Penn &

Tylers Green. Visitors to the open day enjoyed a

commentary and some rousing battle of Britain music

that I think raised everyone’s spirits. Pictures and

comments appeared very quickly on social media and

there were a lot of people in the streets around the

whole area on the look out and we were not


A question that keeps cropping up is: “will there be a

fete next year?” The Committee are now looking at

plans to run a Fete in 2022 and as several of our

members wish to retire or have moved away we are

looking for extra help. This includes delivering

brochures, setting up, helping on the day and

clearing up. Even a few hours would be most

welcome. We all like to turn up at events where

everything is laid on and just right but it is not a lucky

coincidence, it takes planning, work and effort.

Please contact Ray on E Mail penn.consult@

btinternet.com or phone 01494 813000 if you would

like to lend a hand. If preferred please call or text

07956 676808. Your community needs you! Thank

you. Bob Digby


October / November


See something. Say something.

Do something.

Buckinghamshire Council has recently launched

a new adult safeguarding campaign. The

‘See something. Say something. Do something’

campaign is to raise awareness about adult abuse

and to encourage the residents of Bucks to

report any concerns they have about an adult

being abused or neglected.

We believe that everyone deserves to live a

happy life, in a safe place free from harm and

neglect, and one of our most important roles as a

Council is to protect our residents, but we cannot

do this alone. We need everyone to play their

part to help tackle adult abuse and neglect.

Last year we received close to 12,000 reports of

suspected abuse and neglect of an adult living in

Buckinghamshire. Some vulnerable adults may

not even know that they’re a victim, that’s why

adult safeguarding is everyone's business.

Please also take five minutes to look through our

Safeguarding pages which provides all the

information you need to know about the types of

adult abuse, how to recognise the signs of abuse

and neglect and how to contact us if you are

worried about someone.

It could be a neighbour, family member, friend,

colleague or a total stranger – if you suspect

someone is being abused or neglected, or if

something doesn’t look or feel right; please don’t

ignore it. Speak out. Reporting is easy and can be

done anonymously. You can make a report by:

• Online: Make a report using an online form

available at: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.


• Telephone: Monday to Thursday 9am to 5.30pm

0800 137915 / Friday 9am to 5pm 0800 137915

• Outside these hours you can:

• Call our Emergency Duty Team: 0800 999 7677

• Leave a message on the Safeguarding Adults

team's answer phone

• Email adultearlyhelpteam@buckinghamshire.


Adults safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

See something. Say something. Do something.

38 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

Hazlemere Gardening Association

PLANT SALE: We held our annual plant sale in May

and raised £150 for Rennie Grove Hospice Care.

BARN STORE: I am pleased to say that we re-opened

the Barn Store for normal trading on Sunday 25th July.

We updated our risk assessment, installed screens for

our cashiers and are now limiting members access to

the top store only. A maximum of four customers will

be allowed in the store at any one time, with a

one-way system indicated by arrows on the floor. We

also require anyone visiting the store to wear a mask,

and use the hand sanitzer provided before entering

the store. We can now accept payment by debit or

credit card, but will accept cheque or cash payments

as before. Our stock list is displayed on the new

website, so please take a minute to view the full range

of our products, you will find it difficult to beat us for

price! Our annual membership is still only £5 per year

(or £3 a year if you are 60 or over).

HIGHCLERE CASTLE: In July we ran a trip for some

fifty members to Highclere Castle, home to “Downton

Abbey’. We were extremely lucky with a hot sunny

day and as the first coaches to arrive, we beat the

queues to see the Castle rooms and the Egyptian

exhibition.This details the discovery of Tutankhamun’s

tomb by the Earl of Carnarvan and his friend Howard

Carter. That left plenty of time to explore the gardens

and enjoy the sunshine.

HIGHGROVE: On a rainy day in August twenty five of

our members visited Prince Charles Gardens at

Highgrove in Gloucestershire. Once through the strict

the security checks our members enjoyed a guided

tour of the gardens. Created with imagination and

passion over some 40 years by the Prince of Wales.

