JHB North May 2021

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Garden tasks for May

• There is still time to plant Spring bulbs

If you have ordered tulips, plant them

as soon as possible after they arrive.

• Water Winter annuals at least once a

week and give them a weekly feed with

a liquid fertiliser to keep them flowering.

• Train climbing sweet peas up their

supports and check for aphids. Use an

organic insecticide or soapy water (but

not too strong a mixture).

• Trays of pansies, violas and primulas

can all still be planted out.

• Pelargoniums, succulents, cacti, ferns,

agapanthus, and day lilies can receive

less water but don’t let camellias and

azaleas dry out or their Spring flowers

will be affected.

• This is a good time to plant flowering

shrubs like abelia, buddleia, Cape

honeysuckle (Tecoma capensis),

Calliandra, escallonia, may (Spiraea),

Mackaya bella, and viburnum.

• If you are in a frost belt, stock up on frost

cloth and watch the weather report.

• Pot up some of your favourite

perennial herbs and pop them in a

sunny sheltered area.

• Go on a snail blitz and get rid of

snails that are overwintering in

old pots or among the clumps of

perennials. Put out snail bait or traps

to protect young seedlings.

We’re planting … Calibrachoa Cha-Cha

Diva Hot Pink, which is exactly

the kind of showstopper

that the name implies.

A great performer in

containers, hanging

baskets and in

sunny raised

garden beds,

which, for all its

star quality,

is a plant

that is really

easy to grow

and care for.

Plant it in


soil or good quality

potting soil, water

regularly (especially containers) and fertilise

once or twice a month to keep up the quality of

flowers. Containers and baskets do best with

morning sun. Details: ballstraathof.co.za

Veggie of the month - broad beans

One of the easiest Winter crops to grow is broad beans, and

it likes the cold, which encourages it to set pods.

Broad beans are sturdy upright growing plants, about 1m

high, which are rarely bothered by pests or diseases. From

seed sown in May you should be able to start harvesting

from the end of July or early August through to late

September or October.

They may be easy, but they’re heavy feeders, needing wellcomposted

soil with additional fertiliser (2:3:2 or 3:1:5). And

while they grow in all kinds of soil, they do need full sun and

shelter from the wind.

Sow seeds directly into the soil where the plants are to

mature, keep them moist during germination and then

water regularly once the seedlings have germinated. As they

grow, the plants will need to be staked.

Beans should be ready for harvesting within 12 to 16 weeks.

The pods are ready for picking when they have filled out

and before they burst open.

Fresh beans have a delicious earthy flavour that fits in well

with Winter cooking, in stews, casseroles and soup. And

being a legume, the broad bean is an excellent source of

high-quality plant protein.

May 21 Get It Magazine 29

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