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Sarah Jo


“Never in a million years would

I have thought that I'd be a


I graduated from UWI with a Bachelor's Degree

in Visual Arts - Fine Arts, which focuses on

drawing, painting, sculpting, installation with a

focus on contemporary/modern art.

Being unemployed during my full-time art degree

inspired me to create a means of gaining some

money "in the mean time". I didn't even know

how to sew but grew up in a house with a sewing

machine. I tried sewing by accident (stitching a

ripped dress), got the hang of it, looked at some

YouTube videos on basic bag making and

decided to create my own design. I created a

few items and decided to take the step of

entering a market. The response was amazing

even with my then basic/simple designs.

Everything I have stated so far is positive and in

alignment with where I'm suppose to be but don't

get me wrong I have my days (alot) where I fall

short, I feel like quiting, I'm not consistent, everything

is very overwhelming. One thing I keep reminding

myself though is that I'm only human and I'm trying

my best. My goal is to continue trying my best even

when I don't feel my best. Thank You guys for the

support thus far .




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