Despite the poor weather everyone enjoyed the visit.


Peter Pearman (Membership Secretary. (t) 711570


Village Voice October/November 2021


6th WI Craft Fair

6th Litter Picking

6th/7th Common Wood Working Parties

10th/23rd TGMS Open Mornings

14th Remembrance Sunday


26th S&SC 80's Disco

27th/28th Christmas Tree Festival

December - hold the dates




Common Wood Working Parties

Carols on the Common

PPC Pond Clearance working

Party: Potters Cross Pond

We have a few spaces for new members if you are

looking for a new hobby. Our friendly group

meet at the P&TG Village Hall each Monday

between 14.00 and 16.30. If you are interested

please call John Everson 07986 467008.

The Arts Society Beaconsfield

(TASB) (formerly NADFAS)

We are returning to live lectures at St Mary's

Church, Beaconsfield where social distancing is

possible and masks encouraged. As before the

same lecture will be at 10.30 a.m and 1.45 p.m

and the afternoon lecture will also be streamed,

a link can be given.

• Thursday 21st October: "Packing up the

Nation" Top secret adventures of our art

collections during the war by Caroline


• Thursday 4th November: "Alexander

Bogomazov" A Kiev based artist whose work

is finally moving in to the light by James


• Thursday 2nd December: "Peggy

Guggenheim" Poor little rich girl by Alexander


The Society welcomes new members. If you

would like to attend one of our lectures as a

guest to trial and possibly join us please

CONTACT US via our website: www.

theartssocietybeaconsfield.org.uk where our

full programme is shown



Mick Smith Carpets

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01494 528847

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DJ Beck Plumber

Est. in Penn 35+ years



No job



Age Concern & Trading Standards approved

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High Wycombe, Bucks. HP12 3ND


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Ironing Service

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Same day & drop off service available

Ask about our loyalty scheme!


Garden Services

for all your Gardening and

Landscaping needs

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over 15 years experience

Tel: 01494 817 441

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Chartered Building Surveyor

based in

Hughenden Valley




Contact Jason Wood

for further information

t: 01494 562547

m: 07791 503607

e: jason@applewoods-surveying.co.uk


W J Kepetzis Optometrists

Est. 1989

Friendly, professional personal service

NHS & Private sight tests

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Competitive prices

Convenient community location

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26, Eastern Dene, PROFESSIONAL Hazlemere

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01494 716708

Mon-Fri: 9am – 5.30pm, Sat 9am -1pm

New patients welcome


Friends.Tax is a local family-run firm

offering accountancy and taxation

services to individuals and ownermanaged



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01494 815523 or 07788 440852

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E: sales@abasolutions.co.uk

W: www.abasolutions.co.uk

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Please contact: Gary Arnold (Proprietor)

27 Rose Avenue 202 Desborough Road,


High Wycombe,

Bucks HP15 7PH

Bucks HP11 2TE.

01494 81 81 81 01494 - 53 11 11




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Dealer Level Diagnostics

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meal or takeaway from The Red Lion, Penn

Approved Garage


Office: 01494 816114 Mobile: 07850 683827

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Church Road, Penn, Buckinghamshire, HP10 8LY



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Providing a range of services:

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For free advice and estimates, please contact:

Tel: 01494 816201 • Mobile: 07956 131543 • email: dmchalker@yahoo.co.uk



A gentle class suitable for Seniors

at Tylers Green Village Hall.

Monday10:30 a.m.

