GP document - Mindful Timekeeping

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A psychological perspective-

A study by Psychologist Philip Zimbardo

Dr. Philip Zimbardo along with author John

Boyd, documented their study on time perspectives

in the book The Time Paradox. [13] The

most striking finding according to them was

that no two people’s attitude towards time are

identical. The survey sample included

thousands of people from America and Europe

from children to people of age 94.

Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (1997) [14]

is a tool (questionnaire) used to determine

underlying time perspectives that is influencing

a person’s life and decision making.

The Time Perspective Theory was formulated

after the study. It states, Time Perspective is

the partitioning of our personal ongoing

experiences into time frames, time zones and

temporal categories automatically and

subconsciously. These frames depend and

vary between people depending on their

personal life experience. The factors that

influence this are culture, geography, climate,

social classes, nations, religious beliefs,

education, economic and social stability. It

affects their actions, perception and emotion.

They become biased by learned overuse of

some frames and under use of others.

The study concludes that there are five key

time perspectives or attitudes towards time.

And each individual have in part all, with a few

of them predominant over the others.

The five time perspectives are:

1. Past positive time perspective

2. Past negative time perspective

3. Present hedonistic time perspective

4. Present fatalistic time perspective

5. Future time perspective

Negative past and Present fatalistic

perspectives are negative processes while the

others are positive processes. The key is to

develop a balanced time perspective by

minimising the use of negative processes

Table 1.1 shows the traits associated with each

of these perspectives.

Apart from the first five time perspectives, they

also identified Holistic Present, as a time

perspective that is associated with meditative

practices. It reflects neither the pleasure

seeking of present hedonism nor the

cynicism and resignation of present fatalism. It

is a healthy perspective to have. It was not

included in the inventory initially as the

associated traits were unclear. A research was

deviced in 2017 to develop a scale to further

study this time perspective. [15] The study

reiterates Holistic Present as Expanded

Present Time Perspective.

According to the psychologist, being conscious

about the frames of references are advantageous.

These time perspectives influence individuals

thoughts, feelings, and actions. Being

aware of it will enable people to get more out

of life and help in altering time perspectives

that are not useful. An ideal balanced time

perspective was defined to be moderately high

past positive time perspective with moderate

future and present hedonistic perspectives.

An independent study conducted in 2019, validates

the claim that higher levels of mindfulness

promotes a more balanced time perspective

with a reduced focus on negative aspects

of past and negative anticipation of future.

National Institute of Design | Graduation Project | 2020


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