GP document - Mindful Timekeeping

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Key takeaways

from Vipassana


A retreat is an extrinsic motivator for

resetting lifestyle

Vipassana course acts as the much needed

extrinsic motivation to structure a healthy

lifestyle. During a 10 day course, one has to

strictly wake up at 4.00am every morning, eat

clean and less at set windows of time and

follow a very structured routine. The effects of

this lasts for a few months and with some care

can be sustained for longer.

Meditation acts as a keystone habit*

It brings structure to each day and has an

impact on other activities in the course of a


Body scanning is an exercise for mind

Our mind has the habit of constantly engaging

with fleeting thoughts and reacting to them by

generating emotion. This habit can put us in

emotionally difficult places at times.

Therefore body scanning meditation is an

exercise in which you train your mind to divert

the focus from thoughts in your mind to

sensations in your body. This also aids in

consciously training allocation of attention.

Vipassana also trains to catch distraction.

Importance of present

Present moment is an outcome of interaction

of :

Body- the sensations experienced by it, the

effect it has on our mind

Mind- the thoughts in the mind, emotions that

arise with it, the effect it has on the body (our

thoughts/emotions trigger an associated

sensation in the body).

Environment- Our physical and social


Consumption- Everything from the air we

breathe, the food we eat and everything our

senses consume.

Paying conscious attention to each of these

factors influencing the present is beneficial for

holistic understanding of an individuals being .

Practicing equanimity

According to the discourse, ‘if you crave for

positive experience/feeling/emotion, one

is bound to suffer while facing a negative

experience/feeling/ emotion’. What you feel

is fleeting, therefore its important to train the

mind to develop the faculty to be equanimous

and observe the experience/ emotion without

being reactive to it.

* Keystone habit is a term coined by author Charles Duhigg, in his book Power of Habits. It is defined as small changes or habits that people introduce to their

routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives. Eg: Exercise, sleep, prayer, making a donation etc.

National Institute of Design | Graduation Project | 2020


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