Stretch & Relax

build strength, improve balance &


Breathe & Focus

sleep well, manage stress, increase energy

Manage & Thrive

manage chronic conditions, ease aches &


Speak to Victoria on 07984 492 094 or

email: victoria_yogini@msn.com


Private Hire


Gentle Hatha Yoga-based classes which incorporate

effective exercise, breath work and restorative

relaxation for pre- and postnatal women.

d Airport Transfers

No previous experience necessary.

d Train Stations

Classes each Monday at:

d Executive Business Travel

d To Conference check suitability please Meetings

contact Victoria

The Stables Hall, Cedar Barn, Barn Lane, Hazlemere, HP15 7DW

youandyoga@live.co.uk / 07984 492 094

d London Theatres

d Luxury 7 Seater Vehicle

d Company Accounts Welcome

Professional and Reliable Door

to Door Service

Mob: 07973 137446 Tel: 01494 715915


Friendly classes.


All ages and abilities welcome


at Tylers Green Village Hall, every

Tuesday & Thursday

891 London Road, High Wycombe

01494 472572

32 Gregories Road, Beaconsfield

01494 685000

• Traditional and

Alternative Funerals

• 24 Hour Attendance

• Pre-Payment Plan


Ovens, Agas, Hobs, Extractors,

Grills, Microwaves, Barbecues etc

strength, flexibility, lung capacity,

mental focus


For an appointment

or quotation

please telephone

Alan on

chronic conditions, common aches & pains


sleep well, reduce stress, increase energy

01494 269264

or 07906 301639

For an informal chat, contact Victoria


07984 492 094


Supply and Install new garage doors

Up and over, Roller, Sectional, Side Hung

Add Automation to new and existing doors!

Repairs and servicing to all types and makes of


Free Quotations

No upfront costs on repairs


Tom Hunnings, C&G Certified Arborist

and Tree Surgeon

Tree Maintenance & Removal

01494 444843 or


E: info@garagedoordoctor-bucks.co.uk

W: www.garagedoordoctorbucks.co.uk

Pruning - Shaping - Stump Removal

Fully Qualified & Insured

Fencing & Logs

Free Advice and Quotes

01494 815444





by Pastor Peter Simpson

To purchase this book about

Britain’s 12 national days of

prayer during World War 2,

and their remarkable effect,

please go to -


Paperback, 160 pages

£5.25 plus £2.00 p&p

Total : £7.25



Pukka Planting Services

RHS Dip Hort

All Types of Plan.ng work undertaken including :

• Hedges

• Renova,on of ,red beds & borders

• All year round interest & colour

• Plan,ng ideas & plans

• Friendly reliable service

• 15 years experience

• Fully insured

v Also all types of fencing work


Please call or email Andy

for more informa,on

Mobile : 07932 775488

Tel : 01494 812662


Sharley Domestics

Repairs to most makes of:

• Washers

• Dryers

• Electric Cookers

• Ovens

Hire Cedar Barn or The Stables


Converted Barn and Newly Reburbished

The Stables

Each room holds 60 people

Suitable for meetings, parties and fitness groups etc

Cost: £18 per hour Cedar Barn

Cost: £12 per hour The Stables

• Hobs

• Microwaves

Tel: 01494 485926

Mob: 07858 453224

Email: sharleydomestics@btconnect.com

Please call Rachel on 01494 715548

or email cedarbarnbookings@btconnect.com

or visit Hazlemere Parish Council website


u Massage


Beauty Retreat

Beauty & Holistic Therapy

u Hot Stone Massage

u Reflexology

u Facials

Call Zoë on

07790 512371

u Waxing

u Manicures & Pedicures

u Eye Treatments

u Diamond Peel


Find us on


Holmer Green Stroke Club

We hope to restart very soon....

Tuesday 10am - 12 noon

Christ Church Hall, Featherbed Lane

Holmer Green HP15 6XQ

Varied activities programme includes:

physio/cooking/music therapy/games/meals out

We are looking for new members & volunteers.

If you feel we can help you or you would like to help us

Contact: Mary 01494 812162 for a chat

UK Online Mediation/

UK Online Family Mediation

Separating, getting divorced

or have a general dispute.

Having difficulty agreeing things?

Avoid the legal battle and try


Contact Michael Nelson

07908 644058

International Mediation Institute Accredited.

Member of Family Mediation Council and

College of Mediators.



(Est. 1942)


Offices in Hayes, Middlesex and Tylers Green, Buckinghamshire

We offer a comprehensive range of professional services

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For a personal, friendly and efficient service contact

Andrew Davies or Wendy Davies

Telephone 01494 447181 or 0208 573 3939

Partners: A. Davies, W.S. Davies Manager: P. Dean

Home Improvement Garage Doors supply, install & maintain

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A boost in Literacy & Numeracy KS1 & KS2

11+ tuition

SATS preparation Year 6

Local Teacher with

30 years experience

Zoom tuition available during pandemic

Contact: Avril Stewart

01494 816316



11+ tuition

Specialist language, GCSE Level English

Individual coaching

Qualified teacher

Ros Kendrick BSc (Oxon)

Phone 07765 432258

Always wanted to Play?

Violin, Viola, Recorder, Brass,

Piano Lessons

professional musician, experienced teacher, DBS

Free tryout Zoom lesson


Fully Insured

• Student Moves, Small / Medium House Removals

• Garden, Garage and House Clearances

• Furniture Delivery, Store Collection

• Ebay / Marketplace Collection / Delivery

• Freight / Courier Service

Your local, reliable and friendly

Mr Van Man

Call Steve on 07827 998549


We follow current Public Health England &

government guidelines




Boilers, Gas Fires, Cookers

Repair, Servicing and Installation

Gas Safety, Landlord Certificates

Unvented Systems & Plumbing

Building Regs. Part P Electrical

01494 524357

Take that first step to a fitter and healthier self

Ann Fry Personal Trainer

Former World, European and Commonwealth

Judo Champion

Private Studio in Old Beaconsfield

Call: 07973 841 821


tk plumbing and electrics

Tom Kehoe

For all your plumbing and electrical needs

City & Guilds qualified

No job too small

All work guaranteed

References can be supplied on request

Contact Tom on:

phone: 01494 580518 / mob: 07716 440916

Email: tk_plumbingandelectrics@hotmail.co.uk


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who speak

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Freephone 0800 849 4503


Oakfield Electrical

Stephen O'Connell's

Carpentry and Joinery Services

(Advanced craft carpentry and joinery)

Andrew Diplock 25 The Chase Tylers Green HP10 8BB

andy.d2000@btinternet.com 07720 399703

Free Estimates

All aspects of Carpentry undertaken.

Tel Number: (Beaconsfield) 01494 670785

Mobile: 07773 284844



... of Penn

Full range of stringed instruments

and bows

Sheet music, strings, cases,

accessoriesand gifts

Classical and acoustic guitars

Instrument rental/purchase scheme

Workshop facility

Easy Parking


Elm Road, Penn, Bucks. HP1O 8LB Tel: 01494 819966

Penn Church Hall

opposite the church

Available for lettings

Main hall seats 70

Additional room & kitchen

Rates on application

Gail Wellings

01494 813254

Mulberry Flooring

Specialists in bespoke hardwood floors

Specialists in installation and

refurbishment of all types of

wooden floors

T: 01494 535348 M: 07786 652271

E: enquiries@mulberry-flooring.com




Freelance Hairdresser

07980 46 9208



Plumbing & Heating

For all your plumbing and heating


• Installation • Services • Repair

• 24 hour emergency call-out

Tel: 01494 813917

Mobile: 07799 850110


Children and Adults

Beginners, GCSE, A level

and conversation

For further details telephone


01494 815749




Page Numbers for Village Voice


Accountancy & Finance

F.A. Accountancy

Magee & Co 50

Financial F A Magee Management Accountants IFA

Page IFC 44

FM Pensions Mortgages

Page 18 16

Friends KMB Accountancy

Tax Page 28 28

Friends Philip Harper Tax Financial Management

Page 59 43

Architects and Designers





Page 42


Architects Carrie Peck & Design Designers

Page 18

Applewoods Penn Planning Surveying Page 50 42

Penn Bathrooms Design and Kitchens


Bathrooms Autumnwood & Kitchens

Page 12

Autumnwood Building and Property


Building All Locks& Property

Page 14

ABA Amersham Gate Solutions Aerial Fix

Page 42 43

All Chalker LocksProperty Maintenance

Page 46 16

Amersham Don The Handyman Aerial Fix Page 51 24

Chalker Dulieu Builders Property Maintenance Page 51 46

Don Garage the Door Handyman Doctor

Page 48 51

Dulieu Hi Garage Builders Doors

Page 50 51

Garage Mick Smith Door Carpets Doctor Page 44 48






Window Cleaning

Page 53


Mike Morley Handyman

Page 46

Penn Design


Page 45


Penn Sharley Garden Domestics Rooms Page 49 18

Shakespeare TJ Windows Decorating Page 43 46

Sharley Carpentry Domestics 49


& Joinery Services

Page 53

Steve's O'Connell Furniture Repairs

Page 53

Cleaning Church & Ironing 48

A Penn & T Cleaning Free Methodist & Stopressed ChurchIroning Page 48 41

Alan's Cleaning & Ovens Ironing


Ovenproud A & T Cleaning

Page 30 51

Red Alan's Kite Clean Carpet Ovens Cleaning Page 47 49

Procare Ovenproud Carpet Cleaning Page 51 45

Computer Red Kite Carpet Services Cleaning

Page 49

Ingenuity Procare Carpet IT Cleaning Sevices

Page 50 53


Computer Services




Page 41


Education John Phillips & Childcare

Page 41

Little Phil Jones Oaks Nurseries PC Repair& Wraparound Page 42 24

The Education House that & Childcare Jack Built 34

The Little Village OaksPreschool Page 18 20


Little Oaks Creche

Page 16

CD The Jones House Electrical that Jack Built

Page 34 46

Oakfield The Village Electrical Pre-School

Page 20 53

R Electricians

O'Donoghue Electrican 53

Flooring Alex Burridge Electrical

Page 18

Hayes Oakfield Flooring Electrical

Page 53 43

Mick R O'Donoghugh Smith Carpets Electrician

Page 53 40

Mulberry Estate Agents Flooring 54

Trio Ford Flooring and Partners

Page 24 2




Page 42

Tim Russ

Page 10



Funeral Services 47

Beacon Hayes Flooring Funeral Services Page 43 43

Mulberry Flooring

Page 54

Trio Flooring

Page 24

Funeral Services

Beacon Funeral Services

Page 43

Arnold Funeral Service

Page 47


Village Voice Village October/November Voice April/May 2021 2020


A Ellis Tree Surgeon

Four Seasons Garden Services

Keith's Maintenance

Mike's Garden Services

Penn Landscapes

Penn Tree Services

Pukka Planting Services

Tylers Green Garden Maintenance

Gardening Health & Lifestyle Services

Alison Haircare

Ann Fry Personal Trainer

Bloom Beauty Room

Fellas Barber Shop

Fitness Function

Hazlemere Spa

Health Jane Symington & Lifestyle Chiropody

Lorraine's Professional Skin Therapy

Shakespeare Pilates

Signature Nails

The Beauty Retreat

Victoria Green You & Yoga

Wendy Kepetzis Opticians

Your Doctor

Interior Design/Decorating Services

Jon Woodbridge

Mella Design Ltd

N Gillie Decorating Services

Paul Smith Decor

Interior Ruffles Curtains Design / and Decorating Blinds

Shakespeare Decorating

Plumbing & Heating

Chiltern Heating & Gas

Dave Beck Plumber

Plumbing Jackson Plumbing & Heating

N J Barrett Plumbing

Penn Heating

Steve Hobson Plumbing & Heating

TK Plumbing & Electrics


Fields Domestic Appliances

Retail Strings

Schools & Tuition

Avril Stuart Tuition

French Tuition

Services Pauline Quirke Academy

Ros Kendrick English/Literacy Tutor


Alexa Beck Photography

Cedar Barn & The Stables

Companion Care

Crossroads Vet

Emma's Walkies

Gill Morris

Joy Whittaker Crotchet & Sew

Taxi Lewis Services Nelson Counselling

Loraine Grainger-Dogwalkies

Organise and Shine

Penn Church Hall

The Phone Man

Tuition Turville Printing Services

Vintage Teaware Hire

Your Eco

Taxi Services

Impact Private Hire

Penn Private Hire

Vehicle Services Sales, Servicing & Repairs

ASM Auto Recycling

Paul Russell's Garage

Penn Motor Company

Prestwood Motors

Page 24

Page 54

Page 43

Page 45

Page 30

Page 48

Page 49

Page 53

Four Seasons Gardening Page 54

Mike's Garden Services Page 41 52

Penn Landscapes Page 36 43

Penn Tree Services Page 48 46

Pukka Planting Services Page 49 36

Tylers Green Garden Maintenance Page 548

Page 38

Alison Haircare Page 54 30

Ann Fry Personal Trainer Page 52

Bucks Fish Page 59 20

Green Cellars Page 42 40

Holmer Green Stroke Club Page 50 46

Signature Nails Page 20 42

The Beauty Retreat Page 50 34

Two Spoons 36

WJ Kepetzis Optometrist Page 42 53

You & Yoga




Page 40

Your Doctor




Page 52

Jon Woodbridge Page 53 50

N Gillie Decorating Services 40

Ruffles Curtains & Blinds Page 52 16

Shakespeare Decorating Page 46 40

Page 54

Barrett Domestics Page 46

Dave Beck - Plumber Page 40 12

Jackson Plumbing Page 54 52

Penn Heating Page 12 45

Steve Hobson 52

TK Plumbing & Electrics Page 52 14

Page 54

Fields Domestic Appliances 14

Page 52

Strings of Penn




Page 4

Car Leasing Solutions Page 50 2

Aerial Fix 24

Cedar Barn Hire Page 49 44

High Wycombe Friendship Page 54 49

Michael Nelson Page 50 59

Mr Van Man Page 52 24

Penn Church Hall Page 54 44

Penn Free Methodist Church Page 48 16

Turville Printing Services Page 40 45

Page 20

EXEK of Holmer Green Page 41 45

Impact Private Hire Page 47 48

Page 54

Penn Private Hire




Page 40

Avril Stewart Tuition Page 52 53

French Tuition Page 54 52

PQA Academy of Performing Arts 8

Ros Kendrick - Tutor Page 52 46

Shirley Good Music Tuition Page 52 20

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Village Voice October/November 2021



Need a number or e-mail address?

For changes or additions to these pages,

e-mail: voice@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk.

Animal Welfare

● Cats Protection 629037/ email: enquiries@

highwycombe.cats.org.uk / Lost & found:

07973 946111 / email lostandfound@

highwycombe.cats.org.uk / www.cats.org.uk/


● RSPCA (South Bucks) 0300 1234 999

(24-hour) www.southbucksrspca.org.uk

● Stokenchurch Dog Rescue: 482695 /


● The Bat Conservation Trust www.bats.org

uk / www.northbucksbatgroup.org.uk

Charities/ Social & Conservation

● Bridge Club: Tylersgreenbridge@gmail.com,

Karen Taylor 816450 & Val Macdiarmid 812528

● Careers Springboard:


● Chiltern Samaritans (24 hours) 432000


● Citizen’s Advice Bureau 0844 245 1289


● Common Wood: www.commonwoodpenn.


● NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000

● NSPCC Childline 0800 1111 Confidential

line for young people /children to seek help

● P& TG Residents Society: Madalyn Roker

(chair) www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

● Royal British Legion Colin Doyle 816484

● The Campaign to Protect Rural England

(CPRE) Bucks; www.cprebucks.org.uk

● The Chiltern Society www.chilternsociety.


● Village Blog; www.pennandtylersgreen.com

● Village Care; 816909 (Mon to Fri, 10am-1pm)

● Village Show Committee Helen Whiting


● Women’s Institute (morning): Sheila

Sparrow 812163

● Women’s Institute (Evening): Hilary Forbes

816438 / https://pennandtylersgreeneveningwi.


● Woodrow High House 433531


● Holy Trinity & St Margaret’s Churches

Rev Mike Bisset (t) 816700 /

(e) vicar@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk

Revd Derrick Carr (t) 442212

(e) carrd@btopenworld.com

Gail Wellings (Parish Office): (t) 813254

(e) office@holytrinityandstmargarets.co.uk


● Penn Free Methodist Church Rev Peter

Simpson 816202/812829 revps@icloud.com /


● TG Methodist Church Rev. Vida Foday 562788

T.G.Methodist church : Rev.Vida Foday:

Please add phone number: 01494 562788

Health & Welfare

● Chiltern Prostate Cancer Support Group

Alan Rowe 814324

● Dentists www.nhsdentistlocator.co.uk

● Drug Abuse Confidential help, advice &

support 473666

● Emotions Anonymous Kevin 814702

● High Wycombe General Hospital 526161

● Stoke Mandeville Hospital 01296 315000

● Highfield Surgery (Hazlemere) 813396


● NHS (t) 111 / www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk

● Overeaters Anonymous Juliet 07808403602

● Penn Surgery 817144 / Simpson Centre

671571 / www.thesimpsoncentre.com


● All Bucks Libraries - 0845 230 3232


56 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

● Beaconsfield lib-bea@buckscc.gov.uk

● Hazlemere lib-haz@buckscc.gov.uk

● High Wycombe lib-hw@buckscc.gov.uk

Political Groups

● Conservative Association Katrina Wood,

814848, katrinawood02@gmail.com


● Labour Party Mrs Jan Kaye, 813591


● Liberal Democrats Ian Forbes, 816438


● UK Independence Party www.ukip.co.uk


● Thames Valley (non-Emergency) 101

● Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

● Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG)

Suzanne Ludgate

● Neighbourhood Police Community Officer

PCSO Matt Sara and PCSO Claire Bowles

Early Years Services

● Little Oaks Nurseries Ruthie Pocock 07881

737149 or ruthiepocock@little-oaks.org - Little

Oaks @ The Parish Rooms Jackie Richmond

01494 815413 | Little Oaks @ Tylers Green /

Breakfast & TeaTime wrap around care: Amy

Pass 07437 689158 | Little Oaks @ Forty

Green: Linda Franklin 01494 671228

● Toddler Group Thursdays @ Village Hall

Julie Rugg 07766 881567

● Toddler Group Wednesdays @ Parish Rooms

Ali Bisset 01494 816700

● P&TGRS Village Preschool: Nicky Lovegrove

817093 / thevillagepreschool@btinternet.com

Public Halls

● Penn Church Hall Gail Wellings 813254 or


● St Margaret’s Parish Rooms

Mrs Mary Coker 812162

● Tylers Green Methodist Church Hall

Mrs G Nelson 815631

● Tylers Green Village Hall 819990 / Emma

Byrne / tylersgreenvillagehall@gmail.com



Village Voice October/November 2021

Schools in P&TG

● Tylers Green First School Head: Mrs Jude

Talbot 813201 www.tylersgreenfirst.co.uk

● TG First School PTA: Sarah Elderton 07831

180083 / Janet Velde 07776 252261

● Tylers Green Middle School: Head Mrs

Vanessa Pinkney 812465 www.


● TGMS Friends Harriet Woolley 815474

Schools (Other local)

● Manor Farm Infants School Head teacher

Mrs Paula Coppins 814281

● Manor Farm Community Junior School

Head Andrew Sierant 814622

● Manor Farm Preschool and Nursery

Mrs Kate Austin 816730

● Sir William Ramsay School Head Mrs

Christine McLintock 815211 www.swr.bucks.


Sports & Youth Groups

● Cricket Club Nick Barber 07714720280


● CC Colts ptgcccolts@gmail.com

● Chiltern Music Academy www.


● Football Club Tony Hurst 815839, ptgfctony@

btinternet.com, www.penntylersgreenfc.co.uk

● Guides & Brownies Sue Stephens 817436

● Hazlemere Youth Club Nikki Arnold 813364

● High Wycombe Croquet Club 858202 / www.


● Loudwater Bowls Club: Alan Tombs 481855

● Penn Pond Waders Golf: Bob Teuton 715915

● Penn Pond Ladies Golf Society Jane Frizoni


● Pennants Badminton Club (Tylers Green

Village Hall) Simon Major 07860 731494

● Scouts: Adrian & Heather Cooper 816505 &

Paul Wicks 815715, pennandtgscouts@gmail.com

● Seido Karate Stuart Wilson 717400

● Sports & Social Club 815346

● Table Tennis 815180

● Tennis Club Kate Noble ptgtennisclub@

gmail.com, www.clubspark.lta.org/PennTennis


Village Voice October/November 2021

Elected representatives

Members of Parliament;

For the (Chesham & Amersham constituency

which includes Penn) call 01494 673745

Steven Baker (High Wycombe constituency

includes Tylers Green) 01494 521777

Buckinghamshire Council Councillors

● Tylers Green & Loudwater

Katrina Wood 07827 820531 / katrinawood@


Steven Barrett 07478 441104 / steven.barrett@


Nathan Thomas 07484 696627 / nathan.


● Penn Wood & Old Amersham

Jonathan Waters 07966 037916 / Jonathan.


Mark Flyss 01494 431980 / mark.flyss@


Mark Dormer mark.dormer@buckinghamshire.


● Chepping Wycombe Parish Councillors for

Tylers Green (CWPC includes councillors for

Flackwell Heath & Loudwater)

Ian Forbes 816438 / Sharon Herron 07905

614133 / Katrina Wood 814848 / Haydn

Darch 813967 / Steven Barrett 07478 441104 /

Council clerk; Wendy Thompson 814600


● Penn Parish Councillors for Penn (Penn PC

includes councillors for Penn Street, Forty

Green, Winchmore Hill & Knotty Green.);

Mike Morley 816638 / Roy Bentham 813897 /

Council Clerk: Nicole Johnson 815458. www.

pennparish.org.uk email clerk@pennparish.


P&TG residents Society

Chair: Madalyn Roker 07774834615


Website; www.


Village Voice is owned and

published by the P & TG

Residents’ Society

is produced 6 times a year and delivered to

all houses in Penn & Tylers Green.


Cathy O’Leary 812064

Letters can be sent by post c/o Catbells, Kingswood

Avenue, Penn, Bucks. HP10 8DR or

email: vvoiceeditor@aol.com


Callum Hawes


Ruthie Pocock

e-mail: adverts@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


Gill Lynn 813219


Mike Morley 816638

email: vvsubs@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk

diSTribUTiOn & dELivErY

Ron Saunders 816237

Supported by an army of volunteers


Hilary Forbes 816438


Keith Hawes/ Scott Barrett


Turville Printing Services 520322

VV (both cover and insides) is printed on FSC Certified

Paper (Forest Stewardship Council) and contains 15%

post consumer recycled fibre.All products carrying the

FSC Logo have been independently certified as coming

from forests that meet the internationally recognised

FSC Principles and Criteria of Forest Stewardship.

To get your voice heard in Village Voice write to us with

any news, views, events or articles. Please send them

to voice@pennandtylersgreen.org.uk. Please be aware

that articles and contributions may be edited to

appear in the magazine and may also appear on www.

pennandtylersgreen.org.uk unless authors and

contributors request otherwise.

58 www.pennandtylersgreen.org.uk


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